InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

@Agemon mentioned he might do a recap of his grows come October, which inspired me to put together a harvest spreadsheet today. I went though all my jars and went back through my journals, and made note of the plant, harvest date, veg time (with seeds), flip days, and total weights.

Not counting the two huge plants I lost to fusarium wilt (one of which I did bring to harvest and used for topical oil), I have harvested 19 plants in the last two years. Total weight was 61.6 ounces. For those reaching for your calculators, that's 3.3 ounces per plant, which doesn't sound all that great until you remember there were a lot of small auto flowers and spogs®.

If we break it out by photos and autos, it comes out to:
12 autos for a total of 25.6 oz or 2.1 ounces/plant including the spogs®
7 photos for a total of 36 ounces or 5.1 ounces/plant

Is that more respectable?


Norcali is exempt for obvious reasons. :thedoubletake:
Of course, but he won't even know he's exempt because he doesn't read! :cheesygrinsmiley:
#passedthetest :nerd-with-glasses:
Of course you did! #nodoubt
Hey Shed! Those trich shots are good enough! Looks like you're in for a good harvest this coming weekend!
Thanks irie! Looking forward to putting that one to bed...vegged for 181 days and I'm tired of carrying it for sure.
Other than a little bud rot and mildew your plants are looking fantastic. Got to get some of that Cali sunshine up here in the great white north.
You get plenty of sunshine up there Homer (and longer days to be sure), you're just not growing in it! Thanks for checking in. :)
Girls are looking nice shed.... I need to see how you trim for air flow, my bb gum is quite full now.
I'll be sure to get before and after pics next week for you!
IIP has turned into a bit of a monster, which I kind of expected and why I tried to keep it low. I hope it stops stretching soon
I enjoy an occasional monster - except when it's time to trim. Your IIP is a stunner. The bigger the better, I say! Your other plants are looking great too.
And to make sure you have read this entire thing, I'm going to request down here that you not quote this whole post when you reply,
I was so tempted... but maturity won out - this time. :cheesygrinsmiley:
If we break it out by photos and autos, it comes out to:
12 autos for a total of 25.6 oz or 2.1 ounces/plant including the spogs®
7 photos for a total of 36 ounces or 5.1 ounces/plant
Is that more respectable?
I'd say it's VERY respectable!
I enjoy an occasional monster - except when it's time to trim. Your IIP is a stunner. The bigger the better, I say! Your other plants are looking great too.
Bigger is better until you need to move it through a 30" door frame twice a day after Sept 21st! Not to mention 10 gallons soaking wet...
I was so tempted... but maturity won out - this time.
Well done :).
I'd say it's VERY respectable!
Heya Shed, most everything is looking good for ya... is there anything that can be done about the bud-rot that you pointed out? Looking good.
I've been spraying them with something @bobrown14 recommended here a while back called Southern Ag Garden Friendly Fungicide. It didn't prevent the mold to begin with (I may have waited too long to start though), but it seems to stop it from taking over the rest of the bud. I'm leaving those buds on to check the progression straight through harvest this weekend.

The other option is to cut out the rot with good margins and hope the spores haven't spread. Or you could do both cut and spray for the best possible outcome.

I have something in mind for those buds anyway...part of a little science experiment.
I am!

I just threw up in my mouth a little. That's some nasty water.

So Shed, is the MC with the dark balls the 2.0 or the older version? I'm confused.
For those who missed the weekend update this morning, it's here!
I read to the bottom but thought i would include it here where it says "it's here". Nice looking garden Shed. Looks to be doing good except the bud rot. Hope bobrown has ya fixed up. Don't need to lose any more of her or others. I don't see how ya do it in that high humidity but you get it done nicely. Great job my friend.
Bigger is better until you need to move it through a 30" door frame twice a day after Sept 21st! Not to mention 10 gallons soaking wet...
Did I ever tell you about the time I had to carry thorn bushes to my Uncle's place in the middle of summer?
Did I ever tell you about the time I had to carry thorn bushes to my Uncle's place in the middle of summer, naked?
I fixed that for ya big bro. No need to thank me.
Highya ITS,

I wouldn't waste the time to watch "The Big Lebowski". I tried to watch it, and couldn't get to the second half hour. I also tried to watch several star wars movies. Couldn't stay with it. I like tacky movies (Leslie Neilson). But yeah, any movie/movies aren't for everyone! Cheers

Blasphemous! An incredibly well written movie, with no purpose, other than to entertain. Classic characters with excellent dialogue that has some of the greatest quotable scenes. Larry’s homework scene, the sheriff of Malibu, and Jesus Quinanta in the bowling alley.

I will admit that I am biased. My name was taken from one of those classic scenes. Little Lebowski Urban Achievers. It is an acquired taste perhaps.
I needed a good laugh
Timing is everything in comedy :).
Ha, I can do better than that, I'm not quoting anything you said.
Nice update. OK back to reading.
Thank you kindly MrS!
I read to the bottom but thought i would include it here where it says "it's here". Nice looking garden Shed. Looks to be doing good except the bud rot. Hope bobrown has ya fixed up. Don't need to lose any more of her or others. I don't see how ya do it in that high humidity but you get it done nicely. Great job my friend.
Thanks Derby! I'm thinking the Bedroom Cookies strain may not be happy in my backyard, but the Berry Bomb has fatter colas and not a spot of mold (yet :rolleyes: ). I did read that BeBo is mold resistant, so that would definitely make it more suitable.
Did I ever tell you about the time I had to carry thorn bushes to my Uncle's place in the middle of summer?
I fixed that for ya big bro. No need to thank me.
I'm sure I read that story in Canadian Garden Monthly, but of course they edited out the naked bits :(.
Blasphemous. An incredibly well written movie, with no purpose, other than to entertain.
Well I know you're catching up because that was only 11 days ago UA! I have not taken the Big Lebowski off my list of things to see eventually, so don't despair.
Blasphemous! An incredibly well written movie, with no purpose, other than to entertain. Classic characters with excellent dialogue that has some of the greatest quotable scenes. Larry’s homework scene, the sheriff of Malibu, and Jesus Quinanta in the bowling alley.

I will admit that I am biased. My name was taken from one of those classic scenes. Little Lebowski Urban Achievers. It is an acquired taste perhaps.
Have you ever tried the Lebowski challenge? Whenever the Dude had a Caucasian or a joint you have to match him. It's not pretty.
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