InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I grew the Green Doc

Still have some

Really nice med, but high on the THC for what I was looking for at first, was one of my early grows

Was a great plant though
I grew the Green Doc

Still have some

Really nice med, but high on the THC for what I was looking for at first, was one of my early grows

Was a great plant though
Ahh yeah I read what you had to say about it in your perpetual journal. Scrolled through about thirty pages and didn’t find a pic of her though. Remember any traits about how she grew?
I’ve cultivated Super Lemon Haze more than any other strain ive run to date so I’m prepared for that aspect of her at least :laugh:
Alright alright! Sweet update Shed!
Thanks AW!
Almost and indoor growers issue
It is an indoor grower issue, which is one of the reasons I don't want to be an indoor grower! Come on warmer nights so I can get rid of the tent!
Sorry Shed but by 6:30 all my morning chores are done and I'm already ay work for 1/2 hour. On the weekend chores are done and breakfast is on the table.
Nice job on the harvest my friend. Oh and the new drying box looks to be a great addition.
You start a heck of a lot earlier than I do! Thanks Derby :).
No such thing!
My Candida didn't produce huge colas or get really bunched up like Laughing Buddha or Jolene. My CD1 seemed to be really leggy with a bunch of golf balls.
I think you're set up for a perfect run with the structure of your girls.
I was just thinking that maybe the PC would have been less fluffy if I had trimmed it down to 16 stems instead of all the skinny ones on there. The CD-1s look similar which is making me nervous.
Happy harvest day Shed. Best days ever.
Thanks otter! Two down and one to go :thumb:
Awesome update and harvest Shed! sG turned out great and looks to be some good meds! Keep it up and I hope your well rested for the week ahead!
A weekend with two naps is the best weekend you can have! Thank you Dutch :).
Wow, two big harvests down, congrats Shed! You’re running out of big plants to schlep, how are you gonna get your workout??
Glad your daughter made it back safe :love:
I gave the Candidas 1.5 gallons each yesterday to make them heavier...have no fear for my workout ;).
Will be nice to see that pipe take form.
Great harvest Shed! I’m excited to see you make this pipe!
Great harvest day update, Shed!
Me too!
Just waiting for the trunks to dry out and then I'll be ready to go! Thanks again for the tutorial BL :). Time to dig the power tools out of the shed!
Really nice harvest Shed! I'm going to make an attempt at one of those pipes too, so I'll be watching that closely.
Thanks MoN! But don't watch me...just go with BeezLuiz's tutorial. I'm sure mine will be a cheap imitation :).


Short Monday update...let's just take a look at a couple of AK-47s. Here is the big one. I took most of the fading fans off it to make the trim a bit faster next weekend, and I'll take more later this week:

And its cutting, out from the shadows of the CFL and into the sun for more hardening off: the next AK in line.

Shape look familiar? It's been in that pot for a while so next weekend I'll slide it out and take a peek at the roots, as well as clean it up for the next stage of growth.

In drying news, the incredibly low RH sucked all the moisture out of the Peyote Critical, so I took the buds off the stems this morning (they just broke off...barely needed the scissors for any of them) and put them in jars. They're sitting at 56% in there now so I'll be doing a rehydrate tonight if they're still below 60%.

The Sour G is drying faster than I want as well. Why is it the Santa Ana's only blow in when I harvest? We can have 4 solid months of RH in the 60-90s except when I chop. Same thing happened with the last AK. :grrr:

Anyway, that's all for me. Welcome to the working week! :peace:
I would just take any leaf that was blocking a budsite. I never do a heavy defol on my autos.

Thanks Shed, I wasn't gonna go hog wild like last time, just a nip here tuck there. I asked b/c there's gotta be some bud sites underneath the green dome. I'll start with the blockers.

Just driving thru,,, Congratulations on the cut......

Pretty soon there for the outdoors... But then I'm way behind there.........
In drying news, the incredibly low RH sucked all the moisture out of the Peyote Critical, so I took the buds off the stems this morning (they just broke off...barely needed the scissors for any of them) and put them in jars. They're sitting at 56% in there now so I'll be doing a rehydrate tonight if they're still below 60%.
I could use some advice brother Shed cause those same winds have my Durban buds at 50%RH in the jars :(
I’m a sad panda

Edit: Also I get those same dead leaves under the canopy of my AK47 that your “next” one is showing. Is that because she is so leafy that light doesn’t penetrate you think?
Well AW...I can tell you what I'm going to do when I get home if they haven't budged from 56%. I get a big plastic storage tub, dump all the buds in a long pyrex baking dish and put that on one side of the tub. On the other side I put a large bowl and fill it with boiling water. Then I close the lid for a while while it steams up. After about 10 minutes, I take the bowl out and just leave the buds in there for another hour or so. Then take them out, close the lid of the bin, and put the buds in a jar with a meter and see where they settle out after a couple of hours. Not at 62%? Repeat as needed!
Well AW...I can tell you what I'm going to do when I get home if they haven't budged from 56%. I get a big plastic storage tub, dump all the buds in a long pyrex backing dish and put that on one side of the tub. On the other side I put a large bowl and fill it with boiling water. Then I close the lid for a while while it steams up. After about 10 minutes, I take the bowl out and just leave the buds in there for another hour or so. Then take them out, close the lid of the bin, and put the buds in a jar with a meter and see where they settle out after a couple of hours. Not at 62%? Repeat as needed!
It shall be done
Hey Shed you might not have seen my edit in my earlier post about your “next” ak47. I get those same dead leaves under her canopy. Is it a lack of light cause she’s so leafy?
If it was under the florescent tubes then probably. Mine was under the CFL for the last couple of months.
Okay... the yellowing of leaves below the canopy was one of the symptoms of aphids. I might’ve imagined my aphid scare a couple weeks back. I never really identified the bug. I just saw bug + yellowing leaves =aphids
I thought I had thrips and Pt said it was aphids. I'm pretty sure I have thrips as well somewhere. Either way...neem in veg, spinosad, iso, and castille soap in flower.
Yep on it!:thanks:
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