InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Afternoon Shed.

There once were two men who tidied the house
Toiling and tweaking
Hoping to please the spouse
She arrived at home
Had nothing to do
But smoke a bone
Good deeds behind
No thoughts to grouse
Nicely done! I always appreciate a fellow poet. :high-five:

I love it, just figured it out.
:welcome: to my journal BLD! Pull up a seating implement of some sort or DIY your own (there's a lot of DIY here).

Now that you've figured it out can you explain it to the rest of us? I haven't a clue :).
Okay screw cleaning for now...Sunday update!

Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day and the plants got about 7½ hours of direct sunlight before they retired to their nighttime homes. Here are the big three...

Peyote Critical:


Sour G:

I figured out why the PC needs water more's in ProMix HP and the other two are in soil...duh! I watered the PC and the AK yesterday and I'm out of Big Bloom, so they each got a gallon of:
½ tsp pro-tekt
6ml cal-mag+
½ tsp Grow Big
2 tsp Tiger Bloom

TDS was around 1000 and I'm not seeing any browning of the tips. so they are happy here. Sour G is not showing any stress being that close to the 270w lights so I like @Graytail's idea that more food was the answer to the yellowing.

I did some supercropping on the PC to keep the runaways in check. Yes, I supercrop in flower. Here is one I did a few days ago that I thought wouldn't recover. I taped it straight because it really cracked, but it sagged anyway and now looks like this:

Great recovery and heading north again.

Here is one I did today and you can see where I used a paperclip with binder clips on the other end to keep it down:

As long as I have you and it's a weekend, let's look at the Candidas...



And let's stay on the topic of supercropping, since I do it so much. You may remember that I bent some stems into the spaces along the edge of the pot, angling in a counterclockwise direction. Well, they don't always stay where we want them, so I use twist ties to attach them back to the center of the plant:

Both Candidas got watered this weekend, still around ½ gallon each, and I'm using 4g/gallon of MegaCrop with nothing else. They seem to be happy with that. And I remembered to measure the was 487 PPM. Someone asked me for that and I can't remember who...@Dutchman1990 ?

Sorry for the photo-overload, but I hope each pic told a different story. Enjoy the rest of the weekend all!
That’s no photo overload - cant get enough! And they do all tell a story :)

The big 3 look fantastic man! Rocking the new light :slide: (please remind me how many diodes you have there).

Candidas are looking better hey! Still wiggly - mine had that intermittently. Ive wonderedn this last week if they don’t like drying out the way most plants I’ve grown have liked it. I’ve noticed this week there has been less wiggly drooping and I’ve been keeping it wet down deep as much as possible. I’m in the ground outside tho - so any comparisons are probably to flawed to mean anything. In any case they look happier than last time you showed us :D
Do what Norcaliwood and MadDab do and look at the pictures if you just want the plant info :).
Ya I look for your official update so I can recap then some posts when time permits
(please remind me how many diodes you have there).
Thanks Amy! It's tough to tell about the dryness because they went from 1 gallon to 10 gallon pots so I'm doing my level best not to over water them.

My SI-B8UZ91B20WW strips are 288 diodes per strip if I figured it correctly. I've got 13 strips on a 2'x4' frame, or 3,744 total, or 468 diodes/sf. If that's a thing, and if I have the number right to start! It maxes out at 383 watts.
Ya I look for your official update so I can recap then some posts when time permits
However you do it it's always nice to see your smiling face Them!
Nice update Shed! Plants are looking really good.
Thank you MoN. I feel like I haven't seen you in a while! I hope the Appleberry clone is a stunning as its mother at that age :).
Speaking of which, great update! Plants look killer man. I did a bend on mine and it popped right back. Maybe I'll try again... with a paperclip to hold her down? or maybe I'm being too gentle? Perhaps both. Well rain sun or clouds its gotta be warmer than here!I'm thinking Hawaii next year around this time of year or cali???? I'm craving beach :surf:
Thanks MrS! The sun should be out most of this week but the temps are not conducive to good growth.

Gonna have to rely on radiant heat.
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