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That's exactly where I am at now. The trichs are small on my PE auto and I know it's getting close, but hard to tell. Sometimes I feel biased and think it's ready, but my patience says it's not

Is it still pushing pistils? This one stopped doing so for about a week, and then 2 days ago pushed out a few fresh ones.

I’ve seen Graytail post about ripening and cycles of harvest windows. If I’d left it, it may have gone into another little growth period and bulked up some more. I was ready to take it tho’, and there was plenty amber showing.

If yours hasn’t drunk much the last 10 days either, then maybe it’s ready ...
I know, right. Lol
Magoo isn't gonna flush anyway...HB!
IKR! That was the biggest bummer about missing the timing on this one I harvested today - it got a heap of rain that it never dried out from and I wasn’t able to get it the finishing drench at all. It’s tricky outside to get a handle on how much plants are drinking when there’s rain around, so I didnt really notice until right at the end.
Is it still pushing pistils? This one stopped doing so for about a week, and then 2 days ago pushed out a few fresh ones.

I’ve seen Graytail post about ripening and cycles of harvest windows. If I’d left it, it may have gone into another little growth period and bulked up some more. I was ready to take it tho’, and there was plenty amber showing.

If yours hasn’t drunk much the last 10 days either, then maybe it’s ready ...
No, in fact the pistils are mostly dark now but not really forming back into the bud yet. I'm sure it has another week. It has just been the last week. Normally fed 4L every two days (5gal pots) and now it's about 3L. Today was feeding day but the pot felt pretty heavy, so it can go another day. Most likely now 4L every 3 days. Still drinking, just slowing down.
Get a loupe on that sucker!

IKR! That was the biggest bummer about missing the timing on this one I harvested today - it got a heap of rain that it never dried out from and I wasn’t able to get it the finishing drench at all. It’s tricky outside to get a handle on how much plants are drinking when there’s rain around, so I didnt really notice until right at the end.
Can't do that wet/dry thang outside so it's a completely different mindset.
Get a loupe on that sucker!
Well I have, every night. The trichs are small and harder to see. BUt I have lots of cloudy ones, some clear, and no ambers. I'm having a hard time with the ambers anyhow picking them out. The WW the trichs were huge and bountiful. It was easy to see the ambers.
I'll get some pics up tomorrow. I have to leave for the evening now.
It's gotta be hard to do the drench thing then. I wonder if a different type of organic is better outside where you are. Rainwater only.

Since our summers get no rain it would be easier to do HB outside here.

Doing the drenches isn’t so hard, and i’ll Get better at it. Ive experimented a bit with drenching during and either side of rains so I’m getting the hang of it for the raised bed. Applying the drench after rains works really well :thumb: Only bugger with rain is if it comes when you don’t want it - like when they’re drying out in veg and then during flower. The plants are much more forgiving to lots of water outside during veg tho :)
Well the drenches are just applied when the plant needs a drink, and alternated with plain water on between. I don’t do it on a schedule as such, although come flower I may try to a little bit, but again it’s depending on the weather, how fast plants are drinking etc.

The instructions do make it look like the timing is rigid - but actually the ‘calendar’ on there just marks out the pattern of events to follow. The timing is totally dependent on the plants’ needs.
Well I thought of it once when I saw doc recommend someone give a plant a big flush (cause something had gone wrong - it was a few years ago, the post, I can’t remember the actual scenario)... and then “chase” the plain water flush with a nice hearty Drench. So I figured “chasing” the rains would work :).
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