InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Sunday greetings and time for the how-the-heck-did-my-journal-get-to-the-middle-of-page-three update!

Let's start by talking about yesterday, when I passed along all of my clones in soil except for two. That was one AK-47 and six Sour Gs! I even gave away the Sour G I was going to keep because I still have one in the cloninator that I'll be putting in soil in the next week or so, and this member had an empty tent and room outside as well. Here is what I have left of the small ones:

Back row is AK, Candida, Candida. Front is Sour G, AK-47. Those front two are going to another member in January, at a meetup we're doing in Orange County with a member from San Diego, who is going to get a couple of plants from the cloninator (he runs hempy so they will transplant well).

Moving on, here is the quadlined Peyote Critical, looking pretty bushy and not very quaddy!

I have to keep bending down the inner growth as it's outpacing the mains.

Since it never appears in pics, here is the AK-47 that I'll flower sometime in January (along with the Sour G and maybe the PC as well):

This plant has been living in the bike shed under a 23w CFL at night, with temperatures as low as 42ºF. It seems okay to me!

Speaking of the cold, I have a radiant dish heater in the shed at the moment, which draws about 890 watts when it's on. So I've turned the hot tub down to 99º to keep from tripping the breaker. I turn the heater off when I go to sleep, but when it's on it keeps the shed around 66º, so I'm thinking a radiant heater is probably the best bet. Home Depot didn't have one in stock so I'll order one online and have them ship it to the store. They're 1500 watts so I will only run it when the lights and the hot tub are off, and it should keep the shed warm longer than when I unplug the dish heater.

Last pic is of the FIM on Candida w'tap:

Can anyone tell if I FIM'd or FIMTFIM'd?

I tried out my new Lux meter today. I may not get many hours of direct sun, but even on December 30th at 10:30am I'm getting 123,600 lux. According to the conversion calculators online, that's 2,286.6 PPFD (at 6500K daylight).

So I brought it into the shed and set the strips at 20" (which is further away than they currently are but it seemed like a nice round number). Here are the numbers at 180 watts:
Near edge: 16,400 lux or 239.01 PPFD
1/3 of the way in: 22,400 lux or 326.45 PPFD
Dead center: 25,900 lux or 377.46 PPFD

Getting time to bump the wattage on the strips, but I have this damn heater business I have to deal with first. We're having a cold was 56º in the house this morning!

I hope you're all getting ready for Dutch's New Year's Edible Eve party tomorrow night :).
So all in all what’s your thoughts on that lux meter? Decent purchase?

And edibles are coming out later this evening drinkin has started Party on Shed!

Thanks Dutch! 2019 will see some big changes for you so plan ahead...for another 100 people at your wedding.

I was thinking at least another 420 people!
You get as many as you pay for!

That lux meter is pretty useful for me...for example: the clouds started to roll in around 2:30 and the lux meter told me to move them in the shed. If I had a tent I'd use it to get the best distance to the canopy and maximize penetration to the lowers. In the shed I can only measure the front half so I have to eyeball the distance to BT2 in the back. I have the frame angled because the Sour G is taller so I can raise that end and lower it over the BT.

I turned the wattage up to 190 for the record.
Happy new year's shed
here's a pic of the blue cookies Stu gave me ( thumbs up Stu ) after some topping & cutting


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Happy new year's shed
here's a pic of the blue cookies Stu gave me ( thumbs up Stu ) after some topping & cutting
Happy New Year to you Brewster!

A couple of things:
Structure looks good but don't slice open Cat5 cable to use for ties. They're too thin and can cut your stems as they grow. Use pipe cleaners or plant ties from the hardware store. And grab the stems a little further in so you're not tying too close to the new growth.

Also, don't take off so many fans. Tuck at this stage because the plant needs them to grow. You could easily tuck the ones you took to uncover the newer growth.

I think it's going to do well for you as it gets bigger. When is it due for a transplant?
Happy New Year to you Brewster!

A couple of things:
Structure looks good but don't slice open Cat5 cable to use for ties. They're too thin and can cut your stems as they grow. Use pipe cleaners or plant ties from the hardware store. And grab the stems a little further in so you're not tying too close to the new growth.

Also, don't take off so many fans. Tuck at this stage because the plant needs them to grow. You could easily tuck the ones you took to uncover the newer growth.

I think it's going to do well for you as it gets bigger. When is it due for a transplant?

I just cut some of the fans before the pic & cat 5 cable never had problems before
have the wires at the tips to push out new growth
couple clone I took , 1 of the smaller ones had roots on after 7days, so washed & started a small hydro
edit don't see any roots out the bottom yet but maybe in a week or so


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Placement of the wires doesn't determine the growth
so your saying if I place the wire like this pic what I was doing for a few hours at a time it will not sent out new growth down the stem


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It's where the branch is that matters, not where the wire is. Flatten the branch without pulling at the very tips where the growth is most fragile.
The branches are already flattened there is very little strain on it
by holding the growing tip closed it is acting like topping or FIMing
the plant has to grow some where if it can't grow out the tips
68,616 @ 3000K = 1000 PPFD.

Or did you mean do they sell them at Target?
:laugh: You’re too funny Shed ...

Thanks for the info - need to go back and see what meter you bought. One of those might just save me a lot of wondering... and figuring... and wondering some more...

Was it very spendy? Sorry if I’ve asked that before, I forget things like that :) (I have a mind like a steel trap for other kinds of things!)
:laugh: You’re too funny Shed ...

Thanks for the info - need to go back and see what meter you bought. One of those might just save me a lot of wondering... and figuring... and wondering some more...

Was it very spendy? Sorry if I’ve asked that before, I forget things like that :) (I have a mind like a steel trap for other kinds of things!)

I've got a Urceri Light Meter I got off Amazon for $19.99. it seems to work fine. It's one piece whereas some of the others, the measuring portion and display are separate so you can read the display easier while holding the measuring part under the light.
The branches are already flattened there is very little strain on it
by holding the growing tip closed it is acting like topping or FIMing
the plant has to grow some where if it can't grow out the tips
All you need to do to encourage inside growth is to get the outside ends lower than the inside growth. Closing the top restricts light and air and can cause the leaves to die and the plant to think there is no more end, meaning you might as well have topped that end. Same reason you don't leave a ponytail in place for more than 3 or 4 hours. Why do that when it's completely unnecessary?
:laugh: You’re too funny Shed ...
Thanks for the info - need to go back and see what meter you bought. One of those might just save me a lot of wondering... and figuring... and wondering some more...
Was it very spendy? Sorry if I’ve asked that before, I forget things like that :) (I have a mind like a steel trap for other kinds of things!)
I think it was $32 US, but they made a cheaper model that was less precise and had a lower top-end reading. I thought it was worth the extra $10 or so to get the better model.
I've got a Urceri Light Meter I got off Amazon for $19.99. it seems to work fine. It's one piece whereas some of the others, the measuring portion and display are separate so you can read the display easier while holding the measuring part under the light.
I saw one like that but thought the separate measuring portion would make it easier to reach into the canopy and still see the readout...and it does!

Welcome to 2019 all!
I saw one like that but thought the separate measuring portion would make it easier to reach into the canopy and still see the readout...and it does!

Welcome to 2019 all!

Truth. To measure the center of the light I find myself looking from above the fixture, through the heatsinks/strips. I was too cheap to spend the extra $12 to get the 2 piece unit. I had enough Amazon rewards points to get it free. Had I upgraded I would have had to come out of pocket. Not a huge deal, but 2 piece unit would be more convenient.
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