InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Damn underglazes!

You don't seem mad to me!

Thanks P! Messy but meditative when throwing. For me anyway. I find the glazing part annoyingly imprecise which is probably why I haven't done it for two years :oops:.

A camel is a horse designed by committee ;).

Discrete until you light it ;).


Friday update!

Let's start with the Candidas on day 2. C2 has a tap root but 1 does not, and I didn't have time this morning to pot them so that's tonight's project. I already got the Mykos out of the shed so that's step 1 :yahoo:. Next step it to remember to use it...

Next up is the Peyote Critical Quadline on day 53 (@Kismet wanted to see this):

I added the barbecue skewer to one branch because it had some curves in it and the asymmetry bugged me!

And last for today is the Blue Treacle Auto 2 on day 57. Here it is from the top:

Side view:

And the apical cola at 11:30 in the overhead pic above.

Everything is coming along nicely on this plant so far. :slide:

I'll probably take down BT1 tomorrow (on day 84) once I get a look at the trichomes in the morning. Hardly any smell on that at all. My non-flowering AK-47 smells way more than that BT.

That's the news from the garden. I hope all is well in yours. Got to catch up on some work and then off to see what y'all are up to.


Everything looking lush green! Pleasure for my eyes!
Evening Shed that's the first look I've got at your garden, it is indeed good and green. Wish I had space to have plants at different stages like that. Nice.
How's your old man doing after his tumble?
I'm managing to keep up so far, but this thread moves at some pace :).
Glad you had a chance to see what's happening here PD! Apologies for the rapid clip in this thread (ITT as it's abbreviated) but we all have a lot to talk about on a lot of different subjects! Just added pottery yesterday to the list :).

As long as the sun is above us I'll be able to swing the various stages at the same time. I should have my Samsung strip build done in the next couple of weeks so that should help with the rainy days and some added lux at night. And if my Blue Treacle 2 runs the same number of days as BT1 it's coming down right around Christmas, so I can flip the AK and Sour G in the shed at night starting on New Year's Day. Then the new light takes a break and the smaller plants will go in the bike shed under the MarsHydro 300 at night. I'm trying to come up with another option for a place to flip the AK and Sour G so I can keep using the Samsungs though. We'll see...

My dad was absolutely fine the following morning so it's another mystery never to be solved :thumb:.
I e seen two batches of oil run through bud but never two infusions of bud into oil. Hmm.
I over maxed out the MB2 twice using the same oil. Actually put 2(3oz's) per 5 cups with pumpkin seed oil. Had to add a little oil second run due to oil left in dregs.:circle-of-love:Great stuff.:Namaste:
I over maxed out the MB2 twice using the same oil. Actually put 2(3oz's) per 5 cups with pumpkin seed oil. Had to add a little oil second run due to oil left in dregs.:circle-of-love:Great stuff.:Namaste:
Just thinking I need like 3 OZ in 1 cup of oil to get the mg I want.
Go Candida!
:D :thumb: And hey, speaking of Candida, mine had/has that little kink in one of the cotyledons as well, just like these ones, Shed. How wild to see that’s a genetic feature, I’d have been dubious if someone had said that to me before I saw these ones. Did yours have that newty do ya remember?
I went back to see if I had a pic of baby Joan
Looking awsome in the shed :thumb:
Glad to hear your dad is having no problems:love:.
I spoke with mine over messenger yesterday (he is 79) realising he is getting older the dementia is starting to show)
I decided to cut down and quit smoking cigs today.
Created a community thread for support.
Together we can do it!
If anyone want to join, the link is in my signature.
:hmmmm: opps forgot I was catching up and input bygone conversation.:Namaste:
Don't sweat it dynamo! It was just Thursday. I've had some folks pull stuff from a month ago :).
Not for jellies, I infuse in avacado oil for jellies because I like the taste better.
Update looks great Shed! Go Candida!
Go go go! Too tired to plant them tonight but first thing tomorrow they're going into solo cups in the SUN!
:D:thumb: And hey, speaking of Candida, mine had/has that little kink in one of the cotyledons as well, just like these ones, Shed. How wild to see that’s a genetic feature, I’d have been dubious if someone had said that to me before I saw these ones. Did yours have that newty do ya remember?
Didn't even notice that until you mentioned it. If yours and mine and newty's did that it must be a thing!
I decided to cut down and quit smoking cigs today.
Created a community thread for support.
Together we can do it!
If anyone want to join, the link is in my signature.
That's amazing news! Whatever we can do to help you know we're here for you. Figure out what your triggers are (beyond the nicotine craving) and try to find a substitute action for each one. Make a list, keep a list, make new habits.:hug:
Shed congrats on MOTM
Thank you so much AB! I didn't think I had a chance with you and newty in there :oops:.
Congrats on the MOTM bud. Well deserved
Thanks UA!
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