InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Yeah... Amy band is still playing and birds singing....
And the skies are blue!
Congrats shed in motm
I am glad it was you that won. Your a good man im happy for you . Keep that heart gold buddy
Thanks Joe. You're a sweetheart!
That was a tough vote with the names they put up there. Congratulations on beating out probably the toughest competition of the contest yet.
Thanks Sam! I was surprised I was nominated and - with that competition - more surprised I won!
MOTM wow! Well deserved pal you sure do make a huge impact here on the 420mag and have a wealth of information for us beginners to soak up!
Thanks for all you do!
Thank you Dutch! I truly enjoy being here and I can tell you do too :thumb:
Congratulations you facilitator
Congrats on the win brother!
Thanks P! Congrats on your PicOTM as well :goodjob:.
Congrats main mentor
Stahp! :battingeyelashes: No...tell me more ;). You're help here is greatly appreciated #forcedfriend.
Congrats on MotM Shed!
Thanks Penny!
Congrats old wise one. A most deserving win for MotM.
I appreciate that Derby. Thanks!
Congrats on MotM Shed, well deserved
Thanks PD! I'll link you in when I get the spog® journal'll be featured :).
You have been very busy to keep up with the community. Congrats...
I do what I can :cool:. Thanks Advocate!
Hey Shed, thank you for doing all the things that make people want to vote for you... congrats on the MotM!
How sweet! Thanks MoN.
Congrats Shed! You won the first price! :)
Thanks Crazy! That J is for everyone here. :thanks:
OK, we will be here smoking your first prize :)
As well you should. I like to share :thumb:.
Congratulations Shed! MOTM with some seriously tough competition. Well done sir!!! I’m very happy for you and it’s well deserved! :high-five:
Do they do a member of the year in December?
Thanks Double H! They do MOTY in January as AB said. That way they can include all 12 months of the previous year.
Grats Shed on MOTM. Well deserved, obviously, and I think we are all better for having you in our lives brother.
Glad to have you along AW. Thanks! I still want you to make room for some of these little'ns I have growing...
He deserves that one. ;)
I think he needs help from us to finish that one off. :ganjamon:
Puff away gang! Share the harvests :).
Question regarding higher concentrations in oil. Can't you just add alcohol like everclear or extractol to the mix and let it evaporate/cook down during the infusion process? There is no open flame with things like the MB machine so the risk of blowing things up isn't unmanageable.
I'm not sure whether the alcohol would dissolve the trichomes when mixed in with the oil the way it does with QWET though.

If you have access to high-proof alcohol, QWET would be the way to start if you need to get really concentrated resin. You could then dissolve that in oil to basically any dilution you want. We can't buy Everclear in CA and where you can, it becomes an expensive proposition if you do it often (without a distiller - also expensive - to recapture the evaporating alcohol).

When cannabinoid testing becomes cheaper and more easily accessed I'm sure someone here will try it and see if it works!
Sheesh Shed! Yer having a spectacular contest year, wot? :p

Got a worthy nug for December? That'd give you one of each, including 2 MOTMs? :rofl:

Kickin azz! :thumb:
Sheesh Shed! Yer having a spectacular contest year, wot? :p
Got a worthy nug for December? That'd give you one of each, including 2 MOTMs? :rofl:
Kickin azz! :thumb:
Thanks Graytail! I've never found my nugs much to look at. They all look the same to me. Maybe I'll get my son to pick one. ;)
I was going to send in my Candida until I realized how much they want for testing! A whole oz of weed! Whaaaa I need a lab or a bro with a lab
Oof! When I get mine to harvest I'll have to start looking around for some place with less of a commitment o_O
Saturday update y'all! I don't normally do huge photo dumps but since it's harvest AND planting day, it seems kinda necessary.

Babies first...

I planted the two Candidas in Solo cups. One of them had a tap root:

The other did not, but had roots coming out the side of the peat:

So I labeled them as "no tap" and "with tap." They will be known as CDNT and CDWT going forward! Yes, I remembered to add the Mykos :).

That wasn't too many pics, was it? But wait...since I harvested/chopped/cut down Blue Treacle auto 1 (previously known as Blue Treacle Freacle) on day 84, I thought I'd let it put on a show. I'll post these without comment except to say I didn't want amber on this, so I was willing to accept some clear to go along with the mostly cloudy. Begin scrolling...NOW!

I grew to like the purpling of the leaves once I figured out it wasn't related to nutrients! What's up with the hole in the middle of the stem? Amy's HiBrix Blue Dream had that too.

Total before the wash was 237 grams. They're hanging in the shed with a fan on them doing the drip dry thing. It looks to be easy to trim so I'll do that this afternoon and hang it in a box to dry.

One last thing...since this was the plant I up-canned as it began to flower, I'll be doing a separate post on the rootball once the soil is completely dried out. Science!

Thanks for indulging me with all the pics! :thanks: And thanks for all your kind wishes today. You all are the reason I keep coming back here.
Excellent stuff Shed. Those Candida are powering already!

Amy's HiBrix Blue Dream had that too.
That’s because Amy’s High Brix Blue Dream had some problems being hooked up to the soil properly. Either due to the gnats, or something off with my base soil mix (I can’t get the products it’s designed for so had to source peat moss and buffer it myself - also maybe dodgy worm castings). And the hole in my stem was a lot smaller than that one :eek:

In any case, a hollow stem indicates poor calcium uptake. So either not enough, or at wrong ratio or some such.

And the hole in my stem was a lot smaller than that one :eek:

In any case, a hollow stem indicates like calcium uptake. So either not enough, or at wrong ratio or some such.

Oh dear! I think mine had a hole like that when I cut it too! :eek: I had no idea that meant something was wrong! Yikes.
..just read this...

...Many have claimed they think certain mineral deficiencies are the cause of hollow stems. This is kinda true but not completely. Not all plants want the same mineral ratios and the faster growing varieties tend to want more food. How you feed your plant and the minerals available will contribute to stem thickness. Your plant can have plenty of food but not enough air movement and the stems will be more hollow. Thick stems require proper food and air movement to build cellulose. Calcium is certainly one element that plays a part in stem growth. Boron is another element blamed for hollow stems because of it’s link to calcium. Boron is super important and plays a huge role. Boron is a trace element that helps make the macro elements carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium available to your plants.

Thanks for all that knowledge about hollow stems! I always thought the bigger the hole the better the nutrient highway LOL Now I know;) This makes complete sense and I see less and less holed stems in my grows at harvest, as I learn to dial in the nutrients! I’ll be paying attention now :D

Great update Shed! Congrats on that Blue freakle harvest:D

I’m very excited for the root science :popcorn:

In any case, a hollow stem indicates poor calcium uptake. So either not enough, or at wrong ratio or some such.
Hmm...I thought it had a calcium deficiency early on. My second one doesn't so I wonder what that stem will look like...
Oh dear! I think mine had a hole like that when I cut it too! :eek: I had no idea that meant something was wrong! Yikes.
Don't panic! We'll sort it out with the help of...
...Many have claimed they think certain mineral deficiencies are the cause of hollow stems. This is kinda true but not completely. Not all plants want the same mineral ratios and the faster growing varieties tend to want more food. How you feed your plant and the minerals available will contribute to stem thickness. Your plant can have plenty of food but not enough air movement and the stems will be more hollow. Thick stems require proper food and air movement to build cellulose. Calcium is certainly one element that plays a part in stem growth. Boron is another element blamed for hollow stems because of it’s link to calcium. Boron is super important and plays a huge role. Boron is a trace element that helps make the macro elements carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium available to your plants.
Thanks good Doctor! I'll see what's up with the boron in my nutes and make sure my little ones get more air movement in the shed. It's damn windy outside now so I propped them against each other for support.
I have always had hollow stems to some degree. Could be calcium because of the coco. In will have to watch for them when I chop this time.
In love The purple bud. Thats a good take from that plant.
Those are some solid buds!
Thanks for all that knowledge about hollow stems! I always thought the bigger the hole the better the nutrient highway LOL Now I know;) This makes complete sense and I see less and less holed stems in my grows at harvest, as I learn to dial in the nutrients! I’ll be paying attention now :D
Great update Shed! Congrats on that Blue freakle harvest:D
I’m very excited for the root science :popcorn:
Thanks, and not a chance!
Nice lookin buds Shed!! Can I ask why you didn’t want any amber? Just being curious. Big day in the Shed! Congrats on the harvest!! :high-five:
Amber is THC degrading to CBN. CBN is the cannabinoid that is responsible for couch lock. If you want sleepy, you want more amber. I'm trying to preserve the sativa side of this hybrid so I want as little CBN (amber) as I can get but still have it ripe.
...some nice meaty buds!...:thumb:...congrats as well for MOTM...:high-five:...cheerz...h00k...:rollit::passitleft:...
Thanks h00k! They're sticky too :thumb:.
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