InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Morning Archie!

Breakfast cookie anyone??
What’s going on mista? What’s good in the shed Shed?
All is crowded in the tent! Until it's empty...then it's croweded...then it's not!
Nothin in the shed, too cold, indoors. Burr.
hmmmmmm I’ll include this in my business plan:D
Great updates Shed! #Quadsquad
Those clones look so healthy! They would bully my clones
Anytime I can help with the business let me know! And my clones would cuddle your clones to warm them up once hubs gets home and turns down the temps in the house :).
Hey Shed, hope all is well.
All is well. Thanks Felipe! Hope to have time for spreadsheeting today :rolleyes:.
Breakfast cookie anyone??
Wait just a minute here....Somebody started without us!
Just what I was gonna say! Thought maybe a squirrel got it first :).
Ya that one is long gone!
Oh yah they are about 100mg each! Still want 3??!
100mg each! o_O
Hey gang,
Looks like something may be going on in Shed’s life..
Let’s all send good vibes his way.

Agreed, I hope all is well Shed!
All good vibes! Now I’m worried though

No seriously, everything is fine! I left work at 5:30pm yesterday for Exhibition Night at my son's high school and didn't get back here after that.
Maybe they’re just making him do some work at that job thing he has :hmmmm: ...
Nah! Okay maybe a bit, but not enough to keep me away :).
Lol...lets hope!
It's been less than 17 hours, but you have no idea how much I appreciate your concern.:green_heart:
He's liking things...he's good guys!
LOLOLOL! Man do I have a great set of friends here. You all are incredible and I'm tearing up with the love I feel in this place.
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