InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

You don’t even know! :rofl:

I’m a bit of a hotrod behind the wheel... when I’m alone anyway ;)

I used to do that drive once a week as a commute, back when we had a beautiful little Saab 900 coupe (Talledega special edition) and that thing was really sporty. A ‘drive’ you could really feel, plenty of weight etc. there were definitely some late night drives where I rode the edges of ‘making it’ on some of those lovely bends :)

That kind of driving is far behind me though - but I have very fond memories of that mountain pass! :thumb:
DATE UPDATE! The rooted AK clone in the clone box is not from July 17th. Those all died. This one is from July 29th (lowest one in the second row from the left in this post). That's when the ones in the cups are from as well (pics of those tomorrow). That makes these roots 11 days from cut, 5 days faster than the cloninator but a lot more work with the spraying and the venting. Still...nice to see it work!
Beez knows what’s up!

Ok those defoils are on point brother! So amazing to look at:) clones and roots and roots and clones:D #enoughsaid

Awww man we have matching #hazecities BC is always on fire and this year has been especially hot and dry!

I send rain for you too, hopefully my rain dance reaches to North Cali
hopefully my rain dance reaches to North Cali
Hopefully it reaches to SoCal!

Pic dump Saturday where it is hot and sticky like I moved to Florida, and I would never move to Florida! Sorry @Moonshine17 :confused:.

First thing I do in the mornings is check the clone box and the solo cups, then move to the cloninator, and then I move the Brooklyns out of the shed. Come on my morning tour with me!

Clone box is thinning out as things die. No more Sour G clone cuttings, both dead. The two AK cuttings on the left won't make it, and the top Sour G on the right will be gone in a day. I'm holding out hope for the other two Sour G's as they're not dead yet!

Next up the Solo cups:

AK cuttings, trash in a couple of days:

Sour G cuttings...hanging on for now!

Let's go outside to the cloninator:

Wait! What's up with the HazeX that I questioned why it's still green?

It's got new growth!!!! That can only mean one thing...ROOTS:

And the stem has rotted even futher yet still it's growing...crazy!

Someone tell me why my cloninator roots seem to grow best inside or above the neoprene!

Oh, while we're in the bike shed, let's look at the AK-47 clones, as I think I may have put them outside too soon:


I've pulled them from the bike shed heat and am no longer trying to harden them to the sun, so I stuck them on the desk with Solo cups. I was treating them like rooted seeds and that may have been a mistake...we'll see in a couple of days :rolleyes:.

Last, here are a couple of trichome shots from the Brooklyns, which I will be taking down tomorrow:

That's all for me! I hope your Saturday is at least dryer if not cooler than mine :cool:.
Nice rain dancing @newty :D

Come on my morning tour with me!

:slide: Thankyou sir - looking great and sorting out the winners from the losers in the cloning methods there. Looks like you have some working options now!
Someone tell me why my cloninator roots seem to grow best inside or above the neoprene!

Maybe they’re too wet outside and can’t get enough air...
Ok - and I meant can’t get air (not can)

So in the neoprene they’re obviously wet enough to root. What I’m wondering is if the stems that sick out of the neoprene into the bucket and the spray zone are getting too much water. If they’re fully wet all the time that could inhibit root growth (not enough air) and cause them to rot (too wet, not enough air). Maybe :hmmmm:

Edit: auto correct changed ‘spray’ to ‘sleazy’ ... ?:rolleyes:
Ok - and I meant can’t get air (not can)

So in the neoprene they’re obviously wet enough to root. What I’m wondering is if the stems that sick out of the neoprene into the bucket and the spray zone are getting too much water. If they’re fully wet all the time that could inhibit root growth (not enough air) and cause them to rot (too wet, not enough air). Maybe :hmmmm:

Edit: auto correct changed ‘spray’ to ‘sleazy’ ... ?:rolleyes:
Oh good, so it wasn't me! :)

I wonder if changing the timer to 1 min on/ 1 hr off would be helpful. Though the only thing that has rooted in there (HazeX notwithstanding) is the AK cutting in the rooter, which is always wet regardless of timer changes. Or a different spray head since the rooter made it so the spray didn't hit the stem directly (which is why it rooted above the rooter first)...which would mean the spray is too strong? Many variables to sort out but I think the cloninator is going to be my best bet going forward. And it's not taking up floor space in the office!

Maybe I'll make a diffuser for the spray head from window screen and change the timer!
I kind of hate to do this drive-by. I got roots in 7 days. Not enough to transplant,, another 4-5 days. I used my aeroponic cloner with just the neoprene collars. No cage, or plug. Long as they aren't underwater,, they won't drown. 100% humidity is just that 100% humidity or like rain I have water dripping of the cuts 24/7 and found the cuts sitting above the best spray area with the most water hitting them rooted the fastest.... I cut mine with a 45 and leave at least one node sticking down under the collar... dip mine in EZ Clone Rooting compound and lite them 24/7,, with 2 2' T-5 lamps. Temps got up to mid 80's in the closest of my flower room which doubles as a nursery.

You know alot of strains do not like to be cloned.......... I know I've had acouple that just wood not root period. I tried one strain3 times from plants started from seed,, and 2 months later,, still alive,,, still no roots...
I'm aways behind so I need to back read alittle............ Hope all's good over this ways........
I'm aways behind so I need to back read alittle
Ha! So you can read! ;)

Thanks for the info Norcali.

The spray head puts out pretty big droplets so that might be pounding the stems a bit hard. I can find a finer head for that connection or put a screen up to break up the spray. I'll dig around the sprinkler box and see what's in there.

I might have put these into soil a bit early but we'll see if the sun and heat did them in. They're inside now under a 2700K CFL so that might give them a chance to recover. Next time I'll be less excited and take it much slower.
Well Norcal’s description there puts my theory to rest ;)

You know alot of strains do not like to be cloned.......... I know I've had acouple that just wood not root period. I tried one strain3 times from plants started from seed,, and 2 months later,, still alive,,, still no roots...

Good info - good to know :thumb:
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