InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Thanks Van, I'm hoping he goes home tomorrow for a bit of normalcy.

Edgar Winter's White Trash Roadwork album (sorry @Van Stank, sometimes the music ends but the night doesn't!).

Me too!
Let's take a break from the hospital and get back to the road. Here are a few more pics of my trip:

This is the Union Hotel in Los Alamos, built in 1880, destroyed in a fire (like most stuff in CA) and rebuilt in 1915. Don't know what the rooms are like but the bar looked really cool. We stayed down the block and across the street in a funky motel.
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Here is the beach in Carpenteria, just south of Santa Barbara. It's a bit of a hike from the parking lot and you have to cross the railroad tracks and then climb your way down to the water (which smells of oil from the rigs off the coast), but other than the crazy jumping bugs that live in the sand, it was a good way to kill some time to avoid all the rush hour traffic:
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Sunset over Mrs Shed:
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Sunset reflecting off said railroad tracks. The Southern Pacific engineer sounded the horn and waved at us as we waited for him to pass:
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And since I know y'all are dying for a plant update, here's the only one I got today:

That is correct sir...ROOTS! We have a winner and that is the AK-47 clone cutting in the cloninator in 16 days! No cooling since Tuesday morning so maybe it needed some warmth! I was worried so I didn't even add the ice pack this morning because I didn't want to jinx it!

The rest of the cuttings look about the same, though the worst looking ones are the Sour G in the solo cups but they are most into flower. I'll do a full photo update sometime tomorrow I hope depending on my dad,

And speaking of my dad, what's with this hospital and rhymes? I saw the following, either printed on signs or on a screen saver on the monitor (as written):
• We ROUND to keep you SAFE and SOUND.
• Prevent Trips, Slips, and Fractured Hips!

Everything is a saying in that place!

I hope you all are safe and sound as well. Did I mention ROOTS?
Holy hell....this can't be right. Shed can't grow roots on a clone!! WTF
Tuesday and I'm not sleeping well. I fall asleep okay but wake up and can't fall back to sleep. I think I'm trading hours with @TheMadDabber!

I thought I'd post some pics of the oft-neglected Haze Xtreme. I watered it this morning with:
½ tsp Armor Si
2 ml cal/mag+
½ tsp Tiger Bloom
½ tsp Great White.

I'm not going to let it dry out as much as I have been in the past and see if that makes a difference. TDS was only around 300 (not including water) and I had the pH around 5.3 because runoff has been high. This time it was 6.6 :thumb:.


I'm not sure when to let the ends go up, as I was hoping that the growth along the branch would catch up to make for a more even top. That doesn't seem to be happening yet and I don't want it to get too wide. @Derbybud or @newty?

Another scorcher today, so I went with an ice pack in the cloninator. I also put cups on top of the new cuttings in the clone box because different age cuttings have differing RH needs.

Stay cool, calm, and collected. If you can :).
Love the C clip in conjunction with the skewer! Very nice. I might have to steal that one from you Shed!
You can let them go up now. I quad a bit different as I see you took a #jesusonthecross type approach. :D I usually tie them to the pot and let them stretch while I re adjust and once they reach the outer edge of the pot. I secure them there with a tie and let them grow up. Yours is not aloud to grow up yet because it’s fully attached to those posts. If it were my plant, I’d put the posts in the soil on four parts of the pot and tie the plant to that allowing it to grow up. Make sense? Lol
That might work too but I am curious as to how it will turn out with the cross method using the skewers. He could angle the skewers so it could get a little vertical growth as well. Great read though! :popcorn::reading420magazine:
Hey shed heats on the clone! Again. Almost seems likenya know what you're doing here ;););)

I'd like to note it's interesting the roots formed where the neoprene insert is.... and not at the ends of the cut. Idk what that means but probably something. Maybe why the rapid rooter worked a little faster? Cause it was like the neoprene was covering the entire stick? Curious what your thoughts are?
Holy hell....this can't be right. Shed can't grow roots on a clone!! WTF
Every once in a blue moon, shit happens!
Love the C clip in conjunction with the skewer! Very nice. I might have to steal that one from you Shed!
Any time Van! Just adapting your invention to fit my grow :thumb:.

That might work too but I am curious as to how it will turn out with the cross method using the skewers. He could angle the skewers so it could get a little vertical growth as well. Great read though! :popcorn::reading420magazine:
I could have angled them down when I started but now it's all too woody to bend that far.

Hey shed heats on the clone! Again. Almost seems likenya know what you're doing here ;););)

I'd like to note it's interesting the roots formed where the neoprene insert is.... and not at the ends of the cut. Idk what that means but probably something. Maybe why the rapid rooter worked a little faster? Cause it was like the neoprene was covering the entire stick? Curious what your thoughts are?
Wish I knew Them! No idea. They don't like clonex gel? Being scraped? Even the one in the cloninator with the rooter rooted above the rooter first.

Sunday and my nap time is coming up fast so here's the update from this morning...

The Brooklyns are down! I repeat: the Brooklyns are down!

BSA #1 day 72, aka the spog®

BSA #2 day 70:

The spog® came in at 38 grams before washing:

And #2 came in at 246 grams before washing:

The spog® is one of Penny's smaller colas!

Hanging to drip dry with the fans blowing them around:

Trimmed and in the box for the dry. I split a lot of my colas into smaller buds rather than hanging them whole because I have less risk of mold that way. I live in a high RH environment:

So sticky the cotton ball of alcohol stuck to my fingers instead of cleaning them!


Fans were 30 grams, trim was 11 grams.

Moving on, I'm not liking the look of the planted AK clone from the clone box (too early? too hot?), so I did this:

I scraped them both and split one stem and not the other (I think, I don't remember doing the second), painted them in clonex gel and put them in rooters. Then I moved some stuff around in the cloninator. I dumped the non-fruiting olive, took the purple thing and put it in a glass of water, and shifted the HazeX one space clockwise. Now from noon, it's Sour G clone x 2 in rooters, AK-47 clone x2 in rooters, HazeX, and lavender:

I also tossed three of the four solo cups. When I dumped them out, they all had roots of some sort. But if you look at the tops from yesterday they're all dead. The Sour G was actually moldy on top!

Sour G (see the mold?):

I guess the roots started too late to keep the top alive. I wonder what would have happened if I just left them alone looking dead on top! Anyway, I still have one Sour G in a solo cup left.

And now that I know there are roots on dead plants, I'll wait a while for the AK-47 clone ( to recover because who knows what's going on under the soil!

Another hot and sticky day today so I'll be napping with the fan on me :cool:. I hope your weekend is progressing well!
Hmmmm. Were those solo cupers left out? Like of the dome? My first gloria clone kind died all the way the reveged and became a beast.
All caught up again Shed. HOpe you and the family are making out ok with the fires out there brother. I certainly don't miss that part of Cali.
Thanks Van, We're all good here. Nothing burning too close to home, but we're pretty far from the nearest forest :thumb:.
Hmmmm. Were those solo cupers left out? Like of the dome? My first gloria clone kind died all the way the reveged and became a beast.
They were in and out of their domes at various times. Couple of hours off every night when I was home. Cracked a bit while we were gone. Usually closed up over night. Hard to give a definitive answer to that question obviously! Beez has a time system he adheres to but he's retired and spends his days tending to his garden. I don't have that life yet :).
I feel that. Just realized I'll have to do the uncle shed and wake up early just to water before work tomorrow. So guess I'm not a stay at home dad to my daughter or my plants any longer....

But just remember if a plant can reveg because of its roots, it may also be able to power through the hardening off or whatever seems to be happening there.
I feel that. Just realized I'll have to do the uncle shed and wake up early just to water before work tomorrow. So guess I'm not a stay at home dad to my daughter or my plants any longer....
Oof! That's quite a realization that would have been better had when you started handing out your resume :confused:. Your daughter is getting older and gaining her independence, and so are you. Your plants will do their thing while you're gone as well as when you return. I predict that everyone will be fine after a short period of adjustment.

Knock 'em dead Them!
Hey! Now that the Brooklyns are no longer in the shed, why not give a bit of extra night-light to the HazeX? 24 hours of light until the interior growth takes off :). Into the Oval of Brightness® it goes.

I raised the Mars up so it's about 22" from the highest growth. I'll see how it does for the next few days before lowering it.

I watered today with:
½ tsp Armor Si
2 ml cal/mag+
¼ tsp Tiger Bloom

About 180 TDS!
Is haze X an auto? :hmmmm: If not, won’t that screw things up a bit? Now that I’ve said that, I’m not even sure in what way. Anyway, maybe it’s an auto - in which case... cool :thumb:
It's not an auto. In the same way indoor growers use 20/4 or 18/6, I'm going 24/0 for a while on this to get that growth going. I need it to be bigger before I leave it outside full time, which will send it into flower as we're passed the summer solstice.
Drive by. If your looking for something to clean up your fingers and trimming tools,, a drop of cooking oil works wonders..........
I read somewhere that baking soda and water kills mold, but you know how the internet is.
H202 will kill not prevent mold as well
Drive by. If your looking for something to clean up your fingers and trimming tools,, a drop of cooking oil works wonders..........
Newty uses coconut oil on her latex gloves to keep them from getting sticky. I'm fine cleaning my fingers afterward with rubbing alcohol, a few times!
H202 will kill not prevent mold as well
You're so far behind Joe! When you do have a chance to come by, just read back a page or two from current so I can get your thoughts on what's going on now. Now is when I need your wisdom!
Haha Joe! Lol

Yes coconut oil works great on my trimmers too but then I don’t get much #scissorshash

CONGRATS! Harvest time on those Brookies! Nice respectable haul shed:) I hope to get about the same next week. #chopchop

Go haze go!
Haha Joe! Lol

Yes coconut oil works great on my trimmers too but then I don’t get much #scissorshash

CONGRATS! Harvest time on those Brookies! Nice respectable haul shed:) I hope to get about the same next week. #chopchop

Go haze go!
No one LOL'd at my hashtag for the scissors :(.

You're gonna haul in a hell of a lot more from each of your Brookies than I did! I think mine will only beat Flagirl's.
No one LOL'd at my hashtag for the scissors :(.
I did though! But not, alas, in a post so you could see. Just quietly to myself... then got distracted by a Haze X thing. :battingeyelashes: Which distracted me from the harvest too , oops! Nice to have buds!! Growing autos during the summer outdoors is a good idea which I’m going to introduce this year for some #midseasonbuds
Newty uses coconut oil on her latex gloves to keep them from getting sticky. I'm fine cleaning my fingers afterward with rubbing alcohol, a few times!

You're so far behind Joe! When you do have a chance to come by, just read back a page or two from current so I can get your thoughts on what's going on now. Now is when I need your wisdom!
Done buddy feel bad not being able to keep up these days bro . Just know I wish you the best buddy ✊ your good peeps shed :passitleft:
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