InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Sunday evening greetings to all you good folks! Been a busy weekend and lots of pics, so buckle in while we start with a Summer grow update in here.

As you know, I dropped the seeds around 4:30pm Saturday, and six hours later Grandpa's Moonshine had already cracked!

I decided to plant it before the tail came out furher because I didn't want to leave it overnight to maybe turn into a floater:

5 Killer Cookies behaved more like a regular seed rather than a speed demon, and it had a tail after 24 hours:

I always cut the bottom of my peat pucks open before I drop my seeds in, so the tap root doesn't get caught up in the mesh:

Looks like a happy camper!

Here the two seeds sit side by side in the Shoebox of Light® at 80ºF:

And now we wait. :nomo:

While we're waiting, clone update! First up, the new Candida mother got upcanned to a 1 gallon.

Solo cup:

Inverted sandcastle upcan method for low stress transplants!

Roots galore, need we say more:


Next up, the collection of Le Creme CBG clones:

I think you know what's coming by now. ;)

Down goes the clone of the top (cut in December) after taking some cuttings and sticking them in perlite and water:

Down goes the smaller of the two solo cup clones (the one that was split from the other two):

Which leaves the clone that I put in the SWICK and then turned into a regular soil plant:

Here are the roots, converted from SWICK to soil:

And new root growth in the soil above where the perlite was:

Here is the new Le Creme CBG mother plant in its 1 gallon home:

And finally for the day, the Amnesia Lemon Kush mother plant after a serious trim:

Okay, you can have your day back now! :thanks: for following along.
Blue and Red? Nice solid colours. The blue always charms we, coming as it does with the associations of water and perhaps the sky to which the plants climb. But I dunno Shed? Is there room for more colour in your life?

There’s a world of colours out there,


I love this picture btw. There’s something honest and homey about it, like my grandad would plant the seeds for his allotment grow in old reused pots and saucers year after year.



What is it about the sandcastle method that you think brings less stress to the uppot? I've done it that way as well as planting on top of a bed of soil at the right height and filling in around it.

Seems to be the same either way to me so just curious on your thinking.
Thanks for all that Shed! Great updating!
About your pic. There's a humble quality to it as it resembles a smiley face giving me a nice smile in spite of that pesky probe stuck in its eye. I can see it's doing the best it can. Hah! Brother you really have a gift for creating a picture! I'm curious what the base is? Wallboard?.
I do it either of those two but, that method is just a nice Snug fit.
With that many roots I usually open that ball up and point them out as much as possible and then fill in.
I tend to use the mould hole vibe indoors more than out and I go from a cup to 1l to 2.5l to 5 lt. It's all mothers and clones though. Helps making sure you have enough soil mixed this way too. Haha.
Have a rocking day Shed and crew
About your pic. There's a humble quality to it
Humble is a good word. I like the probe. It implies some badass loose sciencey type stuff is about to happen to super charge them.

Along with that rural nostalgic look, too.

I have no doubt that it’ll be very well grown Sensei and there will prolly be a link or two. CL🍀
Definitely a link or two, but no matter how hard I try I can never keep my leaves green in flower. :grrrr:

But thanks for the vote of confidence Captain!
I dunno Shed? Is there room for more colour in your life?
LOL I'm sure there is, but given that I'm the only one using solo cups I can't justify buying 50 in each of your various colours! The (leaking) pale blue are reserved for Candida, the dark blue are new enough that they don't leak, and the red ones leak but cover the dark ones to be a bit more reflective of the sunlight.

Got white cups?
I love this picture btw. There’s something honest and homey about it, like my grandad would plant the seeds for his allotment grow in old reused pots and saucers year after year.
Thanks Nick! I actually made those two saucers to test glazes back when I was a potter, before growing took up all my spare time. :)
What is it about the sandcastle method that you think brings less stress to the uppot? I've done it that way as well as planting on top of a bed of soil at the right height and filling in around it.
Seems to be the same either way to me so just curious on your thinking.
I started using that method the first time I upcanned an auto to disturb the roots as little as possible, and then I stuck with it because it seemed simple and easy.

Besides the smoothness of the transition for the roots, it also guarantees that there are no air gaps in the soil when I transplant, which can happen if the roots come apart and some soil falls away. It also seems easier when moving into small containers where it's harder to squeeze the soil around the sides while holding the rootball in the middle.

For my garden plants I do the opposite and break the roots up, but they're not on a schedule like my cannabis is.
Thanks for all that Shed! Great updating!
Thanks Otter!
About your pic. There's a humble quality to it as it resembles a smiley face giving me a nice smile in spite of that pesky probe stuck in its eye. I can see it's doing the best it can. Hah!
Smile while your eye is being poked.
Smile while your joints are being smoked.
When there's a probe in your eye, you'll get by!
Brother you really have a gift for creating a picture!
Aww thanks Otter.
I'm curious what the base is? Wallboard?.
Cardboard! It's a shoebox. :)
I do it either of those two but, that method is just a nice Snug fit.
Nice tight fit? Must be my size!
With that many roots I usually open that ball up and point them out as much as possible and then fill in.
I tend to use the mould hole vibe indoors more than out and I go from a cup to 1l to 2.5l to 5 lt. It's all mothers and clones though. Helps making sure you have enough soil mixed this way too. Haha.
Have a rocking day Shed and crew
Thanks Lerugged! I do the same in the ground, but in pots it seems much easier to slide the roots into a spot made just for them, even if I score them first.
6 hours man thats some fresh seed to pop that quick , Good job as always Shed
IKR? I wonder if it's going to be a quick one for the rest of the grow! Thanks sb. :)
It implies some badass loose sciencey type stuff is about to happen to super charge them.
Har! Or see what the temperature is maybe. 🌡️
Along with that rural nostalgic look, too.
Got that warm fuzzy feeling!
Definitely a link or two, but no matter how hard I try I can never keep my leaves green in flower. :grrrr:

But thanks for the vote of confidence Captain!

LOL I'm sure there is, but given that I'm the only one using solo cups I can't justify buying 50 in each of your various colours! The (leaking) pale blue are reserved for Candida, the dark blue are new enough that they don't leak, and the red ones leak but cover the dark ones to be a bit more reflective of the sunlight.

Got white cups?

Thanks Nick! I actually made those two saucers to test glazes back when I was a potter, before growing took up all my spare time. :)

I started using that method the first time I upcanned an auto to disturb the roots as little as possible, and then I stuck with it because it seemed simple and easy.

Besides the smoothness of the transition for the roots, it also guarantees that there are no air gaps in the soil when I transplant, which can happen if the roots come apart and some soil falls away. It also seems easier when moving into small containers where it's harder to squeeze the soil around the sides while holding the rootball in the middle.

For my garden plants I do the opposite and break the roots up, but they're not on a schedule like my cannabis is.

Thanks Otter!

Smile while your eye is being poked.
Smile while your joints are being smoked.
When there's a probe in your eye, you'll get by!

Aww thanks Otter.

Cardboard! It's a shoebox. :)

Nice tight fit? Must be my size!

Thanks Lerugged! I do the same in the ground, but in pots it seems much easier to slide the roots into a spot made just for them, even if I score them first.

IKR? I wonder if it's going to be a quick one for the rest of the grow! Thanks sb. :)

Har! Or see what the temperature is maybe. 🌡️

Got that warm fuzzy feeling!
I try using @Bill284s method where you have the stem higher than the outside but I’m not always successful. It really makes watering easier and better because it’s sucking fresh air with it. CL🍀
I try using @Bill284s method where you have the stem higher than the outside but I’m not always successful. It really makes watering easier and better because it’s sucking fresh air with it. CL🍀
I'm not sure what you're referring mean mounding in the middle when you transplant? I don't do that because it offers me no control over where the water goes. Sometimes I want to water in the middle and sometimes down the outside.
Hey @CaptainLucky, are you referring to the 'mound & moat' that Bill makes at the top of his pots? Cheers.
Yes, sometimes I get it to work but I think from now on I’m gonna pack the soil around it so it doesn’t sink. It really works great and you can hear it when you water. CL🍀
I'm not sure what you're referring mean mounding in the middle when you transplant? I don't do that because it offers me no control over where the water goes. Sometimes I want to water in the middle and sometimes down the outside.
You can still water the inside, I don’t have any problems. CL🍀
Thanks Captain! I don't see the value in watering slowly and carefully.
Well yer the one that wants to water the middle sometimes so I was just trying to explain how I did it. I think everyone should do it however it works best for them. Happy Growing Shedmeister. CL🍀 :cheesygrinsmiley: :thanks::420:
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