InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Damn that's a dream deferred. :( Maybe just drive around in your car for a while!

I hope wherever you are you can fly under the radar, appearing as a normal upstanding law abiding citizen as opposed to how we're often portrayed by the fanatic anti-legalization folks. :thumb:
It's a good drive to my new house (which I've been basically doing every month now for a few) from here so I've been racking up miles already! 😏

I can tell you for certain even a highly manic person who smokes the herb sees relief (my adult son) so it's always so disheartening to see the shit they've called it over the years. If there's a less dangerous illegal drug out there, I'm not aware of it. Reefer madness my ass. LOL
Member of the year... quite a title. I've seen your plants and read your advice to growers, it's a well deserved ranking Sir. You've saved many a plant from club fisted newbies and their Fox Farms juice. Congratulations Shed.
Member of the year... quite a title. I've seen your plants and read your advice to growers, it's a well deserved ranking Sir. You've saved many a plant from club fisted newbies and their Fox Farms juice. Congratulations Shed.
club fisted newbies and their Fox Farms juice.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I was one of those not too long ago! Thanks in part to Shed and many like him I consider myself one teensy step above that now. Lol

Edit: no offense Shed - there’s nobody like you! Lol!
It's a good drive to my new house (which I've been basically doing every month now for a few) from here so I've been racking up miles already!
Good thing gas prices have come back down a bit!
I can tell you for certain even a highly manic person who smokes the herb sees relief (my adult son) so it's always so disheartening to see the shit they've called it over the years. If there's a less dangerous illegal drug out there, I'm not aware of it. Reefer madness my ass. LOL
It's crazy what we've been sold over the years, and I'm glad your son is getting relief with what you'll be able to grow soon!
Member of the year... quite a title. I've seen your plants and read your advice to growers, it's a well deserved ranking Sir. You've saved many a plant from club fisted newbies and their Fox Farms juice. Congratulations Shed.
Thanks Rhino, and thanks for stopping by. :ciao:
I am in one those stupid bible people that can't listen pass then on mouth belling ... Sorry just chaps my asssess !

Is that English English? I'm having a hard time deciphering. After moving to the south 14 years ago, my skill set is more Redneck to English and vice versa. :rofl:
Just drop by for a laugh tis time I am in one those stupid bible people that can't listen pass then on mouth belling ... Sorry just chaps my asssess !
Smile and wave sb, smile and wave! :ciao:
Is that English English? I'm having a hard time deciphering. After moving to the south 14 years ago, my skill set is more Redneck to English and vice versa.
It's a fine art. :)
Chapped ass? Shed's got a cream for that!
LOL...salve. I've got a salve for that! It's a salve bin and I make salve. :laugh:
Yeah but he sez ya gotta applicatum it yerself...he won't put it on ya no more!!!
Ain't that the truth! 🍑
:ciao: smile and wave , got it ! After I read that today , that's Not what i wrote but you got the Idea :theband: I am in the Bible Belt State thingy where everybody chases there ass before making a decision on about anything .. I am surprised we have CBD flower / edibles / pills and so fourth . * Reread before post OK Good to go >> :bongrip:
:ciao: smile and wave , got it ! After I read that today , that's Not what i wrote but you got the Idea :theband: I am in the Bible Belt State thingy where everybody chases there ass before making a decision on about anything .. I am surprised we have CBD flower / edibles / pills and so fourth . * Reread before post OK Good to go >> :bongrip:

Thanks for the clarification. Just blame it on autocorrect, that's what I do.
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