InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Your Doug's Varin is coming along nicely. You'll have to pry a few more details from your family on its smoke report, when the time comes. There's not much first hand info yet on DV.

Candida and JH are looking nice and healthy too. :thumb:

Did you ever make any pizza?
I've trimmed all the big ones and I'll get pics up tonight or tomorrow, but for now, quotes!

Right on! Looking forward to the updates on effectiveness.
Funny that we're looking forward to an aphid infestation! :laugh:
If it's of any use, here's some info I've compiled in my spreadsheet.
Thanks farside!
Gotcha, thanks. Betcha there's a fair share on those boxes of pristine leaf though. Lol.
Not sure what "pristine leaf" means. These are boxes of almost everything that doesn't have THC/CBD. It's the rest of the plant besides the flowers.
Doug's Varin pics look much better than the ones posted in the other journal. She is stacking nicely. Looking very nice.
Love that pic with your Candida and JH. So much difference. Form on both are the same!! Happy Smokin'
That's weird because they're the same pictures! My DV just looks better when you aren't comparing it to VG's. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Thanks Bode!
Yeah I figured that bro. I did same thing but I used bacradi 151 to get cbd oil
I tried to use high proof alcohol but spilled it all over my courtyard before I had the chance. :rolleyes:
Bacardi 151 There is a story there ha shed That Doug does look a lot better over here first time i seen the stacking NICE !!
Thanks sb, and that was the story. ;)
All I had to use. Dangerous and hell tho. One drop on the oven puuiffffff. Up in flames. Lmao dam lucky two.. never tried that again ether.
Yup, no flames near that stuff. :eek:
Your Doug's Varin is coming along nicely. You'll have to pry a few more details from your family on its smoke report, when the time comes. There's not much first hand info yet on DV.
I am hopeful but I have no idea. I will be passing it around to folks with slightly better palates. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Candida and JH are looking nice and healthy too.
Thanks BL!
Did you ever make any pizza?
Not yet. Still waiting for low moisture whole milk mozzarella to show up in the fridge. :nomo:
Yo, Trim Ho! S’up? Is your Candida from seed or clone? Is it “the one?”
LOL :ciao: Grandpa! That Candida is a 6th or 7th gen clone from one of my first two. It's the same line I keep around for all my oil.
Okay, here is a late Saturday night update on the scissoring I did today. I've got before and after pics taken before after my nap!

Going from the sublime to the ridiculous, here is the Doug's Varin on flip day 25 before and after post-stretch thinning:

Not much difference, but this is what I took off:

I left on some lower stuff but pushed it into gaps in the center of the top to see if it will fatten up.

Next up, the Jack Herer 1.1 clone:

I really want this to push new growth up top so there's very little left below at this point.

I also saved a few cuttings and stuck them in perlite:

A friend of mine is thinking about getting a 2x2x6 tent and I thought it might be nice to start him off with a JH clone. I hope the timing works out!

And finally, here is the Candida bush, before and after:

Ridiculous right? I took off two of these:

And into the green bin it all went, because it was a bug farm:

When I was done with all the cutting, I tied it all up to form a better shape for the Oval of Brightness®:

I'll spray it down tomorrow with Safers because I've got no time to mess around with that many insect breeding on this one.

Well it's bedtime for me! I hope you get to sleep in Sunday morning. :zzzzzzzz:

Okay, here is a late Saturday night update on the scissoring I did today. I've got before and after pics taken before after my nap!

Going from the sublime to the ridiculous, here is the Doug's Varin on flip day 25 before and after post-stretch thinning:

Not much difference, but this is what I took off:

I left on some lower stuff but pushed it into gaps in the center of the top to see if it will fatten up.

Next up, the Jack Herer 1.1 clone:

I really want this to push new growth up top so there's very little left below at this point.

I also saved a few cuttings and stuck them in perlite:

A friend of mine is thinking about getting a 2x2x6 tent and I thought it might be nice to start him off with a JH clone. I hope the timing works out!

And finally, here is the Candida bush, before and after:

Ridiculous right? I took off two of these:

And into the green bin it all went, because it was a bug farm:

When I was done with all the cutting, I tied it all up to form a better shape for the Oval of Brightness®:

I'll spray it down tomorrow with Safers because I've got no time to mess around with that many insect breeding on this one.

Well it's bedtime for me! I hope you get to sleep in Sunday morning. :zzzzzzzz:

Tha shedding is strong with this one!
Okay, here is a late Saturday night update on the scissoring I did today. I've got before and after pics taken before after my nap!

Going from the sublime to the ridiculous, here is the Doug's Varin on flip day 25 before and after post-stretch thinning:

Not much difference, but this is what I took off:

I left on some lower stuff but pushed it into gaps in the center of the top to see if it will fatten up.

Next up, the Jack Herer 1.1 clone:

I really want this to push new growth up top so there's very little left below at this point.

I also saved a few cuttings and stuck them in perlite:

A friend of mine is thinking about getting a 2x2x6 tent and I thought it might be nice to start him off with a JH clone. I hope the timing works out!

And finally, here is the Candida bush, before and after:

Ridiculous right? I took off two of these:

And into the green bin it all went, because it was a bug farm:

When I was done with all the cutting, I tied it all up to form a better shape for the Oval of Brightness®:

I'll spray it down tomorrow with Safers because I've got no time to mess around with that many insect breeding on this one.

Well it's bedtime for me! I hope you get to sleep in Sunday morning. :zzzzzzzz:

Damn, Shed, you are an ANIMAL. That is some serious high level work there to my eyes. And I disagree on the first trimming, I think the difference is significant - now I can see all those buds in the middle that aren't colas. I think you exposed significant growth while removing minimal top foliage, it's awesome. How you took so much from Candida is something I'm not emotionally prepared to do just yet, my god. :rofl: I understand what you're doing, it's just so much and the difference is so stark. But it's also apparent that she's going to produce on the order of the Tropicanna Banana plant of yours from one of the contests I saw. Huge central mass of gigantic colas. Man I wish I had your setup, or at least the outdoor part, with my weather. Lol. What a gigantic advantage. I get that you're a bit wanting for flower space as you said, but look what it gives you the opportunity to do! I have no comment on the bug farm, other than did you have to show that so people who get up really early see it with their morning coffee? I'm still itching. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: And the tying up/supporting upwards you did on the Candida is music to my eyes. That's what I did with the Apple Blossom (obviously on a much smaller scale, lol) and I thought I had discovered electricity. It such a good way to get some lower branches that are *almost* there up to the rest of the canopy I can't believe it took me this long to figure it the hell out.

Great update. Master class. Thanks.
Shed, you would be the absolute worst barber on the planet.

Customer: Just take a little off the sides.

Shed: Noooooo problem!
That was a big trim. I would have brought in a maintenance crew but I’m sure it wouldn’t have finished up that nice.:)

At what time do you plant the large bamboo stake down beside the stalk? That is a good sized pole.
Great update Shed!
Nice work on the Candida, all that remaining energy can be focused on the tops and should make the bug treatments alot more effective!
friend of mine is thinking about getting a 2x2x6 tent and I thought it might be nice to start him off with a JH clone. I hope the timing works out!
Nice! I'd love too have a friend that did that, hopefully the timing does work out! I know a really good grower he can get some expert advice from;)
@InTheShed Is bug poop the secret ingredient in your salve?
I wish I had enough bug poop to use it as an ingredient, but it's supply is inconsistent so I tossed that stuff away. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Tha shedding is strong with this one!
Thanks Otter! I went all Newty Scissorhands on that JH and even sent a pic to @newty for her approval.
Damn, Shed, you are an ANIMAL. That is some serious high level work there to my eyes. And I disagree on the first trimming, I think the difference is significant - now I can see all those buds in the middle that aren't colas. I think you exposed significant growth while removing minimal top foliage, it's awesome. How you took so much from Candida is something I'm not emotionally prepared to do just yet, my god. :rofl: I understand what you're doing, it's just so much and the difference is so stark. But it's also apparent that she's going to produce on the order of the Tropicanna Banana plant of yours from one of the contests I saw. Huge central mass of gigantic colas. Man I wish I had your setup, or at least the outdoor part, with my weather. Lol. What a gigantic advantage. I get that you're a bit wanting for flower space as you said, but look what it gives you the opportunity to do! I have no comment on the bug farm, other than did you have to show that so people who get up really early see it with their morning coffee? I'm still itching. And the tying up/supporting upwards you did on the Candida is music to my eyes. That's what I did with the Apple Blossom (obviously on a much smaller scale, lol) and I thought I had discovered electricity. It such a good way to get some lower branches that are *almost* there up to the rest of the canopy I can't believe it took me this long to figure it the hell out.
Great update. Master class. Thanks.
Thanks Jon, glad to be of help! After nearly 5 years of growing I've gotten over any fear of taking the snips to the plant because I pretty much know what's going to happen when I do. I also don't want for flower so if something doesn't turn out the way I had hoped I'm not broken up over it.

And your Apple Blossom is a sight to behold. Terrific training and a nice flat canopy of fat flowers!
Shed, you would be the absolute worst barber on the planet.
Customer: Just take a little off the sides.
Shed: Noooooo problem!
LOL! I agree 100%. And my wife cuts my hair.
Damn y you have so many bugs I know just the one but .... another nice trim job , setting here every day watching the grow sure makes you grow old fast , can't believe its been 120 + days with dougs Varin
Thank you sb! We stay the same age but the plants get older and older. :thumb:
Simply awesome!
:thanks: Grandpa!
I see a red Solo cup inside a blue one. How does that work? I thought they were all supposed to be blue. Is this a do as I say, and not as I do kinda thing. (for those that don't get the joke, it's carried over from another thread)
Oh sorry farside, it matters not whether you grow in red or blue cups, only what supports your tent mascot. That there is where the magic lies.
That was a big trim. I would have brought in a maintenance crew but I’m sure it wouldn’t have finished up that nice.
At what time do you plant the large bamboo stake down beside the stalk? That is a good sized pole.
Thanks Nev, I am my own maintenance crew! Oh, and the bamboo was a transplant. ;)
How u shed
Doing alright 7D2, and I hope you are too!
Great update Shed! Nice work on the Candida, all that remaining energy can be focused on the tops and should make the bug treatments alot more effective!
Thank you N! Those bugs were pissed when they woke up this morning in the green bin. And to think that plant is going to get one more trim before flip...
Nice! I'd love too have a friend that did that, hopefully the timing does work out! I know a really good grower he can get some expert advice from
He's been really interested and asking me about it since I started growing, so it's cool that he's actually researching tents and lights and fans now. And if I don't have a rooted JH clone when he's ready I will certainly hook him up with a quality seed of one variety or another!
I think I was 572 pages back. Regardless of how caught up I get, I pretended to by starting at the end and moving up.

Despite my time away from here, ashamed of how behind I had gotten, knowing only I would never catch up again, I am showing face again and this face is :jawdropper:

I think if I live to be 187 and I grow until the day of my departure from this 420 world, I may be like 1/8th of the grower you are.

Always just so impressed. So much amazing stuff here, always. Thank you!!
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