InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I have to say that I love the fact that I can be offline for a few days and come back to a terrific conversation about growing from all the terrific people who stop by.

:thanks: to you all for keeping this place alive!

No news here except that it's been miserable and raining and I can't even get the plants outside to water or spray them for bugs or PM. Two days straight indoors so far...oof!

Oh, and don't forget to vote in the contests!
Hehe well we still missed you and your input!
Yes! Since you're in coco (and pH matters), it's important that the water pH be checked/adjusted just before watering rather than after mixing, especially if you have it aerating in a res. Even standing water will show a pH rise as the water interacts with the air. You've obviously figured out the compensation rate for your grow!
Yeah I've dialed it in pretty much spot on now :) Felipe helped me loads though.
Lotsa plants, lotsa water. ;)
Ugh yeah lol. It's keeping me active though lol
One of the main selling points of our sponsor GeoFlora is that it's water only, and some folks run it successfully with only additional top dresses every 2 weeks. Though some folks find it needs more frequent application or a some help from liquid nutes. Still easier than building your own soil, that's for sure.
Yeah it sounds so much easier lol.
Damn! What's your daily step-count?
Haha I get over 4k steps a day according to my smart band. And I don't leave the house lol.
I have to say that I love the fact that I can be offline for a few days and come back to a terrific conversation about growing from all the terrific people who stop by.

:thanks: to you all for keeping this place alive!

No news here except that it's been miserable and raining and I can't even get the plants outside to water or spray them for bugs or PM. Two days straight indoors so far...oof!

Oh, and don't forget to vote in the contests!

Thanks Carcass! DV still looking good with more tucking and a some minor supercrops. Definitely needs to be neemed though. :(

And I hope it's raining up north where we get all our water from, because the stuff that comes down here just runs into the ocean!

Thanks marcus!

I know right? Getting longer and yet the plants are living in cramped chilly spaces. Next year, nothing flowers into December, and I'm only growing what fits in the tent next winter. Thanks Otter!

It doesn't look like the leaves are getting smaller, which is weird for a "sativa." And GDB has hooked you up with the link I see!


LOL! Anyone wanting to see his great indoor LOS grow, click on Otter's link. :thumb:

Are we talking about ppm or pH? PPM doesn't matter in soil unless it's crazy high well water.


PPM matters more in hydro because the roots are soaking in it, but if it's not high you can probably get away without a RO filter. Just remember to factor the tap water's ppm in your EC measurements.

This! ↑

Thanks farside! I'm with you 100% on the facts, but in terms of my grow, the ProMix HP is much more part of the pH change than it would be in soil. For the detailed info, I'll link y'all back to the post here, but the tl;dr is that peat and lime don't have the buffering capacity of soil and lime. Here's an excerpt from the manufacturer of ProMix:
"For...soil, the much greater than formulated growing media [i.e. ProMix], therefore swings in pH...are less."

So my need to bump the ammoniacal N is because of the ProMix (and the length of my grows) rather than my water. In soil, the nitrate N probably wouldn't raise the pH even in grows as long as mine.

MC will by itself raise the pH of your soil because of its nitrate content, but the soil should buffer that for you. Remember that the pH of your nutrients only matters in hydro (coco included), but not in soil or soilless (ProMix/Sunshine Mix) grows.

Yes! Since you're in coco (and pH matters), it's important that the water pH be checked/adjusted just before watering rather than after mixing, especially if you have it aerating in a res. Even standing water will show a pH rise as the water interacts with the air. You've obviously figured out the compensation rate for your grow!

:thanks: for all the science farside!

As farside and I have mentioned, don't sweat the pH of your nutes in your soil grows. And how well your plants do even with you going walkabout prove that point. :)


Lotsa plants, lotsa water. ;)

Anyone interested in setting up an auto-watering system (though not with automatic pH adjustment :eek: ) @Derbybud has a tutorial on it here:

One of the main selling points of our sponsor GeoFlora is that it's water only, and some folks run it successfully with only additional top dresses every 2 weeks. Though some folks find it needs more frequent application or a some help from liquid nutes. Still easier than building your own soil, that's for sure.

Not shabby at all MG!

Damn! What's your daily step-count?

Well-made soil shouldn't have pH swing in 6 weeks, so I'm thinking what you were seeing might be issues with the MC, which were the reasons we went from loving it to just finding ways to make it work if we bought too much. :rolleyes:

If you have enough left to make it worth using, you can buy a couple of additional nutes and blend them into a sprout-to-harvest mix using something similar to farside's or an online nutrient calculator. @FelipeBlu has one as well. Or one of us can do the calculations for you if you're interested.

If you have the time I'd look into what folks like farside, Felipe, me, and MrSauga are doing combining plant science and nutrient blending. Ratios are the new black!

Har! I hear that low phosphorus makes all that possible. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I have about a qt of MC V2 and a qt of MC V3 left, that’s why I started looking for something else.
Probably enough to get me through one more, but not worth the trouble if I’m not the only one having issues with it.
I think I might live on the wild side and try something I’ve never seen or heard of before. This guy had a TON of different flavors. I got so overwhelmed that I grabbed a bag of soil and said I’d revisit.
we still missed you and your input!
Aww, thanks Moony!
Felipe helped me loads though.
He helps everyone. :thumb:
It's keeping me active though
That's good!
Yeah it sounds so much easier
Not sure GeoFlora works as well in coco as soil but I think @Bill284 has tried it. I'd definitely seek him out if you're interested in going down that road.
And I don't leave the house
Hehe, musta been smokin the stuff! Mistake, really.
Anytime you want to point folks to your thread in mine, you're more than welcome. :ciao:
I heard the Sierra's got 17 ft of snow and is at 98% of the needed snow pack
Thanks dynamo! I just looked it up and this article said 160% :yahoo:

Still not replacing my turf with lawn because "[a]fter the lack of snow the last two years, we need a much-better-than-average snow dump this year to get reservoirs to normal levels."

I have about a qt of MC V2 and a qt of MC V3 left, that’s why I started looking for something else.
I've heard folks have much better luck with v3 alone than v2.
Probably enough to get me through one more, but not worth the trouble if I’m not the only one having issues with it.
You're definitely not the only one with trouble using it. Very few (if any) of the folks who started with it back in 2018 are still using it exclusively. I just use it as base and add two other sources of nitrogen along with Ca, Mg, S, and Si.

Because I'm in ProMix, I use
MC v2
Ammonium sulfate (adds ammoniacal N to balance the pH effect of the nitrate N in MC)
Magnesium nitrate
TPS cal-mag
DutchPro silica

There are other ways to skin the ratio cat though.
This guy had a TON of different flavors. I got so overwhelmed that I grabbed a bag of soil and said I’d revisit.
I always wonder about the companies with tons of different flavors of nutes/soil mixes/etc. Seems more like a scattershot approach to maximize profits rather than narrowing the choices to the few that have been tested and work.
I don't think I'll be able to do much "catching up," so the best I can do is to jump back in and start fresh. I will definitely be seeing how your 47 plants are doing though. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Haha I did the same thing after my break. At a certain point you have to just concede and start from recent posts lol. Which I'm cool with btw. I'm on day 8 of flower on both tents now so actually things happening plus the new light and tent has arrive so yeah, get your butt there Mr shed! Hehe
Aww, thanks Moony!

He helps everyone. :thumb:

That's good!

Not sure GeoFlora works as well in coco as soil but I think @Bill284 has tried it. I'd definitely seek him out if you're interested in going down that road.


Anytime you want to point folks to your thread in mine, you're more than welcome. :ciao:

Thanks dynamo! I just looked it up and this article said 160% :yahoo:

Still not replacing my turf with lawn because "[a]fter the lack of snow the last two years, we need a much-better-than-average snow dump this year to get reservoirs to normal levels."

I've heard folks have much better luck with v3 alone than v2.

You're definitely not the only one with trouble using it. Very few (if any) of the folks who started with it back in 2018 are still using it exclusively. I just use it as base and add two other sources of nitrogen along with Ca, Mg, S, and Si.

Because I'm in ProMix, I use
MC v2
Ammonium sulfate (adds ammoniacal N to balance the pH effect of the nitrate N in MC)
Magnesium nitrate
TPS cal-mag
DutchPro silica

There are other ways to skin the ratio cat though.

I always wonder about the companies with tons of different flavors of nutes/soil mixes/etc. Seems more like a scattershot approach to maximize profits rather than narrowing the choices to the few that have been tested and work.
Same… and dude was about as helpful as a second chin. When I asked about DG all I got was, “yeah, I hear it has good results”….

Cool. Lol! First time I’d been in, and possibly the last. I’ll try another place before I go back.

These are from a couple runs ago. Just didn’t seem to bulk up. Had to fight calcium issues left and right. This was the first round with V3.



These are from a couple runs ago. Just didn’t seem to bulk up. Had to fight calcium issues left and right. This was the first round with V3.
Looks good to me, but I'm not seeing any deficiencies that would account for serious weight loss. No change to the lighting or the temps from the previous grow of the same strain, only the nutes?

Also, Ca deficiencies can be lockout from overfeeding P or K.
If you have the time I'd look into what folks like farside, Felipe, me, and MrSauga are doing combining plant science and nutrient blending. Ratios are the new black!

I think a couple years ago it started with ratios on the big 3. Now I think we're beyond that and down to ppm per element targets for the 6 macros. Might be slight differences but we're all pretty much in the same range. Bitch of it is, I don't think there's a single nute line that is on the same page. You either have to play mix and match or DIY.
How about a Friday New Year's Eve update! :party:

First off, I'm glad you all survived 2021 and that I got to spend it with you. It would have been a much more miserable year without you to engage with, and I am very grateful for that. I wish each of you and your loved ones a joyous, successful, and happy 2022.

The rain finally stopped here and the sun came out, so I have a few plant pics to share along with a year-end family portrait. I scoped the trichomes on the chilly flowering plants but I'll post those pics next year ;).

Let's start with all of the plants I've got growing on:

Look how much healthier the indoor plants are compared to the flowering ones from the shed!

The Sour G reveg and solo cup clones will be for the eventual do-over of the STS seed-making project sometime in the spring. The Doug's Varin and the Candida for flower will be flipped together in the tent 'cause baby it's cold outside.

Everything got sprayed with Safer Insect Killing Spray, and rinsed about 2 hours later.

Here are some closeups of the flowers on the Jack Herer and Sour G (flip day 61), so you can see that there isn't much bulk to the buds.

Jack Herer:

Jack Herer:

Jack Herer:

Sour G:

On the plus side, they're pretty frosty and smell great!

I also finally managed to transplant one of the Candida clones into a 1 gallon pot as the new mother:

That wraps up the year end tour of my garden. I hope you have a safe and rockin' new year's eve!

If I want folks over my place I'd just start conversating with you and get em first hand!
All's well that ends well!
Hey Amy came on huh? I miss her!
I know right? Maybe her healing will be one of the good things to come in the new year. :love:
Lol thanks MrS!
Welcome back, Shed. I hope you had a nice holiday.
Thank you HG! I won't be fully back until Monday but I hope to do some catching up here this weekend. :)
And, yet he still hasn't got a Member of the Month award
Give it a day!
...or 8 hours now!
It's New Year’s Eve, I'd like to wish Shed & CO. all a Happy New Year. May the New Year bring everyone, good health, happiness and success!
Thank you Rex! All good things to those who make through. :slide:
I think a couple years ago it started with ratios on the big 3. Now I think we're beyond that and down to ppm per element targets for the 6 macros. Might be slight differences but we're all pretty much in the same range. Bitch of it is, I don't think there's a single nute line that is on the same page. You either have to play mix and match or DIY.
If there's a nute line out there that fits the bill, none of us have found it yet. On the plus side, it's getting easier to find a few that will mix and match well.
Looking for some info on sprouting old seeds , there Afghanistan from 1992 solid Indica would like to get the strain going again It was a great smoke , Thank You in Advance intheshed talk soon Happy New Years All !!!
Thanks sb! I know that GA3 (gibberellic acid) at certain concentrations is supposed to help old seeds germinate, and I've heard from @Maritimer that Methyl jasmonate (MeJA) will work as well. I'll check with him and see if he has any more info on that for you.

Happy New Year to you all! :peace:
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