InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Sunday update, which starts with the final weight on the Chiquita Banana from @Weed Seeds Express! I cut the buds off the branches around midnight last night, and by this morning, two bags had settled at 61% and one at 64%. That's definitely within the margin of hygrometer error.

And the final weight?

272g / 9.6 ounces! I'm happy with that, and at 186 days above ground, that's 1.46g/day. It's much better than I expected with the long slow start.

Thought I'd get a nug shot while they were out:

And here they are back in the bags:

And other than somehow finding out if the drought on Sour G was worth it, this marks the end of the Summer grow, made miserable Spring because of the miserable soil they started in.

On to other news, a friend of ours met a woman in my neighborhood that suffers from fibromyalgia, and so my friend gave me her number to see if I could help out with cannameds. I immediately went to @Amy Gardner's great post here on how she handles her afflictions, which include fibromyalgia.

I texted back and forth with the woman and decided to give her some sublingual oil with a 1:1 blend of CBD and THC at around 6mg each. Amy's recommendation was 3x/day, so that's what I'll recommend. Since I'm making a small test batch, the Magical Butter machine won't work (2 cup min), so I'm doing the jar-in-the-oven method.

I started with 16 grams of decarbed Sour G from October of 2019 (not the new stuff!):

I ground it up, which I don't normally do because the MB does that. It makes it a lot easier to cover the material with less oil, making for a stronger result:

I added 100ml of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO):

That should give me around 12mg/ml THC.

Poured in the jar, which worked out to just cover the flower:

I covered the top with foil, screwed the ring on, and punched a hole in the foil to keep any pressure from building up:

Ready for the oven:

The lowest my oven goes is 170ºF, so that's what I run for 8 hours, shaking every half hour that I'm around. I'll put it in the fridge overnight and run it again tomorrow. Then strain, add liquid sunflower lecithin, leave that in the fridge overnight, and then on Tuesday blend it with the CBD oil.

When I add this THC oil to my 12mg/ml CBD oil, I'll have a blend of 6mg of each.

I hope this helps her out, and I hope your weekend is going well. Happy Halloween all!

Oh, no movement on the Doug's Varin seed so I dropped another yesterday. Nothing on that one either. :(

Congrats on the CB haul. I'll be curious if you feel that the drought experiment was worth it. How will you know? Your family will say, " It gets me high" or "It gets me good and high"?
Thanks BL! Yes indeed, that will be about all I can hope for. I will try to get them to compare the 2-year-old Sour G just for the sake of injecting something vaguely sciencey in the mix. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Congrats on a nice yield from a sorry looking plant. Seems like a win to me.
Thanks HG! All successful harvests are wins. :thumb: But after carrying these plants in and out twice a day for 6 months, I like to get my g/day number as high as possible. And I'm sure the too-long drought cost me some final weight as well.
Does 1.2 g/day qualify you for any Carbon offset deductions in Cali? If so, dont forget to fill out the paperwork!
Not sure how the tax laws have changed from last year but I think 1.4623655914 is the minimum, so I just made it with the CB. I'll know for sure when TurboTax 2021 comes out next year. Thanks for the reminder!
Looks CAN be deceiving Right !??! Not bad at all !!
Not bad at all sb, not bad at all!
Nice harvest Shed. Those buds trimmed buds look great. Good job on getting them to 62% and having them stay that way in the bags overnight.
I know right? First time I've had two plants come off the lines at their final RH. The hard part will be keeping them from getting damper over the next two weeks. :) Thanks BigD!
Out of the Sour G box? Best I can do for now is zoom in on the pic!
Fine bud there Shed!
For some reason I keep letting plants veg longer than I intend to.
Thought they looked bigger than usual.
And I ran the oil heater in the shed last night and it only used an average of 82 watts/hour!
Nice! Good choice!
That's 224g or 7.9 ounces,
Nice and heavy! My guess is she's oil filled!
Thanks for the oil tutor again ,mite sink in after awhile . Now at 99.00 for 5 seed the Doug's Varin seed needs to get with the program I couldn't stand much of that !! Hopefully this next one will go .. Man you got way to much old weed hanging around :laugh: Congrads on another Good Harvest . Thumbs up for helping out a in pain person . :thumb:
The trick is to ensure they have enough to eat and a safe place to get water. I use a plastic container that has a large hole in the lid. I put the packing stuff that the lady bugs come with and mix some bark, straw, and shredded newspaper with it and put it in the container when I let them out. I also put a small fine sponge in there and keep it soaked daily. I also use raisins as food and place it in the container. Naturally, you need to change out the food regularly. That way they have food and water, if you don't have any nasty bugs. It can also serve as a place to breed, but I haven't had success with that yet. This method gives me about 2 grows before I need to purchase more lady bugs. I'm lucky because they can travel between my veg and flower rooms freely. I keep the container in the veg. The problem is, they die in bunches. I keep a vacuum handy.

Do you think I could use reptile/amphibian bark for them?
Fine bud there Shed!
Thanks Otter!
Thought they looked bigger than usual.
They really are! Some day I'll get the hang of growing plants that fit through the doors without scraping the trichs off.
Nice! Good choice!
:thanks: for your help along the way.
Nice and heavy! My guess is she's oil filled!
Thanks for the oil tutor again ,mite sink in after awhile . Now at 99.00 for 5 seed the Doug's Varin seed needs to get with the program I couldn't stand much of that !! Hopefully this next one will go .. Man you got way to much old weed hanging around Congrads on another Good Harvest . Thumbs up for helping out a in pain person .
Thanks sb! Very pricey for now on the DV seeds, but eventually they should come down more in line with seeds generally.

And I do have a lot of weed hanging around...old and new!
Do you think I could use reptile/amphibian bark for them?
Thanks Krissi, it was a great couple of harvests! I wish I could tell you how they smell but no one in my house is any good at putting a name to the scents of cannabis. :sorry: And no one will be trying them out for another 5 weeks or so, so that's when I'll finally get to hear, "It gets me high"!

Oh sorry, you were just asking GT about ladybugs? He's not around anymore, but I think reptile bark should be okay as long as it doesn't come with reptiles. They eat ladybugs. Don't forget the shredded paper, raisins, and sponge!
Beautiful nug shot, and nice trim job!
It was that nug shot that really captured my attention then in typical Shed fashion the thunder got louder and kelp on rolling. Post #27,303 is Blue Ribbon all the way.
Thanks Otter!

They really are! Some day I'll get the hang of growing plants that fit through the doors without scraping the trichs off.

:thanks: for your help along the way.


Thanks sb! Very pricey for now on the DV seeds, but eventually they should come down more in line with seeds generally.

And I do have a lot of weed hanging around...old and new!

Thanks Krissi, it was a great couple of harvests! I wish I could tell you how they smell but no one in my house is any good at putting a name to the scents of cannabis. :sorry: And no one will be trying them out for another 5 weeks or so, so that's when I'll finally get to hear, "It gets me high"!

Oh sorry, you were just asking GT about ladybugs? He's not around anymore, but I think reptile bark should be okay as long as it doesn't come with reptiles. They eat ladybugs. Don't forget the shredded paper, raisins, and sponge!
Raisins check sponge check paper check frog separate
Congrats on the harvest numbers!
Thank you BL! I'm thinking that next year I will try flipping in a more timely manner and seeing if I can still get a good g/day number. Every grow is another lesson. :thumb:
Beautiful nug shot, and nice trim job!
Thanks! I rarely take any closeups but something about the window light and the scale background called me.
It was that nug shot that really captured my attention then in typical Shed fashion the thunder got louder and kelp on rolling. Post #27,303 is Blue Ribbon all the way.
Thanks Nev! Maybe I should take more nug shots as long as they don't look like this?
20211023_162905 Sour G crop.jpg


Congrats on the POTM win AND the harvest. See what happens when Chiquita bananas ripen in a certain way?
Thank you Boo, that is what I've always heard! And it's nice to see you around these parts. :love:
Raisins check sponge check paper check frog separate
LOLOL! Exactly.
How about a Monday update? Sure, why not as long as there's something to talk about.

Here were the Jack Herer (left) and Sour G 1.1 clone yesterday:

And last night I flipped them in the (now warmer) shed! So today is flip day 1 for those two, along with the Sour G I sprayed with STS.

In case @BeezLuiz is keeping a spreadsheet, the JH was 36.5" tall and the Sour G was 33" (after the supercrop a bit ago). We'll see...

Also yesterday, I got a split in the second Doug's Varin seed from @Weed Seeds Express, after 24 hours:

Into peat pucks they went:

And now they're in the Shoebox of Light® at around 80ºF until they sprout:

This morning, I found one of the ladybug larva I saved from the plants I chopped:

And it had turned into a beautiful ladybug!

That's the news from here. I hope your Halloween went well though ours was definitely quieter than normal. I wore my usual get-up but added a black cloth mask with a mouth and fangs drawn on. Needs must!

How about a Monday update? Sure, why not as long as there's something to talk about.

Here were the Jack Herer (left) and Sour G 1.1 clone yesterday:

And last night I flipped them in the (now warmer) shed! So today is flip day 1 for those two, along with the Sour G I sprayed with STS.

In case @BeezLuiz is keeping a spreadsheet, the JH was 36.5" tall and the Sour G was 33" (after the supercrop a bit ago). We'll see...

Also yesterday, I got a split in the second Doug's Varin seed from @Weed Seeds Express, after 24 hours:

Into peat pucks both went:

And now they're in the Shoebox of Light® at around 80ºF until they sprout:

This morning, I found one of the ladybug larva I saved from the plants I chopped:

And it had turned into a beautiful ladybug!

That's the news from here. I hope your Halloween went well though ours was definitely quieter than normal. I wore my usual get-up but added a black cloth mask with a mouth and fangs drawn on. Needs must!

That Jack Herer is looking like a real saucy lass! I better stop looking at her...The Baroness is getting jealous.
How about a Monday update? Sure, why not as long as there's something to talk about.

Here were the Jack Herer (left) and Sour G 1.1 clone yesterday:

And last night I flipped them in the (now warmer) shed! So today is flip day 1 for those two, along with the Sour G I sprayed with STS.

In case @BeezLuiz is keeping a spreadsheet, the JH was 36.5" tall and the Sour G was 33" (after the supercrop a bit ago). We'll see...

Also yesterday, I got a split in the second Doug's Varin seed from @Weed Seeds Express, after 24 hours:

Into peat pucks they went:

And now they're in the Shoebox of Light® at around 80ºF until they sprout:

This morning, I found one of the ladybug larva I saved from the plants I chopped:

And it had turned into a beautiful ladybug!

That's the news from here. I hope your Halloween went well though ours was definitely quieter than normal. I wore my usual get-up but added a black cloth mask with a mouth and fangs drawn on. Needs must!

did you patent that shoe box of light or whats up with the trademark? haha the trees are looking awesome too man.
Sweet all kinds of new life here.

Now reach for the sky’s Doug Varin.

Halloween went well though ours was definitely quieter than normal.
It was real quiet here this year too. I turned my porch light off about 4:15pm after the grandkids left and now I have like 3 huge bags of candy left over again this year.
Ahoy there,
We be thinkin (if you have not yet thrown overboard your slow seeds) that you should give the little slow pokes a squirt of the Jazz. Just one fine spray over the seeds then return them to the germination station. Pop goes the meja. :love:
Another method of coaxing slow poppers. :hookah:
That Jack Herer is looking like a real saucy lass! I better stop looking at her...The Baroness is getting jealous.
We can't have that Baron...look away!
did you patent that shoe box of light or whats up with the trademark? haha the trees are looking awesome too man.
Thanks KG! I didn't actually patent it but it's fun to pretend that I actually did for the makeshift stuff I come up with. I've got a few others as well that show up on occasion!
Sweet all kinds of new life here.
Now reach for the sky’s Doug Varin.
New life heading skyward! Thanks Nev.
Ahoy there, We be thinkin (if you have not yet thrown overboard your slow seeds) that you should give the little slow pokes a squirt of the Jazz. Just one fine spray over the seeds then return them to the germination station. Pop goes the meja.
One sprouted but if the other one doesn't I could dig it up and start again with a MeJA spray first! I can't see going through the expense of buying an Alexa for it though. :cheesygrinsmiley:
October seems like a good month for you. Congrats on the win!
Thank you MrS! Every three years, October is POTM month. I'm on a roll...:slide:
Very quick non-orphaned Tuesday update. Rare crisis at work that needs my almost full attention, but I couldn't let the day go by without posting this:

Doug's Varin sprout (day 1) from @Weed Seeds Express. :yahoo:

From the WSE website:

"With Doug's Varin seeds, you grow a really hard-to-get strain which was specifically developed to contain high levels of THCV. THCV is a compound that is similar to THC in terms of psychoactive properties and molecular structure, but offers different amplified and varied effects. Unlike other medicinal strains, Doug's Varin can contain up to 25% THCV, which is extremely rare. The Doug's Varin plant needs 10 to 12 weeks to complete its full flowering cycle, which is a typical period for a Sativa."

And what's the big deal about THCV?

Here is some of what is said about it on the Journal of Cannabis Research:
"The main advantage of THCV over THC is the lack of psychoactive effects. In rodent studies, THCV decreases appetite, increases satiety, and up-regulates energy metabolism, making it a clinically useful remedy for weight loss and management of obesity and type 2 diabetic patients."

And this from Leafly:
• THCV is an appetite suppressant. In contrast to THC, THCV may dull the appetite. This may be good for consumers focused on weight loss, but THCV should be avoided by patients treating appetite loss or anorexia.
• THCV may help with diabetes. Research shows promise in THCV’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistance.
• THCV may reduce panic attacks. It appears to curb anxiety attacks in PTSD patients without suppressing emotion.
• THCV may help with Alzheimer’s. Tremors, motor control, and brain lesions associated with Alzheimer’s disease appear to be improved by THCV, but research is in progress.
• THCV stimulates bone growth. Because it promotes the growth of new bone cells, THCV is being looked at for osteoporosis and other bone-related conditions.

Like I always say...we'll see! In the meantime, I've got a new plant. :)
Very quick non-orphaned Tuesday update. Rare crisis at work that needs my almost full attention, but I couldn't let the day go by without posting this:

Doug's Varin sprout (day 1) from @Weed Seeds Express. :yahoo:

From the WSE website:

"With Doug's Varin seeds, you grow a really hard-to-get strain which was specifically developed to contain high levels of THCV. THCV is a compound that is similar to THC in terms of psychoactive properties and molecular structure, but offers different amplified and varied effects. Unlike other medicinal strains, Doug's Varin can contain up to 25% THCV, which is extremely rare. The Doug's Varin plant needs 10 to 12 weeks to complete its full flowering cycle, which is a typical period for a Sativa."

And what's the big deal about THCV?

Here is some of what is said about it on the Journal of Cannabis Research:
"The main advantage of THCV over THC is the lack of psychoactive effects. In rodent studies, THCV decreases appetite, increases satiety, and up-regulates energy metabolism, making it a clinically useful remedy for weight loss and management of obesity and type 2 diabetic patients."

And this from Leafly:
• THCV is an appetite suppressant.[/B] In contrast to THC, THCV may dull the appetite. This may be good for consumers focused on weight loss, but THCV should be avoided by patients treating appetite loss or anorexia.
• THCV may help with diabetes. Research shows promise in THCV’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistance.
• THCV may reduce panic attacks. It appears to curb anxiety attacks in PTSD patients without suppressing emotion.
• THCV may help with Alzheimer’s. Tremors, motor control, and brain lesions associated with Alzheimer’s disease appear to be improved by THCV, but research is in progress.
• THCV stimulates bone growth. Because it promotes the growth of new bone cells, THCV is being looked at for osteoporosis and other bone-related conditions.

Like I always say...we'll see! In the meantime, I've got a new plant. :)
:cheer: Congrats on the new addition!

sounds like a great strain to try!
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