InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Lovely looking harvests Shed. :bravo: and congrats!!

I think it did a much better job on the PM than hydrogen peroxide does though.
I've used it the last couple of times in place of the H2O2. Fortunately I'm PM free this round. I used half a cup in 18L, which I think is close to your 1% solution. I just found it was cheaper, and if it was used to prevent kill PM, why not use it in the wash? It seems to work just fine.
Lovely looking harvests Shed. :bravo: and congrats!!
Thank you MrS! It's always nice when you have a chance to stop by after work. :high-five:
if it was used to prevent PM, why not use it in the wash? It seems to work just fine.
My thoughts exactly! Why am I washing in something that doesn't work on my PM when I can easily use something that does?
beautiful bud and it looks sparkly clean from here, wd
Thanks Carmen! Powdery mildew and (remarkably) bug free. :)
I'm late, as usual... :oops:
Congrats on a very productive weekend, Shed!
Powdery mildew and (remarkably) bug free. :)
And minimal bud rot- That makes great harvests even better!
Wednesday update with a few pics of what will be happening next!

On the seed-making front, I have these two 1 gallon Sour G clones from the one I just harvested:

I'll be spraying the one on the left with STS starting tonight and then flipping it early next week. I'll wait a week (maybe longer) and then flip the other one. I hope to get some viable pollen off of this one, though self-seeding will be fine too!

In other Sour G news, here is the lanky one, also cloned from the harvested one:

I will be taking the lowers for clones (in case the seed-making doesn't work) and then flipping it this weekend along with the...

Jack Herer from @Weed Seeds Express, now on day 103!

For some reason I keep letting plants veg longer than I intend to. I blame this one on the shite soil that made the last grow take longer. :)

The buds are all still hanging at around 66% RH with low air movement, so I hope to be able to leave them there until the weekend. I like to have a 6-7 day hang dry whenever possible.

I hope your week is going well, and that it's half over. Stay safe! :peace:
Hiya Shed!

I also experimented with drought right before harvest (thats my story and I'm sticking to it) and the tips of the buds looked brown similar to yours below. When I checked with the loupe I did not see any mold so I figured they would still be good. True? Or will you trim off the brown tips?

20211023_162905 Sour G zoom.jpg
I'm seeing lots of amber trichomes on the tips - even after wash and fridge dry.

FYI I used 1/4 cup lemon juice and 1/4 cup baking soda per 5 gallons water in my 4 bucket wash. Seemed to work just fine. How would I know if it was ineffective? First bucket was 3 gallons water plus 4 quarts 3% H2O2 (3:1); buckets 3 and 4 were just tap water room temp.

When I checked with the loupe I did not see any mold so I figured they would still be good. True? Or will you trim off the brown tips?
That's an easy one! Rot will brown your leaves from the inside out. Everything else (nute deficiencies/toxicities, PM, or obviously drought) will brown them from the outside in. So all of those leaves are green at the rot.

I just trimmed the way I normally do and ignored the color of the sugars since they all had trichomes on them!
FYI I used 1/4 cup lemon juice and 1/4 cup baking soda per 5 gallons water in my 4 bucket wash. Seemed to work just fine. How would I know if it was ineffective? First bucket was 3 gallons water plus 4 quarts 3% H2O2 (3:1); buckets 3 and 4 were just tap water room temp.
One bucket with H2O2 1:3 and one bucket with lemon juice/baking soda and two buckets of rinse sounds like you checked off about every box available! If you weren't suffering a huge PM or insect attack I'm sure you're fine. How did they look after they drip-dried?
Congrats on the harvests Shed! I’m glad to hear the little red hen had lots of help this time. :) That sour g looked exactly like my lemon auto, except no drought for mine. :eek: No clue why, just gradually went on like that to the end? Anyhow, I am really diggin your scissor hash photo, could be a cool photm entry??
Thanks Krissi! I promise to get to some of your seven(teen?) journals this afternoon. :ciao:

Or the feast of Mulberries Fricassee on the 2nd even. Thursday night will be my drop!
It's 3 journals Shed...just 3. I closed 2. At my most it was 5. Catching up here! Looking fabulous as always!!!! Beautiful clones!
Thursday quickie update, the one where I plant the Jack Herer 1.1 clone that was rooted in perlite!

Here it was this morning, 19 days after being taken:

I planted it in new ProMix HP and gave it 2.25g/gallon equivalent nutes. You can see I buried a lot of the stem:

I also sprayed it for PM to give it the best start to life. :) It's back on the heat mat under the 23w 6500L CFL but starting this weekend I'll move it outside to the bright shade.

In other news, I sprayed the Sour G clone with STS last night so now I have to look up how long before I'm supposed to flip it.

No roots on the Candida cuttings yet so I think I'll take some more this weekend and go back to my old method for those, along with cuttings from the lanky Sour G. Definitely need spares of that in case the seed-making doesn't work.

And I ran the oil heater in the shed last night and it only used an average of 82 watts/hour!

That's it for me. I hope the weekend's in sight and the future is bright! :cool:

I'll post an update with pics tomorrow.
:thumb: Looking forward to seeing all that cleanliness.
Congrats on the harvests Shed! I’m glad to hear the little red hen had lots of help this time. That sour g looked exactly like my lemon auto, except no drought for mine. No clue why, just gradually went on like that to the end? Anyhow, I am really diggin your scissor hash photo, could be a cool photm entry??
Thanks double H! Every time I harvest I mention the little red hen. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Maybe your Lemon Auto stressed out for another reason and that's why it's your biggest plant evah! And I just might have to enter that pic for PhOTM, because last person who recommended I enter a contest turned out to be a pretty good judge.

Clones are good. Not much of a cost to keep a few clones going for “just in case”. And seeds they last just a little longer.
Your going to be self sufficient in no time.
I almost always take clones for just that reason! Imagine growing some outstanding pheno and wishing you had saved some of the trimmings for clones...oof! Easy peasy.
It's 3 journals Shed...just 3. I closed 2. At my most it was 5. Catching up here!
Har! I checked out your "Find All Threads by Krissi" list and counted 16 just since October 1st. :)
Looking fabulous as always!!!! Beautiful clones!
Thanks! I hope the seeds are just as good looking as their parents. :slide:
Congrats on the rootin-tootin clone!
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