InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Friday update on drought day 5 for the Sour G. At this point all I can say is "oof!" However, I'm going to start with something you might actually want to see...trichome pics. :)

First, the Chiquita Banana from @Weed Seeds Express on flip day 47. I'd say about two weeks on this one:

And the unseeded Candida on flip day 59, which will get another week or more:

Now, for those sitting in on the drought experiment, on to wilted Sour G...

Whole plant (note the stones to keep it from falling over @Maritimer):

The leaves are not only wilted but now they are curling into themselves. Will they recover? Who knows?

Protractor pics:

Most of them are still well under 90º measured at the top angle. I don't believe they will ever change much at that vertex even after the plant is chopped. I plan on leaving as many as I can on the plant after harvest to check that theory.

So we wait. Luckily the weather hasn't been really sunny or hot or it probably would be dead by now!

:thanks: for sticking around even when the plant looks like shite. I hope you all have a great weekend planned, whatever that entails. :thumb:

I certainly hope so or that would be a bummer.
Indeed it would! Though some might say it's ready to harvest now based on the trichome pics from last weekend so it wouldn't be a total loss.
Here‘s praying for sunshine
Sunshine good, dry heat :eek: at this point!
It’s just not the same without the image of the Vulcan..
We all saw it. ;)
Friday update on drought day 5 for the Sour G. At this point all I can say is "oof!" However, I'm going to start with something you might actually want to see...trichome pics. :)

First, the Chiquita Banana from @Weed Seeds Express on flip day 47. I'd say about two weeks on this one:

And the unseeded Candida on flip day 59, which will get another week or more:

Now, for those sitting in on the drought experiment, on to wilted Sour G...

Whole plant (note the stones to keep it from falling over @Maritimer):

The leaves are not only wilted but now they are curling into themselves. Will they recover? Who knows?

Protractor pics:

Most of them are still well under 90º measured at the top angle. I don't believe they will ever change much at that vertex even after the plant is chopped. I plan on leaving as many as I can on the plant after harvest to check that theory.

So we wait. Luckily the weather hasn't been really sunny or hot or it probably would be dead by now!

:thanks: for sticking around even when the plant looks like shite. I hope you all have a great weekend planned, whatever that entails. :thumb:


Indeed it would! Though some might say it's ready to harvest now based on the trichome pics from last weekend so it wouldn't be a total loss.

Sunshine good, dry heat :eek: at this point!

We all saw it. ;)
It may not look the best buddy. But honestly, this experiment is probably the most interesting thing happening on here for me at the moment. It's very rare that you get to see the science tested to such extremes. I'm genuinely interested and look forward to each daily update. So stop worrying!!! Lol

Also loving the sexy trichome shots :)
Gotta agree with Moony on this! Incredibly interesting, informative, and well explained. Those trichome pics are great for showing how frosty those plants are.

My heart wept seeing the drought- :eek: but I'm truly rooting for a nice come back!
So, how long are you going to wait? Inquiring minds, you know. Happy Smokin'
It may not look the best buddy. But honestly, this experiment is probably the most interesting thing happening on here for me at the moment. It's very rare that you get to see the science tested to such extremes. I'm genuinely interested and look forward to each daily update. So stop worrying!!! Lol
Also loving the sexy trichome shots
Thanks Moony! I'm glad that there are folks interested enough to stick through the ugly plant pics to see where this is all going. :high-five:
Gotta agree with Moony on this! Incredibly interesting, informative, and well explained. Those trichome pics are great for showing how frosty those plants are.
My heart wept seeing the drought- :eek: but I'm truly rooting for a nice come back!
I know right? It's so tough seeing that plant every morning when I open the shed. A nice comeback would be stellar!
So, how long are you going to wait? Inquiring minds, you know. Happy Smokin'
@Maritimer has been down this road on many grows, so I'm waiting for his call. I hope he doesn't take a day off! :eek:
No worries Felipe, we knew what you meant. At least enough knew that no one made fun of you. :thumb:
You da man, Shed! Taking it on the chin..
for Science!
Thanks...for science!
we knew what you meant. At least enough knew that no one made fun of you.
Lol - actually the Wow! was about the Sour G.

I’m a proud treker - go ahead and make fun! :laughtwo:
What in the world is going on with that sad-looking plant? Did I miss something? :laughtwo:
Ahoy there!
aye ye ol captn was thinkin we hears some of yer crew squakin.
might be time to tighten their rum rations.
the crew mussin trust their captn.
otherwise let loose yer marines on em

She is looking great Shed. Tell her all about how she can have water on Monday. Pisses them off royal watchin you fertigate your other plants. hehe
Ahoy there!
aye ye ol captn was thinkin we hears some of yer crew squakin.
might be time to tighten their rum rations.
the crew mussin trust their captn.
otherwise let loose yer marines on em

She is looking great Shed. Tell her all about how she can have water on Monday. Pisses them off royal watchin you fertigate your other plants. hehe
Just watered the Chiquita Banana this morning so that was today's taunting. :)

Monday you say? You're sticking with that 8 days come hell or 80º days?
Just watered the Chiquita Banana this morning so that was today's taunting. :)

Monday you say? You're sticking with that 8 days come hell or 80º days?
please yes, wait until at least monday
i only wish you had a sister clone running fully fertigated as your control
Me too!

Out of curiosity, where is the plant getting the energy to create all the additional resin if it's almost completely devoid of moisture?
The GRN has long ago closed all transpiration that would normally occur thru the lamina of the leaves. The floral material does not significantly contribute to transpiration and will take much longer to loose all moisture content. She is not out of moisture and is now very slow at losing any remaining molecules.
Just what's in the stems and leaves? Does it dry out the flowers as well eventually?
The loss of a significant amount of leaves can often occur as the petiole is no longer being supported thru plant energy holding the leaf turgid. The angle gets sharper at the separation from the branch and the petiole fails.

The plant is utilizing stored energy and nutrients in the limp foliage. This gets deep fast and the science is complex. Please just say it is using stored energy until I find ways to explain things.
I try to attract some of the smartest folks on the site so I can learn from and share with the best.
Try all you want.
You're still gonna get folks like me to ruin it all.
Mine seem to droop in the middle and just tighten the vertex angle of the parabola.
That's what she said....
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