InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

just in time for my (hopefully) tested and quarantining daughter to come home from college for Thanksgiving.
I remember a time when family could come home without quarantining or being tested. Those were the days I tell ya.
I thought this was going to be an electrical question!
LOLOL! Nice.
In all my years as a professional photographer (over 30 years ago), I do not remember shooting a sheriff or a deputy. That said, Bob Marley shot the sheriff and his confession is legendary. And since Pink falsely confessed to the sheriff's shooting, she obviously shot the deputy. Sorted!

Thanks BC!

Thank you Professor. I'm guessing it was you, because this ↓↓↓

Thanks for hearing the call Dutch!

Milf? :hmmmm: I'll have go look that up. Back in an hour... ;)

Thanks Penny!

Thanks Bode! I'm hoping between the cloth pots and the trimming I can keep them alive for a while.

Glad to help otter :).

Thanks sb! As long as my cuttings root I hope that I'll find the correct GA3 dilution to get this done. And nice work on your son getting a job. Sorry you had to become ferry service though. :rolleyes:
I must start reading these posts earlier! I don’t know who shot the deputy. If you insist on blaming me for it, tHen you, sir, are probably the killer. Lol
How ya been Shed?
Been awhile. Had some buddies that are developing a green thumb and thought I’d turn them into the forum.
I got a new phone, then forgot the pw, and never jumped back on after that last MC grow.
How all is well.
I forgot to comment on your starter. Nice!!
I was close at 80F. Betty never let me down. Those bulbs are pretty much universal for stoves and fridges.
You and Betty be like :high-five:
How ya been Shed?
Been awhile. Had some buddies that are developing a green thumb and thought I’d turn them into the forum.
I got a new phone, then forgot the pw, and never jumped back on after that last MC grow.
How all is well.
Welcome back to the forums! I wondered if you were ever going to make it back when I quoted your chloramine posts in PCa's thread. If you put up another journal (bug-free I hope) make sure you drop a link here :).
You and Betty be like :high-five:

Welcome back to the forums! I wondered if you were ever going to make it back when I quoted your chloramine posts in PCa's thread. If you put up another journal (bug-free I hope) make sure you drop a link here :).
Will do my friend... and can’t promise anything on the bugs though. Lol!
We’re in a different house now, so hopefully they don’t follow. Won’t be too long. That Lavender male ended up kissing each of the other 4 ladies, so I’ve got some crosses I’d like to try. By far, the Darkstar Kush was the best from that last run. I’m curious to see what the Lavender/Darkstar cross does. As of this morning we do have a lady though. ;)
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