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Is that what you were referring to wrt how much oil in each final piece?
Some of that is water and some of that is oil. If you want to work out dosing you need to know how much oil there is per gummy.

For example, my recipe calls for three liquid ingredients:
1 cup cold water
1/4 cup light corn syrup
1/4 cup infused EVOO

So of 1.5 cups of liquid, only .25 cups is oil, or 16.7% of the total of any given gummy.
Some of that is water and some of that is oil. If you want to work out dosing you need to know how much oil there is per gummy.

For example, my recipe calls for three liquid ingredients:
1 cup cold water
1/4 cup light corn syrup
1/4 cup infused EVOO

So of 1.5 cups of liquid, only .25 cups is oil, or 16.7% of the total of any given gummy.
Yeah, once I typed that I realized there is more to it than that! Lol. So is there a mid-level percentage per gummy that is used as a baseline? Should I grab another ounce of the Cindy and de carb it too? :laughtwo:

BTW - I hope your knee is feeling better. :hug:
I meant how much infused oil will be in each ’serve’

EG - when i make the infused ‘chocoalates’, I know that out of the 5ml of final mix that goes into each mould, about 1ml of that is the infused coconut oil so if i want each serve to be about 10mg i need an oil that’s about 10mg/ml.

So you’ll need to know how much of the infused oil is going into each gummy. Then you can make the infused oil stringer or weaker depending on how strong you want the final product to be.

I like the idea of different sizes - for different strength edibles :thumb:
Yeah, once I typed that I realized there is more to it than that! Lol. So is there a mid-level percentage per gummy that is used as a baseline? Should I grab another ounce of the Cindy and de carb it too? :laughtwo:

BTW - I hope your knee is feeling better. :hug:
10mg THC is the standard store-bought measurement per gummy. Most folks here find that is not enough, probably because of the high tolerances most growers have.

Knee is feeling better! Rubbed THC and CBD oil on it and about 20 minutes later I wasn't limping :).
Morning Shed! I hope your weekend is good so far. :hug:

I noted that you suggest decarbing @240 degrees for 90 mins wrt THC.

A knowledgeable previous 420 member who shall not be named told me to decarb for THC at 230F for 110 minutes so that's what I've been decarbing at since then. I know that if you're trying to potentiate other cannabinoids, the decarb times and temps are different. Here's the post about it:

Decarbing to potentiate specific cannabinoids

I decarb in foil pouch which is why I go 90 minutes. If you do it in an open tray I would say go 70 mins.

I'll be here off and on so I should be able to get back to you in enough time to execute your plan!

Sorry your knee is bothering you. Mine is bothering me, too but I keep lots of jars of salve around the house to apply as needed. Isn't it a wonderful med. :battingeyelashes:

For your comment about decarb times, the post for Boo above is for you, too. ;)
Thanks HG! Two applications of the two oils and I haven't noticed the knee for the rest of the afternoon. Either the oil works or it just got better :).
I know that if you're trying to potentiate other cannabinoids, the decarb times and temps are different.
It turns out that CBD will completely decarb at my regular 240ºF decarb temp/time, as shown in the lab test results for my Candida oil:
SO glad you posted that again!

I just noticed for the first time that it has more CBC than THC. Even though that’s a small amount, that CBC is likely a large component in the efficacy of Candida CD-1. CBC has been shown to be up to 10 times more effective than CBD for many of the things CBD helps with (that’s in labs with mice and stuff, so real-world is obviously going to be different, but still). I’m happy to have noticed that in your results and am deciding that it’s surely an assist! Definitely nice to see another cannabinoid in the mix - even at tiny amounts it still enhances the entourage effect.

From the Dinafem blog on Cannabichromene:
Like the other cannabinoids, its effects are produced through interaction with the receptors of the endocannabinoid system of the human body. But unlike THC, CBC binds quite badly with the CB1 receptors in the brain, which is where THC exerts its psychoactive effects. In fact, CBC seems to interact on receptors other than the best-known CB1 and CB2 receptors.

Research indicates that CBC binds more effectively with the TRPV1 and the TRPA1 receptors, both linked to the perception of pain and acting as molecular integrators of physical and thermal stimuli.

And when CBC activates these receptors, it leads to the release of higher levels of natural endocannabinoids, such as anandamide, also known as the "bliss molecule". This explains the different way in which CBC acts: while THC and other cannabinoids are directly coupled to their respective receptors (such as CB1 and CB2), CBC indirectly activates these cannabinoid receptors through the production of anandamide, with significant implications for its role in pain relief.

CBC can also play a fundamental role in the "entourage effect", in which cannabinoids act synergistically to modulate the overall effect of cannabis. Thus, a study found that when used together, CBC and THC can control inflammation more effectively than when used separately.

Okay, using Amy's 15% THC and 28g (post decarb weight) of C-99, the calculation looks like this:
15% THC
28g bud
236.59ml oil
80% efficiency (stove-top or oven)
gives you 14.20mg THC/ml oil.

For your 1ml gummy, that means that you take 14.2 and multiply it by 0.17, which gives you 2.37mg THC per small gummy.
:cheesygrinsmiley: Thank you. Im almost afraid to respond. Lol :laughtwo: Here goes.... That seems a little low based on the 10mg/gummy factor. So I should probably decarb a few more ounces!? :eye-roll:
:cheesygrinsmiley: Thank you. Im almost afraid to respond. Lol :laughtwo: Here goes.... That seems a little low based on the 10mg/gummy factor. So I should probably decarb a few more ounces!? :eye-roll:
That’s as strong as I make any oil, and usually less. You can eat a couple of gummies and your 5ml molds will give more of the infused oil in the mix.
Or, since you only need 1/4 cup of oil for the gummy recipe, you could try less oil for this go. The hard part is fitting all the bud into smaller amounts of oil and having it cover it. Grinding it first helps a lot!
:idea: Once again I need a head slap emoji. YES! Even if I got it all into 1/4 cup, would I make it to the 10mg point? Regarding grinding, I was wondering if my immersion blender would work for that or...mortar and pestle type grind? I saw Amy uses a spoon.

Edit: de ja vu :eek:
Sorry, I will change that to 18% and recalculate for 1/4 cup per below:
:idea: Once again I need a head slap emoji. YES! Even if I got it all into 1/4 cup, would I make it to the 10mg point? Regarding grinding, I was wondering if my immersion blender would work for that or...mortar and pestle type grind? I saw Amy uses a spoon.
I use a small coffee grinder, but I have no idea if you can cover an ounce of bud with just 1/4 cup of oil. If you could...

28.3495g of 18% THC bud in 59.1471ml of oil will get you to 69mg THC/ml of oil. Much more powerful stuff!
And how much infused oil can you have in each gummy?
Each gummy will have oil at 16.7% of the total liquid volume.
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