InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I haven't used any because even all the ladybugs I bought years ago (for my backyard) flew away with a day or two :). I've seen some folks here try them, but most discover the bad bugs when it's too late to wait for the predatory bugs to knock down the infestation.


I guess I hadn't really taken that into account, I expected my mites to be nothing but loyal. I always get so excited when I see a ladybug hanging around the plants, only for it to immediately fly away. :laughtwo: I guess I'll find something else to spend it on. Thanks Shed!
Hay Shed. I told my wife about Candida and she said start growing it for our dogs. We have GSDs , 3 of them and the two older ones are starting to move around pretty stiff so I told her I could make some gel caps for them to help. Now my wife Hates everything about Cannabis but she told me to grow the CD1 I was floored so I went and got my seed stash and dropped 2 last night after she said that. Maybe she is coming around.
I just wanted to let you know I was dropping them, You are the one I took my q from you got me interested in Candida CD1.
Of course I will be saving some for me and friends/family. I plan to micro dose with 1 CD1 Caps and 1 Gold Leaf cap
My wife is the same way she is starting to realize it's not just about getting high any more it's about medicine! She is prone to kidney stones and when she is passing them would rather take eddibles than the opioids she gets prescribed. She has never smoked tobacco or weed except the fee times I have had her try it she just coughs she must have baby pink lungs!:laugh: it's funny how opposites attract!
Hay Shed. I told my wife about Candida and she said start growing it for our dogs. We have GSDs , 3 of them and the two older ones are starting to move around pretty stiff so I told her I could make some gel caps for them to help. Now my wife Hates everything about Cannabis but she told me to grow the CD1 I was floored so I went and got my seed stash and dropped 2 last night after she said that. Maybe she is coming around.
I just wanted to let you know I was dropping them, You are the one I took my q from you got me interested in Candida CD1.
Of course I will be saving some for me and friends/family. I plan to micro dose with 1 CD1 Caps and 1 Gold Leaf cap
Congrats on the Candida drop PCa! Your dogs should do great with it because it's virtually no THC.

[Note to all: never ever give dogs THC or even blow smoke in their faces. My son won't let our dog in the garage with him when he's smoking in there because it becomes a bit of a hot-box.]

I'm not sure why your wife still doesn't see that cannabis is medicine for you, as smokey mentioned below. She should want you to feel better and not be addicted to more and more pharmaceuticals.

My wife is the same way she is starting to realize it's not just about getting high any more it's about medicine! She is prone to kidney stones and when she is passing them would rather take eddibles than the opioids she gets prescribed. She has never smoked tobacco or weed except the fee times I have had her try it she just coughs she must have baby pink lungs!:laugh: it's funny how opposites attract!
It's always good when spouses can finally come around to medical cannabis, however she takes it. Nothing wrong with baby pink lungs!
, 3 of them and the two older ones are starting to move around pretty stiff
I have been providing a friend’s dog with CBD oil made from Candida for a couple of years and and the little tyke is thriving. Had pretty severe arthritis and was on heavy anti-inflammatory meds etc that the ‘mum’ thought was making her (the pup) pretty sick. The mum was fairly anti canna prior to this too but her desperation over her beloved k9 led her to quizzing me more and more and eventually she tried it. Few of drops of a mild potency oil in the food twice a day - a very small dose. A couple of months later I was the favourite aunt being touted as producing a miracle! I didn’t of course, I just grew one!!

I have every confidence your k9s will do well on it.

she told me to grow the CD1 I was floored

This is awesome PC - small moves and every little bit counts!

I count my blessings every time folks post about ‘partner challenges’ to their growing happiness. I am blessed with unwavering encouragement form my other - who doesn’t toke at all, but is now using the CBD as well with great success (treating pain and depression). Maybe your lovely other will try some CBD herself!? :D Lots of folks use it just for maintenance of well-being.

Candida grow tip - it doesn’t get super strong stems... actually it’s bendy as all get out! Have stakes set well in advance. It’s hella sticky as well and those 2 things are a wild combination, especially at harvest time ;)
I have been providing a friend’s dog with CBD oil made from Candida for a couple of years and and the little tyke is thriving.
I was hoping you'd reply to that so I didn't have to dig through your thread looking for the dosing you gave me....wait, I still do. :)

Here is what I found:
She has transitioned well of all anti-inflammatories and now doing as well as when on them, “and actually better!”. That’s on 4drops a day of not particularly potent EVOO infused with Candida CD-1. I think the oil is around 4-6mg/ml 20:1 CBD, so that’s a microdose of 1-1.5mg.

And as I recall, it was a pretty small dog (less that 20 lbs I think).

Do ya need to dry it first?

so excited! CG pollen
Thanks Amy! I didn't dry it first. I thought the rice would do that. Dry it how? On top of the toaster oven? The ambient RH is the same as the RH where it came from.
Dry it how? On top of the toaster oven?
That takes too long...maybe try using a blow dryer....:rofl:
j/k...I don't think you need to dry pollen, but I could be wrong...
as I recall, it was a pretty small dog (less that 20 lbs I think).
Dry it how? On top of the toaster oven? The ambient RH is the same as the RH where it came from.
I dunno! ‘Cause, I dunno anything about it. Just have a memory flag popping up about maybe needing to let it dry first. That I read it somewhere...
But honestly, I dunno! That’s why I asks thee? :)
That takes too long...maybe try using a blow dryer....
j/k...I don't think you need to dry pollen, but I could be wrong...
I dunno! ‘Cause, I dunno anything about. Just have a memory flag popping up about maybe needing let it dry first. But honestly, I dunno! That’s why I asks thee?
It's all still new to me! I know you are supposed to let seeds dry out for a few weeks after you harvest them, but I can't recall anything about pollen.
After consulting the google :cheesygrinsmiley: it appears that pollen does need to be dried -so I was wrong!
I've never dried it, but mine sat on the cookie sheet for a week before I scraped it up- plenty of time for it to dry...
I had to go looking too!
The Rev posts this at Skunk Mag

Collecting Cannabis Pollen​

Male Cannabis Flowers Mixed with Pollen
This is super simple and straight forward: simply bend the male flower over and give it a shake while holding it above a sheet of wax, or parchment paper. Put on your latex gloves before you ever touch your parchment/wax paper, otherwise pollen will stick to your fingerprints like a CSI thing. You can collect indoors or outdoors. I recommend early morning collection in either case. You will get a ton of the flowers mixed with the pollen, like in the photo above—don’t sweat it.

Just Use a Clean Strainer to Remove Most of the Flowers
Run all these flowers mixed with pollen through a regular (clean) kitchen type strainer to remove almost all of the flower matter from the pollen. You want to remove every single bit of flower matter from the pollen, and I use tweezers to accomplish this to get the last few specs. Use a clean brush to pile all the pollen up into a central location on the parchment paper once all the flower matter has been removed, then spread it out a little bit.

Place the paper with the pollen on it in a dim location that is warm and dry for 48 hours. Temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees with humidity around 30% to 60% is absolutely primo. Make sure the pollen is out of any direct intense light; or sunlight. Make sure there is no real air movement from any fans. After 48 hours your pollen will have dried enough to store it without it decomposing, and it will still be completely viable.

Storing Your Pollen...​

Copied from here.

Now I know something too :)
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