InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I mixed my pollen in with a small amount of rice flour. It’s in a baggie in the fridge and still seems quite dry. I haven’t tried to use it, maybe I should. It’s Star Pupil fem pollen
Oooh! Do we the people get a vote in that too? Seriously! Please?:
Sure, everyone can vote! What I'll probably do is throw a little pollen at every flowering plant from now on :).
What's New Pussycat? :laughtwo:
I love Mulaney.
I just watched Togo on Disney + and I'm crying still.
I just :love: dogs so, so much.
Hope you're having a good evening Sheddie.
Thanks VG! Never heard of Togo and we don't have Disney +, but it looks like it got good reviews. That said, I prefer not to cry at movies, or get stressed out, or scared. Have I mentioned I don't see a lot of movies? :cheesygrinsmiley:
Your ability to find all this stuff is RIDICULOUS.
Thanks Boo. Searching is a specialty of mine!
That guys a riot. I just saw him on SNL. He also used to do an elderly Jewish gentleman on The Kroll show great stuff. Anyway, ive never been here before. Some wild stuff!
His three standup specials on Netflix are absolutely worth watching. My daughter is a huge fan and turned us on to him a long time ago. Haven't seen the duo stuff he did with Nick, but I did just start rewatching Big Mouth from the beginning!
I mixed my pollen in with a small amount of rice flour. It’s in a baggie in the fridge and still seems quite dry. I haven’t tried to use it, maybe I should. It’s Star Pupil fem pollen
Thanks Chef! I'm thinking the fridge is probably better than the freezer in terms of keeping the moisture out. I don't have any rice flour so I'll probably just go with rice. Works on dunked cell phones too.

Won't be long either, as the pollen looks to be imminent. Update soon...
Chilly and windy Saturday update! It's colder here than it is at all the celebrations going on in NY, Chicago, or Philly. Nobody is in a tank top or t-shirt here today :). Oh, and it rained last night, but not in my son's room. :yahoo:

In other news, I trimmed all the mother plants as well as the Candida that will be receiving the eventual pollen from the GA3 reversed Candida, if it works. Lots more for the salve bin!

I will not be doing a Candida x Colombian Gold cross though as I am a firm believe in keeping CBD and THC separate in mixes.

And speaking of pollen, I got a big cardboard box from the get-free-stuff-in-your-neighborhood Facebook page. I taped it all together and then began to cut it apart. I needed a door for plant access, and I had an old mirror that was just about an inch wider than the base of the box. Here it is with the door cut and the mirror slotted in:

I hung a 23w CFL from the conveniently existing flap in the top:

Here is the view inside:

And here it is with the Colombian Gold 1. I took off a lot of fans to make it easier for the pollen to collect on the mirror:

Won't be long now!

And finally, here it is all closed in, with the light on at 6am and off at 6pm. It doesn't need to be completely light-proof because the shed is.

I'll check on it in the mornings and if I see any pollen sacs have split, I'll close it up and give it a couple of knocks on the side. After the dust settles I'll go back in with a razor blade and get what's fallen onto the mirror. That's the plan at least!

Hope all is going well with you so far this weekend. :cool:
Here it is with the door cut and the mirror slotted in:
That box looks oddly familiar.... :thedoubletake:...;)

Great plan, Shed- you should end up with enough pollen to last for years...
Chilly and windy Saturday update! It's colder here than it is at all the celebrations going on in NY, Chicago, or Philly. Nobody is in a tank top or t-shirt here today :). Oh, and it rained last night, but not in my son's room. :yahoo:

In other news, I trimmed all the mother plants as well as the Candida that will be receiving the eventual pollen from the GA3 reversed Candida, if it works. Lots more for the salve bin!

I will not be doing a Candida x Colombian Gold cross though as I am a firm believe in keeping CBD and THC separate in mixes.

And speaking of pollen, I got a big cardboard box from the get-free-stuff-in-your-neighborhood Facebook page. I taped it all together and then began to cut it apart. I needed a door for plant access, and I had an old mirror that was just about an inch wider than the base of the box. Here it is with the door cut and the mirror slotted in:

I'll check on it in the mornings and if I see any pollen sacs have split, I'll close it up and give it a couple of knocks on the side. After the dust settles I'll go back in with a razor blade and get what's fallen onto the mirror. That's the plan at least!

Hope all is going well with you so far this weekend. :cool:

That box looks oddly familiar.... :thedoubletake:...;)

Great plan, Shed- you should end up with enough pollen to last for years...

InTheShed InTheBox!!!

I knew there was something calling me to your journal this morning.

I can sense the cardboard...

That box looks oddly familiar....
Great plan, Shed- you should end up with enough pollen to last for years...
Thanks carcass! Yours is way shinier than mine :). Oh, and I don't even recognize you with a capital C. :eek:
I like your little cardboard shed, Shed.
Thanks Chef! I'm hoping I can squeeze two Candidas in there eventually.
InTheShed InTheBox!!!
I knew there was something calling me to your journal this morning.
I can sense the cardboard...
LOL! You had your cardboard senses tingling.
Thanks VG! Never heard of Togo and we don't have Disney +, but it looks like it got good reviews. That said, I prefer not to cry at movies, or get stressed out, or scared. Have I mentioned I don't see a lot of movies? :cheesygrinsmiley:
I may be a tad more emotional than you.

Here is the test.
Do adorable baby goats make you cry uncontrollably?
Thanks Shed That is Very helpful. If I can find a box that size I will give that a shot since I will be growing out Regular seeds this time
I gotta get a big box and find a mirror so I can collect some love dust of the 79Xmas bud and dust a couple colas or bud sites and get a bunch more seeds
In other news, I trimmed all the mother plants as well as the Candida that will be receiving the eventual pollen from the GA3 reversed Candida, if it works. Lots more for the salve bin!

I will not be doing a Candida x Colombian Gold cross though as I am a firm believe in keeping CBD and THC separate in mixes.

Speaking of Candida... Has anyone ever successfully created seeds from it using GA3 or another method?
Plant pictures coming this space :cheesygrinsmiley:
Thanks Shed That is Very helpful. If I can find a box that size I will give that a shot since I will be growing out Regular seeds this time
Glad to help PCa! Any shipping place or even Home Depot might carry something like that. If you have a bit more space, a "wardrobe box" should do the trick.
Great idea with the Box and mirror and being in the shed should not render a problem .
Thanks sb! Only issue is it gets cold in there at night. I may bring it in the house and throw a tarp over it to make it dark at night. We'll see...
I gotta get a big box and find a mirror so I can collect some love dust of the 79Xmas bud and dust a couple colas or bud sites and get a bunch more seeds
A piece of glass would work as well, even smooth plastic. Anything you can smoothly drag a razor blade across would work.
Now you can rest easy about that - hopefully for 20+ years!
30! That's the warranty on the material anyway. 7 years on the labor.
Awesome! Plant looks great. Boy flowers are beautiful. Isolation box is brilliant! Destined for success
It's the little things that bring Joy...
That is a beautiful male plant there Shed.
Thank you Boo! And the shingles did not come flying off in yesterday's wind storm. :thumb:
Speaking of Candida... Has anyone ever successfully created seeds from it using GA3 or another method?
One of our resident colloidal silver (CS) experts (beez0404) wasn't able to get it to reverse, and no one has yet found the correct ppm for GA3, but that's the challenge that a few of us here are working on.
I’m gonna make me a pollen box now. Great idea Shed
Thanks Caddie!
STS would be the better route.
I haven't seen anyone try it with STS yet, but if the GA3 won't do it, that's next. What makes you think that STS will be an improvement over CS?
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