InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I know, but it's just part of outdoor gardening :). On the plus side, the Berry Bomb and AK are chugging along with no troubles other than they both want to tip over from the weight of the buds :thumb: .

Sounds like that problem goes in a category with needing more jars and stakes!
Sorry for the bad luck, Shed.
Thanks fornia! I don't look at it that way as growing outside has advantages to go along with bugs, mold, and mildew :). The sun, huge plants, and no electric bill!

Sounds like that problem goes in a category with needing more jars and stakes!
Ain't that the truth. If that Berry Bomb hits half as well as it grows, it's a killer for anyone doing indicas outside! I'll get a flowering update later this week.
Sorry, your bud rot treatment isn't working out Shed. Your pics of those beautiful buds rotting away are truly heartbreaking. :(
Thanks Homer, but there's plenty left to go around. This is a huge plant vegged for 181 days. It's just three small bud tops with mold (that I've seen so far...I'll know more at harvest on Saturday), and even though I did a big lollipop on this plant, it still should produce reasonably well. We'll see!

WOW!!! 181 day veg is amazing; she must be a monster. Glad to read it is only 3 bud tops.
It's a clone from @Archiweedies cut on Dec 10th of last year and flipped on June 9th. For those keeping score at home, that's the 344th day of the year, flipped on the 160th day of the year.

365-344 = 21 days in 2018
21+160 days in 2019 = 181


Flower roundup this week!

Cool, looking forward to the big harvest!!! :headbanger: :thumb:
I know, but it's just part of outdoor gardening :). On the plus side, the Berry Bomb and AK are chugging along with no troubles other than they both want to tip over from the weight of the buds :thumb: .

"......want to tip over from the weight of the buds" First world problems. :)
I know, but it's just part of outdoor gardening :). On the plus side, the Berry Bomb and AK are chugging along with no troubles other than they both want to tip over from the weight of the buds :thumb: .

Just curious what your overnight RH is and temp
Wednesday update, so let's take a look at the flowering three on flip day 52. More like flop day! This will be the last time you see the Bedroom Cookies until it's on the chopping block (just three days away...). Pardon the droopy leaves, they were all thirsty. BeBo and AK got 6g/gallon, but I'm letting BC go hungry another day or two. I want to see if drought stress will increase the terpenes, as there's very little smell on it. Good plant to run that test on!

Let's start with Bedroom Cookies 2.2:

Next up is the AK-47:

And some of what's holding it up-ish:

Finally, Berry Bomb 1.3:

Remember how we discussed the fact that bugs gravitate to one plant? Aphids like Berry Bomb:

Even though this plant is smooshed next to the AK every night, they stay on BeBo. I sprayed selected leaves with castille soap/water mix.

And after the pics I did a major tie-up job on the Berry Bomb to keep it from tipping over as the pot gets lighter. Pics of that another day.

On a housekeeping note, I did a @Derbybud coring of the root mass on the lanky Candida, which is completely rootbound in its 5 gallon pot. It would probably look terrible if it were in a plastic pot, but looks fine in the cloth pot. I want to make sure the water isn't just running off the sides because of the root mass.

And that's it for me today! :cool:
There's a fun anectdotal HB story about a couple guys checking out a test plot. On one side were the plants in HighBrix amended soil and on the other side the usual soil. As they walked from the usual side to the HB side, the grasshoppers on their pants dropped off and returned the the non-HB side.

Pests don't waste time on less appealing produce. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I’m curious to see what differences you notice from letting it dry out a bit. I feel like it changes the way the plant dries after chop for me, but nothing concrete.
I will be watering again before harvest though, so I won't be cutting it down parched.
There's a fun anectdotal HB story about a couple guys checking out a test plot. On one side were the plants in HighBrix amended soil and on the other side the usual soil. As they walked from the usual side to the HB side, the grasshoppers on their pants dropped off and returned the the non-HB side.

Pests don't waste time on less appealing produce. :cheesygrinsmiley:
LOL! Anecdotal is right! My Lemon Potion Auto was loaded with bugs and that was about as unappealing a produce as you can get. Maybe grasshoppers have better taste! :)
want to see if drought stress will increase the terpenes, as there's very little smell on it. Good plant to run that test on!
I know a few other growers are having some success with drought stress at the very end giving a significant increase in trichome production. And I know many folks say you want it dry when you harvest...

will be watering again before harvest though, so I won't be cutting it down parched.

I’m curious, why not let it go fully dry then, if you’re testing the effects of drought stress pre-harvest? :hmmmm:
Well...according to the research dug up by the ever-searching Maritimer, the time to start the drought period is the number of days before harvest that it takes for your leaves to attain a 50º wilt angle. You then bring them back to life (water them) and then harvest. I have no idea what that is with this plant but it's coming down this weekend for sure, so I thought I'd run a mini test. It very well may be fully dry when I get home, as normally I would have watered it this morning. I can always tell when to water when I don't grunt when lifting the 10 gallon pot :).
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