InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

This is my main journal so :welcome: aboard SB! Glad to have you.

If you get lost on my slightly unorthodox growing method don't be afraid to speak up. It can get confusing sometimes. Otherwise...just pull up a chair!

Thanks for the welcome man! I'll just sit by the wayside till I feel I can contribute.
Next time (hopefully there won't be one) you should use the green gardening tape. It stretches with the plant much better than electrical tape. :)
Monday update and I've got a few pictures to share. On the plus side, every picture tells a story don't it?

Let's begin with the final weight on the CBD Lemon Potion Auto:

That's 13 grams and I didn't do any trimming, as there wasn't enough to make it worthwhile. Grow it again? We'll see how the smoke report goes. It won't be for a while if I decide to do it again.

Next up, let's take a gander at the DTF, which I thinned this weekend. Starting with the before and after pic:

After the after pic, I went and tied the outside branches down further to keep that middle growth strong. You can see all the middle growth here, in the "sauga-view"...

@Alafornia was curious about topping, so I wanted to mention that this was topped above the 7th node and then I kept the top branches spread wide, to let the lowers to catch up and promote the inner growth as well. When you keep the top branches tide down, the plant realizes it needs to create a new apical stem, so it sends growth hormones to other branches in an attempt to reach for the sky. Keeping the top growth bent down will promote that new growth. Bend slowly over a few days so as not to split the trunk or break any branches.

How tall you let it go before topping and training this way will depend on how long you want to veg and nothing else. Once you top, you need to have time to let all the other growth happen before you flip. A short veg time will necessitate a lower topping, while if I had a longer time to veg I could have let it grow even taller before topping.

While I had my face in there during the trim, I discovered that the stem had split, because I didn't know about the @Heavenly Hybrid double H topping method, where you leave a half inch of stem above the node to prevent this very thing:

I taped it up, not because I think the plant needs it now, but to prevent it from splitting further once the branches get heavy with buds:

Let's move on to the next plant getting thinned, the IIP:

I know it's tough to see in there with the sunlight and the green background, but I took off a lot of skinny branches.

On both of these plants, I took @Graytail's advice and left on a lot of the leaves while removing the adjoining shoots. As long as I had good airflow, I didn't strip all the greenery. Nothing wrong with a future source of carbs!

I got a cup of monstercrop cuttings from each that I will try to root in order to complicate my life further.

Speaking of skinny stems, @Archiweedies had asked about the AK-47 having such skinny branches and would it support the buds in flower:


And last for the day (if you're still with me...) the Candidas. As promised, here is the 5 gallon with the tomato cage/canopy ring yesterday. It needs water every single day. Remind me not to use 5 gallon pots for full-sized plants:

40" tall from the soil this is :eek: .

And the other in a 7 gallon pot:

These are flip day 10, so I'll be thinning them at the end of stretch.

In a housekeeping note, I did a preventative spray of the Southern Ag Garden Friendly Fungicide on the big three yesterday afternoon. Please don't put your face in the flowers even after it's dry. It burns! I'm going to need a balaclava to move the BC 2.2 now.

That's it for my weekend! I hope yours went well :cool: .

Awesome. Thank you, Shed.
Thanks for the welcome man! I'll just sit by the wayside till I feel I can contribute.
Any time SB! Glad to have you along.
Next time (hopefully there won't be one) you should use the green gardening tape. It stretches with the plant much better than electrical tape. :)
Stretchier than electrical tape? I'll take a look next time I'm at Home Depot. Though I don't mind re-wrapping it in a week or two, and I'm not sure I have room on the shelf for another type of tape!
Awesome. Thank you, Shed.
Glad to help fornia!
We “see” you everyday so we know you are nuts! All the best people are.


No pics today, as just as I finished all the watering it started fricking pouring, and I heard they cleared the ocean of swimmers because of lightning :eek:. It's like I've moved to Florida all of a sudden except the people aren't as weird.

I smooshed the flowering three under a tarp and left for work, and will rely on my minions to un-smoosh them when the clouds break. I hope the anti-mold bacteria didn't get washed away. Now's when I really need them! Maybe I got them under the tarp in time.

Oh, general information request...has anyone here bought one of those CO2 mosquito killers? I need one for my backyard as we have a whole new species of mosquito around called Aedes, and they eat all the time, not just dusk and dawn. I will spend money to kill these suckers dead. Anyone?
Any time SB! Glad to have you along.

Stretchier than electrical tape? I'll take a look next time I'm at Home Depot. Though I don't mind re-wrapping it in a week or two, and I'm not sure I have room on the shelf for another type of tape!

Glad to help fornia!



No pics today, as just as I finished all the watering it started fricking pouring, and I heard they cleared the ocean of swimmers because of lightning :eek:. It's like I've moved to Florida all of a sudden except the people aren't as weird.

I smooshed the flowering three under a tarp and left for work, and will rely on my minions to un-smoosh them when the clouds break. I hope the anti-mold bacteria didn't get washed away. Now's when I really need them! Maybe I got them under the tarp in time.

Oh, general information request...has anyone here bought one of those CO2 mosquito killers? I need one for my backyard as we have a whole new species of mosquito around called Aedes, and they eat all the time, not just dusk and dawn. I will spend money to kill these suckers dead. Anyone?
I've had a mosquito magnet. It killed thousands of them in weeks. Problem is it attracts them. Placement in the wind is key to happiness with these things. If it's between a mosquito and you, the skeeter is going to find you first. I have 2.5 acres and found it hard to think mine was helping though it killed a noble amount of them.
Around here, we fog the immediate area, and put a couple magnets out at the perimeter.

But a screen house is a LOT better! :cheesygrinsmiley:
I've had a mosquito magnet. It killed thousands of them in weeks. Problem is it attracts them. Placement in the wind is key to happiness with these things. If it's between a mosquito and you, the skeeter is going to find you first. I have 2.5 acres and found it hard to think mine was helping though it killed a noble amount of them.
I don't have anything like acreage, just a backyard. But we can't sit out for 5 minutes without getting bitten over and over. I'm thinking these are the Aedes albopictus, also known as the Asian Tiger mosquito, so I want to find a trap that works well with those. It's not too windy when they seem to be biting, and these don't seem to venture too far from their home, so maybe I have a chance with the right attractant.
Around here, we fog the immediate area, and put a couple magnets out at the perimeter.
Our legs are the magnets here. What kind of magnets do you use?
I don't have anything like acreage, just a backyard. But we can't sit out for 5 minutes without getting bitten over and over. I'm thinking these are the Aedes albopictus, also known as the Asian Tiger mosquito, so I want to find a trap that works well with those. It's not too windy when they seem to be biting, and these don't seem to venture too far from their home, so maybe I have a chance with the right attractant.

Our legs are the magnets here. What kind of magnets do you use?

The aforementioned CO2 mosquito killers . :bongrip:

But really, a fogging before you go out and sit there works the best. Not the stupid stuff in a can, but the genuine home-use fogger - they work great.

We have a screen house. :cheesygrinsmiley:
The Mosquito Magnet uses a sex lure and burns propane for carbon monoxide to also attract. These two strong lures follow the ground where ever it and a breeze brings it. The skeeters follow it to the machine, and get sucked into a mesh bag in a vacuum stream where they dry out and die.
Did I hear someone say they needed a screened patio built? LoL
Kill em all with FIRE! Skeeters are the size of a pterodactyl down here!
Thanks for the offer Porch-Man! We have enough indoor space but we can't enjoy the outdoor space with all the damn skeeters. And if I went with fire I'd have no leg hair left at all :).
The aforementioned CO2 mosquito killers.
Ah, gotcha. Do you recommend one brand/model over another?
The Mosquito Magnet uses a sex lure and burns propane for carbon monoxide to also attract. These two strong lures follow the ground where ever it and a breeze brings it. The skeeters follow it to the machine, and get sucked into a mesh bag in a vacuum stream where they dry out and die.
Thanks otter! I've been looking at those, but they have so many different models. Do you have a fave?
Thanks for the offer Porch-Man! We have enough indoor space but we can't enjoy the outdoor space with all the damn skeeters. And if I went with fire I'd have no leg hair left at all :).

Ah, gotcha. Do you recommend one brand/model over another?

Thanks otter! I've been looking at those, but they have so many different models. Do you have a fave?
I gave mine away. There were more skeeters than it could kill and when t he wind shifted they got worse. I'm a no go for me. We have those monster skeeters too but we either stay in after dusk or I spray from a can earlier if we have a party or something special. No fire pit for us, sadly, we're in a wet area kind of in the woods.
Did I hear someone say they needed a screened patio built? LoL

Kill em all with FIRE! Skeeters are the size of a pterodactyl down here!

I always take the nuke them from space approach. It's the only way to be sure. :D
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