InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I'm not up on all the tomato cage lingo you youngsters use these days. It's three stakes and two rings of identical size that start about 18" off the top of the soil and then a foot above that. Does that help?
Sure does.
That would be a canopy ring. Tomato( full) cages you add another ring plus an extra foot in height.
Nope, never saw it. Probably the wrong generation for me. I was already out of college and working on Wall St when it came out.

This explains so much. I understand now why you can geek out with me and get all analytical. I'm a former financial consultant and managing principal (Series 7, Series 63, Series 24, Life Accident & Health, Property Casualty, Licensed Mortgage Broker, ChFC, BBA in Finance).
He only said no to one person before, but I stuck around anyhow. Lots to learn here brutha! Not from Shed but many others. This is where we all post the good stuff.
I'm going to grow colas as fat as possible :) and follow the instructions on @bobrown14's recommendation of Southern Ag's Garden Friendly Fungicide. If it works it could be a game changer for me, since the fattest colas I get will almost always lose weight to bud rot.
It worked for me last year. Lots of MA growers lost plenty of bud to rot last year. I grew open and used the same thing with a different name. I did lose a couple of dozen nugs that I cut out while they grew, but saved a bunch of colas that way.
Thanks BL! Bedroom Cookies is 10 gallons and the other two are 7 gallon. After reading that it's better to be watering to runoff every time, and seeing how much water the pots could really hold when I cleared the soil this weekend, I decided that 2 gallons watering wasn't doing the roots justice. I used to water with 2 gallons and could still easily lift the 10g pot afterward. When completely I soaked it, I could barely carry it.

In 25 gallon pots I don't think that 3 gallons would touch every root.
In the past some of my 10 gallon pots held almost 4 gallons if the roots have really gone and filled the pot up. It takes a while to get them to hold that much, but they sure can. I can't imagine picking one up and moving it myself. You're a superhumandude!
Can I jump in here and follow along?
Greetings DT and :welcome: to my grow journal! I always appreciate brave souls who aren't put off by the number of pages we've accumulated here. Follow along, ask questions, and chime in with any thoughts that come to mind as you go. Other than MrSauga, it's a pretty good group here ;). Oh, and I use the winky face to indicate sarcasm because it's nicer looking than the /s tag. I'm from NYC so sarcasm runs in my blood.
He only said no to one person before, but I stuck around anyhow. Lots to learn here brutha! Not from Shed but many others. This is where we all post the good stuff.
I almost really said no to one person. I chastised him for his attitude and strident tone, and he seems to have vanished from the site, so well-done me!
I am curious how you added the cage-just gently downward and funnel a few branches outside of it on the levels?
I squeezed the whole plant together and slid the cage over it. Then whatever stuck out stuck out, but I didn't want any branches on the outside to start.

Before (July 1st):

After (July 3rd):

I'll get a current pic today and post it either tonight or tomorrow. It's a hedge.
This explains so much. I understand now why you can geek out with me and get all analytical. I'm a former financial consultant and managing principal (Series 7, Series 63, Series 24, Life Accident & Health, Property Casualty, Licensed Mortgage Broker, ChFC, BBA in Finance).
Way more than I committed to. I just got a Series 7 and got out after three years. I never needed it though, as I worked in the syndicate department and then on the OTC trading desk. Hated that! Then my grandfather died and left me enough money to quit and start a photography business. That was roughly four careers ago now :).
Do you track all that data Shed? Do you write it down somewhere? Or is it all just memorized?
I'm sorry Age, what data do you mean? But to answer your question, I don't track anything in writing. I carry everything in my head. My first grow I had a spreadsheet but quickly gave it up as it just added even more time to growing!
It worked for me last year. Lots of MA growers lost plenty of bud to rot last year. I grew open and used the same thing with a different name. I did lose a couple of dozen nugs that I cut out while they grew, but saved a bunch of colas that way.
Ooh, good info, :thanks: otter! Did you use it as a preventative or just as soon as you saw some evidence of rot? Did you soak every bud or what? The directions on the bottle leave a lot to be desired. Detailed info would be great if you don't mind.
I can't imagine picking one up and moving it myself. You're a superhumandude!
LOL not really! I can pick it up with 3 gallons of water in it, but carrying it in the shed is really hard to do. If my son is around we each take a side. Luckily, he's home a lot, and it's only the first night that it weighs that much.

Also, it's ProMix HP so the medium doesn't really weigh anything on its own. If this were in soil I'd need a fork lift!
Did you use it as a preventative or just as soon as you saw some evidence of rot? Did you soak every bud or what? The directions on the bottle leave a lot to be desired. Detailed info would be great
I used it when I saw small white moths hanging on the plants. They lay eggs and the maggots get all up in the buds and poop and ... you know Rot happens there. I caught many single nugs and snipped em off for the rest of the cola to survive.
I believe it took care of powdery mildew too.
I sprayed every 3 days until PM was gone. Then every 7 days if needed. My guy at the hydro store gave me the usage tip. Good thing I wrote it on the bottle :). I don't think I used it in the last weeks. I'm a bit paranoid of the unknown. The crop(both of them) came in good and tastes fine. Still smoking on some of it. Washed of course.
Thanks otter! I have loads of moths in the garden but have sprayed spinosad every two weeks or so, so I think that's taking care of the caterpillars as I haven't seen anything get nibbled on.

Once it cools off later today I'll give them a preventative spray and hope for the best. And I'll try not to get my face in the flowers so I don't get it all over me!
Preventative Maintenance is key. Nice work with the spinosad.
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