InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I wish they would approve the release of the genetically modified mosquitoes that are infertile. The damn things aren't native anyway so there would be no disruption to the native food chain, except they don't get to eat ME!

That's how it always starts, but nature always finds a way....fade to jurassic park... :D
They're in the world I'm pretty sure. I agree, skeeters and great white sharks have no place in my life. Oh and tics did I say tics oh the ........
Rattlesnakes.... fuck them guys!
Speaking of evolving into Jurassic Park, Texans have been finding rattlesnakes that have ditched their rattle to adapt against natural predators. LoL

Funny random thing happened today. I was in my bathroom and I looked down in the sink and saw a tiny little sprout poking it’s head out from the drain! It was tiny and pale, but what a little fighter. One of the seeds must’ve fallen down the drain and sprouted itself :thedoubletake:
Can you believe that!?! :laughtwo:
Oh, I wanted to tie the mosquito conversation back to plants for minute (not the drain kind though...), and say that my skin salve is a godsend for all the bites we get. Nothing I have ever used for the itch of mosquito bites lasts as long as my stuff. It takes a few minutes to work, so you have to have faith. But then you forget you ever got bitten. Even after it rubs off on the itch all night long and into the morning.
In the meantime, I gotta do something.
We have used one of those things you mention. I think. If it’s what I think you ere describing, it works fairly well. Not 100%, but good enough to enjoy our deck. It catches months and other insects as well though. We often open up and let everything out before we go inside! :laughtwo: Not always tho, and less and less. SO now it fills up with dead bugs. I have been known to use them in soil mixes and put them on the garden - insect frass is good.
We have used one of those things you mention. I think. If it’s what I think you ere describing, it works fairly well. Not 100%, but good enough to enjoy our deck. It catches months and other insects as well though. We often open up and let everything out before we go inside! :laughtwo: Not always tho, and less and less. SO now it fills up with dead bugs. I have been known to use them in soil mixes and put them on the garden - insect frass is good.
The ones that tend to collect moths tend to be light based as an attractant, which doesn't work on mosquitoes. Lots of other bugs are attracted to light, just not those bloodsuckers.
It’s going to be my next ‘cannamed’ learning curve, the salve. Just have to start collecting. I have some stems already...
There's no real learning curve to it! I found that cutting the stems and roots into smaller pieces was the hardest part of the process. That and finding a place to store everything while I wait to make my next batch...
Rain? Oh yeah, that thing I don't have to think about until the end of November :).
just as I finished all the watering it started fricking pouring,

It took me a while to find today's update. It's too bad there wasn't an easier way to find it, like a link or something like that.
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