In The Lab

... the first time we recycle the soil, treat it like new (tune if possible) and use the regular first run kit amendment + castings. Then after second run,....

tavoso -

I think Curso's saying that after the first run you can just use it again, but tune if you can. You don't add amendment + castings until after the second run.
tavoso -

I think Curso's saying that after the first run you can just use it again, but tune if you can. You don't add amendment + castings until after the second run.

No bro pretty sure I got it right. We use regular kit amendment for the first recycle. Treat the soil as if it's new out of the bag. Then after using that soil the second time, there is a different amendment designed to set up the third run.
No bro pretty sure I got it right. We use regular kit amendment for the first recycle. Treat the soil as if it's new out of the bag. Then after using that soil the second time, there is a different amendment designed to set up the third run.

That is correct.

Adding the green mulch of your trimmings is one of the best things you can do for the soil....however, once you have a PM or mite outbreak, re-mulching leaves from that crop is a bad idea. Start fresh once you have problems.

When everything is right, there should be no problems:

in order of importance.
This is correct ;) After the 2nd run (which ended up being my 4th grow, I get 2 cycles per run) you add Doc's 2nd amendment.

Ok...That's it i'm really getting frustrated over this recycling the soil thing!!I have asked a few times and you guys keep contradicting yourselves. After we are done with FIRST RUN soil ,you don't do anything to it to use it again except "tune " it a little with some the old roots and scraps from first run crop.After we use this FIRST RUN soil a second time ...that's when ,and only when you add anything and that's the SECOND RUN amendment. Got it???So ,to use second run soil again (for the third run) use the SECOND RUN amendment. Do not use the second run amendment for your second run!!!It's to get it ready for a third run!!So ,let me say this use first run soil again...don't add anything but old roots and scraps if you wish but you don't have can just go ahead and let er rip without doing anything to it!I hope this makes this issue clear once and for all. It's a little confusing at first ,so get it right! Sorry to all if i seem a little pissed over this but it 's so confusing ,not only to me but for alot of growers it seems!Lets get this right everyone!Cheers!
Ok...That's it i'm really getting frustrated over this recycling the soil thing!!I have asked a few times and you guys keep contradicting yourselves. After we are done with FIRST RUN soil ,you don't do anything to it to use it again except "tune " it a little with some the old roots and scraps from first run crop.After we use this FIRST RUN soil a second time ...that's when ,and only when you add anything and that's the SECOND RUN amendment. Got it???So ,to use second run soil again (for the third run) use the SECOND RUN amendment. Do not use the second run amendment for your second run!!!It's to get it ready for a third run!!So ,let me say this use first run soil again...don't add anything but old roots and scraps if you wish but you don't have can just go ahead and let er rip without doing anything to it!I hope this makes this issue clear once and for all. It's a little confusing at first ,so get it right! Sorry to all if i seem a little pissed over this but it 's so confusing ,not only to me but for alot of growers it seems!Lets get this right everyone!Cheers!

Each run is a set up for the next bro...1st for the 2nd, 2nd for the 3rd, ect...
At Doc's request here is how to "tune" your soil.

No problem...I'll do my best to make sense of it :) more bong rip :bigtoke:...there we go..

Now that I'm good and baked and coughed myself into remembering I have broken ribs...I can explain this I think.

Lets start with explaining what I do. I add my "scrap" any plant matter I am not going to use as medicine gets recycled into my soil (aside from thick woody stems). It can be fresh or dry, I try to get it in there fresh. But it honestly doesn't matter. I add a handful of Root zone cover it with soil and water it. We will call this TUNING THE SOIL. This puts the soil energy "in tune" for our crop. Its just green mulching people have been doing it for hundreds of years. It's nothing new. I didn't reinvent the wheel. I just went back to find what they did back in the day to grow food properly before chemicals. With all this being said...

Your first round should cook per instructions with 20-30lbs of worm castings for at least 30 days. If you are able to tune this first run soil feel free to do so. If not save your trim.

You can just let the 2nd run rip if you wish. I did it was fantastic. However, if you tune'll be 100% better.

After the second run. This is where things get good. I tune it and add 20lbs worm castings and a small bag of pro-mix + the 2nd amendment. Cook it for 30 days.

Third run tune it, cook it 30 days.

Fourth run tune it, cook it for 30 days.

Fifth run tune it, cook for 30 days.

To be continued at my discretion ;)

Not confusing at all if ya read his original post
In The Lab

It was never called 2nd run amendment, just 2nd amendment
after each run tune it...the only time I have added any thing other than organic matter is AFTER THE 2ND TIME. Then its just leaves, root zone and water.

Sorry Curso, but there's still some confusion,

What you say above is the way I understood your instructions - only tune between 1st and 2nd runs, then use 2nd Amendment.

But in #545 tavoso is planning to add a second round of 1st Amendment to prepare for the second run (first recycle), then 2nd Amendment for the 3rd run, and you say he's correct.

That's what got Duggan going too. I think you may have read first cycle rather than first recycle?

Really hate to beat a dead horse - just looking for a final confirmation.

Also sorry to get into this before even saying hi - so - Hi! I've been lurking and reading for a couple of months. This is a great thread and the stuff you're doing with DB is fantastic. I'm ordering kits and learning about High Brix and starting to look forward to getting healthy even more than getting high. I've always focused on having the best soil I could, and will gladly replace guesswork with actual understanding!

Hi and Thanks to All!

Sorry Curso, but there's still some confusion,

What you say above is the way I understood your instructions - only tune between 1st and 2nd runs, then use 2nd Amendment.

But in #545 tavoso is planning to add a second round of 1st Amendment to prepare for the second run (first recycle), then 2nd Amendment for the 3rd run, and you say he's correct.

That's what got Duggan going too. I think you may have read first cycle rather than first recycle?

Really hate to beat a dead horse - just looking for a final confirmation.

Also sorry to get into this before even saying hi - so - Hi! I've been lurking and reading for a couple of months. This is a great thread and the stuff you're doing with DB is fantastic. I'm ordering kits and learning about High Brix and starting to look forward to getting healthy even more than getting high. I've always focused on having the best soil I could, and will gladly replace guesswork with actual understanding!

Hi and Thanks to All!


I stand by what I said in the above quoted post.
Oh man you guys have been smoking too much herb.

There are two kits. Let's call then #1 and #2.

First run: New bale of promix + EWC + # 1
Second run: same used bale of promix + EWC + #1
Third run : same used bale of promix + extra promix + EWC + #2

Tuning the soil (adding leaf scraps) can be done to any of these runs!
Whats up doc,

I've been around for a while lurking, reading, learning, commenting and mostly waiting. Its been almost 2 years since I first started planning on growing our beloved plant and FINALLY the stars have aligned. Honorable discharge from Military.. Check... Move to a legal state... Check.. Obtain Med Card.. Check.. Obtain Good Genetics.. Check.. Cook Soil.. In the works... Build a sound environment.. Soon to Come.. Ask Doc to PM you about info about ordering his kit.. Check :thumb: :Namaste:
if dry ice hash is made, or any other hash for that matter, would the "tune" benefit from tossing those scraps into the mix?

wet or dry?

and would the ice hash left over foliage be CO2 enriched?
Oh man you guys have been smoking too much herb.

There are two kits. Let's call then #1 and #2.

First run: New bale of promix + EWC + # 1
Second run: same used bale of promix + EWC + #1
Third run : same used bale of promix + extra promix + EWC + #2

Tuning the soil (adding leaf scraps) can be done to any of these runs!

I think this is why people are getting confused. You keep saying to amend the 2nd run with the kit when Curso did not say that in his original post.

"You can just let the 2nd run rip if you wish. I did it was fantastic. However, if you tune'll be 100% better."

Theres nothing about amending it for the 2nd run
No bro pretty sure I got it right. We use regular kit amendment for the first recycle. Treat the soil as if it's new out of the bag. Then after using that soil the second time, there is a different amendment designed to set up the third run.

That is correct.

Adding the green mulch of your trimmings is one of the best things you can do for the soil....however, once you have a PM or mite outbreak, re-mulching leaves from that crop is a bad idea. Start fresh once you have problems.

When everything is right, there should be no problems:

in order of importance.

This is correct ;) After the 2nd run (which ended up being my 4th grow, I get 2 cycles per run) you add Doc's 2nd amendment.

Do what you wish with you soil, but I believe I am on the mark.
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