Depending on your soil and microbial activity in it your roots there could be an issue picking up nutrients properly.
I think you should set your ph to 6.3 after adding nutrients and feed for a week or so and see if she starts eating properly.
8 ph is far too high. :Namaste:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
I agree with it being high. I have never altered the ph
Tested pH of water that has sat for 48hrs.

7.75 pH

I will run another test this afternoon to compare.

Geoflora veg was mixed with media during uppotting. I was getting ready to topdress the pots for the final time with veg before, moving into geoflora flower.
@Bill284 what do you use for pH up and down? You all natural or do you use a specific company?
@Bill284 what do you use for pH up and down? You all natural or do you use a specific company?
Before the fire I used General Hydroponics.
But that was for convenience.
My local Hydro store had it consistently at a decent price.
Then I moved.
This summer in the greenhouse I didn't check.
I never bought a meter after the fire.
I ran coco and soil without ph'ing.
I either got lucky with the ph.
Or my theory is that my bokashi and frass with Dynomyco created a great system to feed my roots regardless of ph.
Because I've never run coco without being dead on 5.8 ph before.
But I've had good luck with GH.
What do you have available?

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
Before the fire I used General Hydroponics.
But that was for convenience.
My local Hydro store had it consistently at a decent price.
Then I moved.
This summer in the greenhouse I didn't check.
I never bought a meter after the fire.
I ran coco and soil without ph'ing.
I either got lucky with the ph.
Or my theory is that my bokashi and frass with Dynomyco created a great system to feed my roots regardless of ph.
Because I've never run coco without being dead on 5.8 ph before.
But I've had good luck with GH.
What do you have available?

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
Omg. Praise the bokashi and frass! Our local store closed down. Only thing 30miles away L.o.w.eseres and wally, anything else 50+ miles. Zon is last resort but in this case might provide by my watering schedule about 3days out.


Ordered general hydroponics up and down with test kit. 8days out. FML.

Looks like lemon juice or vinegar will be tested prior.
Last update until after the storm rolls on through. I will be putting the Intake and exhaust hoses Into the tent, so it circulates the warmer air. I did a pre run, it was consistent. Other than the humidity spike from re circulating the air.
Everything is healthyish. Plants seem to be growing regardless of deficiency, or pH issue. I will be evaluating my pH levels closer throughout, just to save myself headaches in the future. I will be top dressing tonight with @GeoFlora Nutrients, and a nice drink of H20 to suck on before the cold rolls in.

Stay warm yall








Alrighty o.

After that storm. The ladies are.......ok. 😜

Temps dropped out Thursday -41f realfeel, that continued for 24hrs, Friday came with modest numbers only, -26f ALLDAY. By Friday afternoon hot water pipes were frozen solid. Nothing was stopping this freeze. We were very very super fortunate to have electricity. So many around us hundreds of thousands without. With 2 heaters in my main grow area, I was barely able to maintain 40f. With that the LEDs In the tent were able to push it to 60f. I did back feed the fan into the tent but 10hrs in first day the humidity was so high, I just stopped all the air flow, except for one 10in fan pointing at the ceiling in the tent to move the heat off of the driver's, into canopy of plants.

I know I know let's see the pictures.

Psht. I get it.

I held out not watering, because I was scared they would freeze. But I did give them a nice healthy drink as the main room heated up last night. I will probably hold off until the pH kit i had ordered up last week arrives to water further. We will see if that can help.



AND last but not least



Weird...knobby by nature. Heh. a little.. stinky....stanky. yup. Papa Bear is a little different.

Stunted at veg. Entered flower like 30+ days behind siblings. Siblings that were 2,3,4 times the height and size. Curious to see how the weird one plays out. Almost done ....
Moooorning shots. I got spunky last night. Photo shoot, defoliated, SNS 209, top dress with geo Flora, and a little H20. H20 was originally 8.21 after sitting 48hrs. After 17ml of lemon juice, I stopped. 7.27

Didn't feel comfortable adding more. Got a shipping update this morning, pH up down won't be delivered until Saturday now. So good thing I didn't wait.

Ladies are happy.

Oh and I also got out the scope for Papa Bear. He's almost done!!!!

Moooorning shots. I got spunky last night. Photo shoot, defoliated, SNS 209, top dress with geo Flora, and a little H20. H20 was originally 8.21 after sitting 48hrs. After 17ml of lemon juice, I stopped. 7.27

Didn't feel comfortable adding more. Got a shipping update this morning, pH up down won't be delivered until Saturday now. So good thing I didn't wait.

Ladies are happy.

Oh and I also got out the scope for Papa Bear. He's almost done!!!!

Garden looks great. :thumb:
Hope you had a lovely Christmas my friend.
Take care.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
looks like a few nice ones coming up on chop.

are you flipping early ? i only ask as those pots could support a lot more plant. you could reduce growing costs / increase yield.

you may like this chart as well


a lot of soil guys ph to 6.3, not the 6.5 the chart suggests. it's not a huge difference, it can make some nutes a little more available assuming your ph drifts upward. most charts assume an upward drift.
looks like a few nice ones coming up on chop.

are you flipping early ? i only ask as those pots could support a lot more plant. you could reduce growing costs / increase yield.

you may like this chart as well


a lot of soil guys ph to 6.3, not the 6.5 the chart suggests. it's not a huge difference, it can make some nutes a little more available assuming your ph drifts upward. most charts assume an upward drift.
Hi @bluter ! Welcome to the freak show!

I like the chart you have provided! Never enough information! I had only recently had issues with a few plants and my normally high 8.5ph water. I had pushed a few runs before this one without ever changing anything. Never noticed any issues until late in flower, they were starving. But I did intentionally starve my whole last run, with a impressive yield. On recycled soil, high ph water, and not feeding one time.

So I have been so impressed with others using geoflora! So I jumped in!

These little guys have only been in dirt since 11/28/22

That is 30days on the dot. I noticed several pistils this morning.

With it being so cold, I have had the light on 24/0, for any supplemental heat from drivers. Friday I will drop the light schedule to 20/4. I will be doing first full dose of geoflora bloom, fri/sat. I would like to see a few more pistils between the plants.

The pots. . . I know ginormous. They were bought as 5gal, I think they're 7gal. I actually brought in a few 3 gal geopots, just to compare start to finish. I had never used geopots, or 3gal.

Most people can say ya 3gal pot is plenty. Until you see how freakishly large and random my plants have been. Not a photo plant large. But for autos, that have been abused. Makes me wonder how some get such small plants.

Papa Bear in the tent is from the last run. I have just tried to keep him going until he's done. As you can see he is practically micro, as the new plants being 30days are almost identical size wise.
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