I received a special package from a special @ViparSpectra today! Viparspectra does amazing giveaways for doing what we love! I was a lucky winner for one of the last contest! Thank you for the opportunity! Not just for the amazing pot I'm gonna grow!!! But I also get to showcase this beautiful light!

Viparspectra KS2500 has arrived!:cheer::roorrip::thedoubletake:

So I know.......

We are all like...

BUT OGpapa .. you don't have any other areas!?

I know I know. I have been contemplating that myself. Santa never had his little helpers build Papa a grow room.

Well after much thought. Being stoned. AND staring at one big box for way too long!

I did it

I built o box.

I know. I know. WTF. Wtf. Wt! F! Papa.

Yeah I get it. I just couldn't wait. This light deserves to be hanging. Just like all great lights. So if it must hang.... It must hang over something..... Right..

Born was the build o box.

The finest, thickest box known to man, or woman. We don't discriminate here.

At 24x30 it's a big freaking box.

After a few stickers and some paint. The box fit in a little better. I then found a windshield cover not doing anything anymore. Lookie lookie!! It's reflective! Pretttttty! Bwhahahahaha

After some fine fitting, and a nice sold piece of wood cut for the inside. The build o box was taken shape, literally. BwhahHahah

Then it happen. Papa found the fancy Xtreme HVAC tape. Now it's official. 100% official

The tent is quite tonight. All green and perky. Tomorrow will be the real magic!! Build o box will be starting mystery seeds!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!
Girls look great. :thumb:
Love the new @ViparSpectra wow , Viper Val strikes again. Hehe :rofl:
Gret work on the new grow box.
Should be able to grow a couple in there just fine.
If I asked before I apologize, I forgot a lot of stuff.
But my question is do you have a smoke detector and fire extinguisher in there?
Just incase.
Hope your having a great day.
Take care my friend.

#Vivosun #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
Girls look great. :thumb:
Love the new @ViparSpectra wow , Viper Val strikes again. Hehe :rofl:
Gret work on the new grow box.
Should be able to grow a couple in there just fine.
If I asked before I apologize, I forgot a lot of stuff.
But my question is do you have a smoke detector and fire extinguisher in there?
Just incase.
Hope your having a great day.
Take care my friend.

#Vivosun #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
I was hoping @ViparSpectra would approve!

Your story hit home for me bill. I do have 3 extinguishers in a 40ft area 1 at door and 2 within 10ft of tents. I do not have a smoke alarm Installed. I work in the same space. So I'm always doing something to set it off, between working on cars, painting, laser etching, jewelry, etc. I will be looking into fire suppression units soon. Hopefully by spring my grow room will officially be in it's own building.
I was hoping @ViparSpectra would approve!

Your story hit home for me bill. I do have 3 extinguishers in a 40ft area 1 at door and 2 within 10ft of tents. I do not have a smoke alarm Installed. I work in the same space. So I'm always doing something to set it off, between working on cars, painting, laser etching, jewelry, etc. I will be looking into fire suppression units soon. Hopefully by spring my grow room will officially be in it's own building.
I mention it to so many people I've totally lost track.
Just seeing the new box :thumb: made me think of it.
I need a 40' workshop.
Good for you, that's fantastic.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
Mmmhmmmmm it's here!!! Yay!!! :rollit: :roorrip:the plants will be much more satisfied moving forward. After adding, smoking, checking, adding, smoking, checking, adding, smoking, checking........'pass out'

Just kidding. Stoned.

Original reading out of well 8.3ph
48 hours after well, open air 7.9ph
2.2gal and 8ml of pH down

And a lot of waiting on between to verify stability. We have reached 6.32ph

Thank you General Hydroponics!
Now .. the meter. I have had for a few years. It was calibrated originally. Never had an issue. I checked calibration last year when I replaced batteries. Still within range.

But today. Probably because I've used it so much. I seen some floating in the readouts. I would place it in the cup, count to 20sec. If the readout changed, I would restart counting. I kept rinsing and drying in-between. But it kept giving some inconsistent readings. So I started shaking it out, to verify it was dry.

I got to the point. I was checking the pH of multiple things around me to verify / compare. I had never 2nd guessed prior. But. Now I think Papa might need a better pH meter.

Either way general hydroponics includes the test kit. Not 100% but makes me feel more confident, it's withing range.
34 days

Everyone was top dressed with @GeoFlora Nutrients Bloom today! Exciting! Some Cal Mg, and some nice 6.3ph water. Only took 10ml to take 2.5gal from 7.79 to 6.33. :rolleyes: ;)

Happy tent. Slightly aromatic from the Geo Flora bloom.

#1 Sprout

#2 Brute

#3 Pumpkin Spice

#4 Jupiter

#5 Archer

#6 Empress

#7 Tarot

#8 30.OG
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