34 days

Everyone was top dressed with @GeoFlora Nutrients Bloom today! Exciting! Some Cal Mg, and some nice 6.3ph water. Only took 10ml to take 2.5gal from 7.79 to 6.33. :rolleyes: ;)

Happy tent. Slightly aromatic from the Geo Flora bloom.

#1 Sprout

#2 Brute

#3 Pumpkin Spice

#4 Jupiter

#5 Archer

#6 Empress

#7 Tarot

#8 30.OG
Garden looks fantastic.
But hehe.
Your pots. :adore: :adore::adore:
I rarely see so many perfectly filled pots.
Roots will be happy.
Not everyone realizes how important it is.
Have a great day my friend. :high-five:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
Garden looks fantastic.
But hehe.
Your pots. :adore: :adore::adore:
I rarely see so many perfectly filled pots.
Roots will be happy.
Not everyone realizes how important it is.
Have a great day my friend. :high-five:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
Thank you bill!

What's wrong with my pots?! We not supposed to fill them up? My root balls have been ginormous with @DYNOMYCO
Thank you bill!

What's wrong with my pots?! We not supposed to fill them up? My root balls have been ginormous with @DYNOMYCO
I was complimenting your work.
But trying to be funny as well.
Guess I should stick to just the facts.
Fact is I surf around here many talented growers don’t fill their pots.
It drives me crazy.
But I can’t say anything.
So the opposite being your excellent job. :thumb:
At least I can point out a good job and hopefully people take note.
It’s virtually the first mistake people make.
Not talking time to find out how to fill their pots properly.
Then everything after that is tainted.
You got it dead right.
Big root ball can produce a massive healthy girl.
Enjoy the rest of your day my friend.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
I was complimenting your work.
But trying to be funny as well.
Guess I should stick to just the facts.
Fact is I surf around here many talented growers don’t fill their pots.
It drives me crazy.
But I can’t say anything.
So the opposite being your excellent job. :thumb:
At least I can point out a good job and hopefully people take note.
It’s virtually the first mistake people make.
Not talking time to find out how to fill their pots properly.
Then everything after that is tainted.
You got it dead right.
Big root ball can produce a massive healthy girl.
Enjoy the rest of your day my friend.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
I gotcha bill! I figured you were making fun of my pots. You got me months ago... About my pots being a little empty! Since then I try to top it off more than not now. Because it all settles!!! I need all that room to hold my goodies 🤤

I appreciate your influence! Now I notice it often as well.

I'm trying to get my new ladies in line, had a few pop super early! Let them sit a few more hours before going into soil. The @ViparSpectra will be a busy bee 🐝 very soon!
I gotcha bill! I figured you were making fun of my pots. You got me months ago... About my pots being a little empty! Since then I try to top it off more than not now. Because it all settles!!! I need all that room to hold my goodies 🤤

I appreciate your influence! Now I notice it often as well.

I'm trying to get my new ladies in line, had a few pop super early! Let them sit a few more hours before going into soil. The @ViparSpectra will be a busy bee 🐝 very soon!
Looking forward to it! 😆
FINALLY .... After waiting, our first round of candidates is ready for life in the Germling. Germling is my trusty build o box. It's the extra special Wallybox that I saved from going to the landfill. It is my new studio for all of the special love coming from @ViparSpectra KS2500. TODAY was the day! What day you ask!? It's time!!!!

So with a few extra hours from our last check, all the beans have popped. Cups were prepped with happy frog. @DYNOMYCO also came to the party! These little ones need all the extra love available! After placing each as correctly orientated as possible. A little light backfill. About 2 tablespoons of water.... And short walk later...
New ones! Sweet! Here's hoping for 100% pop ups for you OG. What's your reasoning behind the light at 25% and at 28"? Are you waiting for them to pop before you lower to 18" and go 50%? Only reason I ask is because I just started using this same light almost a week ago and vipar recommends 18" at 50% for seedlings, so that's what mine is at.

But if you know something I don't.... :hmmmm:
New ones! Sweet! Here's hoping for 100% pop ups for you OG. What's your reasoning behind the light at 25% and at 28"? Are you waiting for them to pop before you lower to 18" and go 50%? Only reason I ask is because I just started using this same light almost a week ago and vipar recommends 18" at 50% for seedlings, so that's what mine is at.

But if you know something I don't.... :hmmmm:
Honestly I didn't know that. I must have missed it. Normally I start all my seeds under 9w ge led plant bulb. This will be the first I've ever used anything else. I probably would have lowered it a few inches. But I was lazy. It puts out much more than what I've used previously. So maybe I was being a bit timid.
Honestly I didn't know that. I must have missed it. Normally I start all my seeds under 9w ge led plant bulb. This will be the first I've ever used anything else. I probably would have lowered it a few inches. But I was lazy. It puts out much more than what I've used previously. So maybe I was being a bit timid.

No worries at all! I originally set mine at 25% and 26" or so for a few days just to get my scraggly plants used to it, but I'll say once I lowered them to 18" and at 50% I actually saw my stunted weirdo praying to the light. She hadn't done that before I turned it up.
Walk walk walk

All the little ones were tucked away in the Germling for the first official night at home! @ViparSpectra #buildobox light at 25% and about 28in above dirt


Looking forward to their germination 😆
So what could possibly make this day any better!?

We have added some new vinyl to the Germling. Snazzy it up a bit for the mystery beans.

So.. 10 of 12! Woohoo

I poked around on the other 2. Looks like they were KIA

A moment of silence for thing one and thing two!😐

Moving on.

We have some healthy specimens

Tonight I will pull 10 names to keep track of the newbies.

We are on our way to sexualization!! Heh.

Show me your 🫶🤣🙊!!!

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