Illz Grow - 300 Mars - 450 Dormgrow LED - Coco - Soil - DWC

Not all LEDs are the same and a regular blurple led panel is not going to be that much more efficient than HID at all maybe .2-.3 grams per watt difference if even noticeable at all.. Hell even top of the line LED 400W isn't going to compete with 3000W HID IMO... I'd say with some of the most efficient LED's out there you are only looking at about twice as efficient as HID yield per watt wise... then with regular blurple panels you are looking at maybe .2-.3 grams per watt difference from HID... I'd say with a good grower using HID .7-1 gram per watt is average... with older blurples like the mars 300 for example 1 gram per watt is achievable with a good grower.. more efficient LED's can hit close to 2 grams per watt with good growers. It's a variables and every light is different of course but I think you are giving LED's a bit more credit than they deserve lol. They are amazing lights and in due time they will be so much more better than HID but the average led out there is not all that much better right now.

I am not suggesting that a 1500W Equiv LED Blurple that is actually 315W is going to match a 1500W HID. What I am saying is that it will definitely work better than a 300-400W HID due to not losing Wattage to heat. Then on top of that, what I am saying is that there have been studies that show that if you combine LED and HID, there is actually a Synergy, meaning that together they are better than either one by itself.
And Ceramic Metal Halide is an HID that is made of Ceramic, which allows it to put more electricity towards light instead of heat, which allows a 315W CMH bulb to work like a 1000W HPS. So if you add LEDs to that, that is just tons of growing potential.

I agree mixing CMH with LED would be an awesome route to go im not denying that. Just didn't want a noob to come by and think he can buy a 1000W led on eBay that draws 110 watt and expect it to kickass compared to a large HID lol.
Lol you definitely get what u pay for but sometimes award winning lights and some similar will pull some weight. My 700 mars along side a dorm grow 450 pulled a qp atf fem. But it waz a 15 gal container and those lights are gems. Led will always have a place in my garden
Lol you definitely get what u pay for but sometimes award winning lights and some similar will pull some weight. My 700 mars along side a dorm grow 450 pulled a qp atf fem. But it waz a 15 gal container and those lights are gems. Led will always have a place in my garden

I didn't understand that well... two lights pulled you how much in all? A QP Or an I misreading it? What's the total watts seems as if you could pull more from that with a longer veg time. Unless I'm reading wrong.

*I didn't mean anything by your yields by the way. Getting a QP off of a plant is damn good lol. Even with all the light in the world it can be difficult to get a large yield off of a single plant without a long veg time with training. Hell add a scrog and veg a few months and im sure you'd blast past that qp lol.
Yeah a qp and im going for more veg in some cases and i can only hope for more yeild and im limited to the 450 right now until I can get a new light in there
Yeah a qp and im going for more veg in some cases and i can only hope for more yeild and im limited to the 450 right now until I can get a new light in there

Hell the little mars hydro 300's are decent little lights too especially for 50 cents a watt lol... my last grow out of my 4x2x4 I got 214 grams in all out of two plants with two mars hydro 300's one was veg'd around 2 1/2 weeks longer than the other due to a cfl damaging branches. The one that got the extra veg time pulled a whopping 128 grams dried and cured lol I was ecstatic I was aiming for a minimum of 100 but hoping for a QP so it was a nice surprise.. She did get both of my panels directly over her the last few weeks since the harvest dates were a few weeks apart.. The smaller one gave me 86 grams dried and cured. I wish I would of veg'd her longer as well because I believe I could of gotten more out of her. Now with this qb120 (60W) added in and the scrog net as well I'm aiming for 10-12 ounces... I will also be adding in the second qb120 once it's finished with its grow in the next 3-4 weeks so all in all during the last half of my flower in the tent I'm hoping for around 400W total. But the first half it's going to be right at 330W. I plan on buying more QB's down the road but not sure if I will during this grow or after.. but I plan on replacing one mars 300 with a couple more qb panels for a total of 4 qb120's and a mars hydro 300 then I want to eventually add some 80W growant lights on the sides of my tent with the QB's in the center (replacing the mars hydro 300).. I'd also like to add a couple of 3500k cob lights just on individual heatsinks that away I add a nice full rounded grow spectrum. But that will not be this grow though this grows just testing out the scrog and added qb. At that point I'd probably run the cobs at a pretty low power for efficiency and so it's not as much over kill. Hopefully by then I have room for a larger tent or a second one at the very least lol. Next one will at the very least be 5 feet though that's for sure.

Cameras kinda broken on my phone the whole back is cracked but the screen is fine. Animal cookies is starting to get pre flowers. Not too much stretch either.
Update up potted animal cookies to 10 gal prob will do the same to the one that reminds me of the black domina growth and smell. Changed res on the dwc I still got in veg. Roots are starting to form but still waiting for my jack herers' I saved two clones so fingers crossed.
I've still got 3 regs to pop but i know these are ladies and i want to try bring them back. Leaves are about 15% but ive kept them alive this long.
Here's one of the mystery three FEM confirmed today. Noticed white hairs in examining new growth.

OG budsites


Animal cookies clone trunk shot



Mystery 3 fem


Mystery three FEM I like this one. Got the black domina x afcan kush smell.



Well theres a few pix for now. Did some bending to try open up the center. Going to take clones pretty soon.
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