Illz Grow - 300 Mars - 450 Dormgrow LED - Coco - Soil - DWC

Well theres a pic of whats left after gifting a few say about 3 almost 4 zippitys. Then theres my mars im thinking of putting away becuase the board looks like its going to eventually burn out.

Earthquake in alaskan waters. Have just been listening to the tide rise under the bering sea ice. Alot of creaking and groaning much like wood settling on a cold day. But alot loader cause i can hear it through the walls of the house.
Haha more like parkas and surf boards. Its negative here.
+6c here in Toronto today. 10 days ago we were colder than Iqualuit lol. All the snows gone......luckily ice is still 14" thick for fishing!
Wear and tear over the ages, thats my reason to hang up the light. Ill be down to 3 lamps.

Have you ever opened the panel up? I like to clean mine every couple grows and they are going strong (knock on wood) I know they can collect a good bit of dust so a nice cleaning does them wonders. Maybe Sara will be nice and send replacement parts if you ask for them? If not I'd turn it into a DIY cob light because you have a nice shell to use growmau5 has some mars to cob lights he videos on YouTube.
Have you ever opened the panel up? I like to clean mine every couple grows and they are going strong (knock on wood) I know they can collect a good bit of dust so a nice cleaning does them wonders. Maybe Sara will be nice and send replacement parts if you ask for them? If not I'd turn it into a DIY cob light because you have a nice shell to use growmau5 has some mars to cob lights he videos on YouTube.
I have cleaned them but the diodes when i checked to replace were eith 1-5$ a piece from mars. Ive thought about diy'in a fix, it would require some thought and i think i'd be up for doing it eventually. Ive got a 750 marsII which needs some diodes changed, i just got to go through and figure out witch one is burning out the series after. I have a power supply replaced but theres still something wrong with it. If anything i want to see how mars cob is going to perform and theres a few journals on here that got them.
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