Icetech's First Grow Durban Poison & Jack Herer In Soil, QB LED, 2019

Damn...I'll be sure to consider that before making a recommendation to anyone again. Thanks for pointing that out.

Naw, its good advice, the problem with shrooms is that they tend to amplify what's inside you.. so me being a manic depressive it just wrecked me hard and i couldn't stop it.. most people seem to be happy peoples.. so no biggy

Lsd though no matter how bad my mood is it seems to lift me up.. never had a bad day on it :)
Soooo... made cuttings 2 weeks ago.. they have really sucked their leafs dry and are starting to die i think.... :( which means i'll be starting from seed again.. In all honesty though.. in 2 weeks i could have had seeds almost to where these cuttings were.. i took too small of cuts :(

Also defoliated the plants a little, the herer was just too insanely bushy.. I have been just doing a little bit every few days when i water so i don't stress them much.. today was quite a bit more, will see how they handle it :)

Some pics from this morning before cleaning them up.

This is the Herer, tons of tops, but still short.. stretching slowly...


and the durban... starting to like how the herer is looking a little more. :)

@Icetech what up man. You guys and your psychedelic trips got me having flash backs to college years when I took some shrooms and talked to a tree for like it felt like hours but was just 20 minutes at most hahaha I will stick to my beer and ganja lol

Fyi, you can still get some clones out of those plants. Actually, I just finish reading @Lewydeville first journal and he does it 3 weeks into flowering. The cutting will eventually go back to vegging and should be fine as long as you get some roots growing. So far 2 of my cuttings didn't make it. Waiting to check on the others and see who will be the strongest to make it as a tribute to next grow games! Lol
@Icetech what up man. You guys and your psychedelic trips got me having flash backs to college years when I took some shrooms and talked to a tree for like it felt like hours but was just 20 minutes at most hahaha I will stick to my beer and ganja lol

Fyi, you can still get some clones out of those plants. Actually, I just finish reading @Lewydeville first journal and he does it 3 weeks into flowering. The cutting will eventually go back to vegging and should be fine as long as you get some roots growing. So far 2 of my cuttings didn't make it. Waiting to check on the others and see who will be the strongest to make it as a tribute to next grow games! Lol

Not that worried bout it.. thinking of craigslisting my tents and lights and shit when these 2 plants finish anyway.. been smoking weed every night and it's just made me lazy and lethargic.. and it leaves me fuzzy all the next day.. not really enjoying it anymore..

It's funny but when i started using LSD it showed me how much weed has been bad in my life..
:) I hope so... waiting to see a bunch more... With my luck i was waiting to see if spend 3 months of my life just to end up with balls in my face... (like bad online dating)

That's the first signs. Give it another week to 10 days and you'll have your wish of a bunch more.
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