Icemann420 Seedsman And Max Bloom Grow

@TurboBucket buy yours are a killer. Super nice job. Really impressive. My hydro plants ate really to much to handle. No way can I ever do 9 plants in one room in my system. It would be a lot of work. Maybe some day. When I finly retire I’ll give it a turbo shot.
Thanks bud. I'm still trying to get it all dialed in. Your not kidding, it's certainly a handful. Switching to the single reservoir saves me a ton of time now. Way better than hand watering. Haha. Someday I'll be able to leave my plants for a week. I hope. Maybe not.

Thanks averyone. The plants are smelling amazing stinking up my whole house. In a good way lol. It shouldn’t be to much longer before there ready to chop. I haven’t checked them in a week. I just returned from vacation I’ll get some pictures up soon. It’s time to change there bucket my feed schedule is about ran out and I’ve extended it a lot. It’s just about time to start my maxbloom powder for the last 3 weeks or so. This grow is the results or the expert general hydroponic lineup. On another tip I’ve noticed my air pump is failing on me or the air stones are clogging up. So 3 years tops on the pumps and stones. Also the last month or so I haven’t used any z7 or Great white The roots are so massive there’s no way they can fail me. Lol. Also. I’ve updated my ph pen with a fully waterproof and temperature correct. Things have ran and held really smoothly. Also the armor si really keeps the ph in check. :peace::goof:
All is well in my dwc world. Probably 3 weeks or so left on the plants. The Brooklyn sunrise isn’t drinking anymore but the white widow’s and gelatog is chugging. I may chop the Brooklyn this weekend.
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