I Ain't Afraid Of No Ghost - Seedsman's Purple Ghost Candy Comparative Grow SIP/SCROG

Day 30 - Veg Day 10 of 28:

Wow they have made some progress in the last 6 days!

I certainly think it’s time to bend them over ready for the net to go in. Time to re read what Shed posted and probably dive into that tomorrow or Saturday.

I will post pictures of what I end up doing.

I also need to get into the tent and see where the DLI is and change the VPD goal for the week and then it will be only a few days before that goal changes again. I think they are up for it though.

Dana has some massive fan leaves!

They both drank through their entire reservoirs and I refilled with 3gr/gal at a ph of 6.0.

I think that’s it for today. More data and details with tomorrow’s update.

:welcome: back and they thrived in your absence!
Thanks we had an awesome time !


Yeah plants are looking happy! Glad I got home when I did though reservoirs were dry as a bone.
Day 31 - Veg Day 11 of 28:

Well today did not go as planned. I bent Slimer over and I think I waited to long to use that method as she just wasn’t sitting right. So instead I topped her so that she is the same height as Dana. I also put a couple of Sheds Stank Clips onto the node right at the snip point and also tied a couple of the lowers down a little.

I didn’t do anything to Dana. I’m going to let her just grow into the net.

Once they both hit the net I will remove everything below it and try to creat a nice even canopy.

Net went in today about 5” above the canopy.

This weeks goals, a little late, are as follows:

Week 5 - Veg week 2:
Nutes: 3g/Gal
VPD: 0.8
DLI: 35

VPD has been tough to achieve with as humid as we have been. It’s also not really been hot enough to justify the AC so I’m kind of in a limbo stage. The goal is .8 and I’m at an average of .71 so a little on the humid side.

As I need to jump the DLI up it might help lower the RH and this increase the VPD.

Speaking of DLI no lighting adjustments were needed to achieve this weeks goal of 35. They grew just about right into it at a 34.21 to a goal of 35.

Next week is another big week for them as far as goals go. They go up in nutes from 3gr/gal to 4.5gr/gal. Looking at them I think they need it. They are starting to pale out a tad. That could also be from the reservoirs sitting dry for an unknown period of time or that they need the extra nutrients. I should know the answer to that come Tuesday.

They also will jump in VPD from .8 to .9, I am not sure how I’m going to pull that off at the point in time.

DLI will also go up from 35 to 40. I am thinking that it will probably be a lifting of the lights and power from 50% to 75%.

Well that’s it for today. Let’s see how Slimer reacts to being topped and tied!

Quick little update. We turned the AC on today, it was just too hot and humid and boom VPD fell right in line, and actually a little high at .94 to a goal of .80. I’m just going to let it ride like that is next weeks goal anyway.
Day 32 - Veg Day 12 of 28:

Just a small update today.

Slimer seems to be doing well after her topping and some minor amounts of LST

Both reservoirs will need to be filled again today. Let’s see I filled them both on Thursday, I think they hold about 3/4 a gallon. Then I split the remaining 1/2 gallon yesterday and today they are probably down to less than a 1/4 gallon. I’m guessing come this evening they are going to be on empty.

I’m guessing by the end of the week I’m going to be tucking and training.

That’s it for now. And if you didn’t know, I ain’t afraid of no ghost!

Small secondary up date for today.

I went to check in on them after a few hours of pulling weeds, mostly creeping Charlie from around the veggie boxes and lots and lots of purslane from in the veggie boxes. I’m doing mulch next year….

Anyways onto the little ghosts in the tent :)
When I checked in on them the reservoirs were empty as I expected. So I decided to mix of a quick gallon and top water them.

Just went in to see how much made it into the res and they are both about 1/3 to half full.

They are on the other hand looking a tad droopy and tired out. Must have been a long day of growing for them and the are ready for bed! Lights off in 38 mins for them!

I went to check in on them after a few hours of pulling weeds, mostly creeping Charlie from around the veggie boxes and lots and lots of purslane from in the veggie boxes. I’m doing mulch next year….
Why not this year? Next time you mow the lawn put a nice thick layer of grass clippings down around the plants you want to grow to suppress the ones you don't. The green grass will fade to a light tan and reflect light and heat from the root zone.

I usually put a nice layer of compost down first and then the grass clippings over the top, but unless you're using weed killer chemicals on your lawn, even just the clippings will be of benefit.
Increasing the power should bump the heat and therefore lower the RH, so I'm with you in that. But I would already be taking off anything you don't think will reach the net so the plant doesn't waste any time on that. Move that growth up top is my philosophy!

Looking good. :)
Probably not a bad idea. I was thinking that the stuff on the bottom never reaches the top. I will get in there and prune that back here in a bit.
Why not this year? Next time you mow the lawn put a nice thick layer of grass clippings down around the plants you want to grow to suppress the ones you don't. The green grass will fade to a light tan and reflect light and heat from the root zone.

I usually put a nice layer of compost down first and then the grass clippings over the top, but unless you're using weed killer chemicals on your lawn, even just the clippings will be of benefit.
Hey now that’s an idea!!! I need to mow today might give that a try!
If you do do that and mulch around plants you want to keep the weeds down around, make sure to water thoroughly first since a good thick layer of mulch will help maintain the soil moisture you already have. If it's dry, you could lock that in as well.

So, safety first!
Day 33 - Veg Day 13 of 28:

Can not believe I am halfway through veg already! Was about this time last grow that I had all of my problems. Not a one in site at the moment!

I took Sheds advice and did a trim of everything that I don’t think will make to the net. Looking at them now and how I am expecting the stretch to go I might be in need of a second net! I also removed all LST on Slimer except the ones where I topped her to try and keep that flat.

A couple of the fan leaves were huge and the biggest ones were on Dana. She has been shorter and stouter than Slimer has been, but since I topped Slimer they are now pretty much the same height. Dana now has a leaf that touches the net so I was way off on my prediction of 1 - 2 weeks and I will be tucking and weaving in the net, that will be happening this week.

Numbers are all in range except VPD which is at next weeks goal of .9 I have noticed that with my controller it is much easier to make a step up of .2 than it is .1 with .1 I am riding the line of the fans going full bore and the humidifier on at the same time, so working against each other. When I jump up by .2 I have a nice buffer zone where the fans are on their lowest setting to just keep the fresh air intake going and then every once in a while the fans will jump up to lower humidity or the humidifier will go on but never at the same time. In sure that there is a way that I can manipulate the settings in the controller to get the .1 step up but I am not that concerned by it.

That’s it for now.
Day 34 - Veg Day 14 of 28:

Wow what a day! Thanks to all that voted for this journal, means a ton!

I am super excited about that light and hoping to put it to use on this grow! The XS1500Pro in the middle and then my 2 p2000’s off to the sides at a 45°. Will be able to spread that DLI a little more evenly!

On to today update. I needed to fill their reservoirs and decided to jump up their nutes a smudge to 4gr/gal as it looks like they are good for it.

My nute goal for next week, which starts tomorrow, was 4.5 but I think it was a bit of a step to go from 3 to 4.5 as I had originally planned. So I fed them 3.5 last week and then 4 today. I will see how they respond to that.

On the next feeding they are due for their second dose of Bushdoctor for some calmag love.

VPD they are pretty much on point for next weeks goal.

DLI I will need to do a reading tomorrow and see where they are sitting but I am assuming that I’m going to raise my lights and up the power to 75% to get to 40.

Doesn’t look like they even noticed that I trimmed a bunch off of them. They look happy to me!

Well that’s it for today. And in case you didn’t know, I ain’t afraid of no ghost!
Thanks 🙏

Yeah I will be tucking and weaving by weeks end.

I’m starting to think of how to build up a lightweight fixture so that I only have to adjust 1 set of ratchet strings to adjust all 3 lights! Time to do some forum searches :) I am certain it’s in there!
I'd pump them up with CaMg/PK - they look ok but not thriving; yellowing patches on leaves
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