I Ain't Afraid Of No Ghost - Seedsman's Purple Ghost Candy Comparative Grow SIP/SCROG

Time to upgrade! Go with the 69pro+ wish I would have for the extra $40…..
...and I was allready happy to get this one... :hmmmm:
Well, I just can say "we were not used to have this years ago..." - damn, I got old!:eek:
I was using 15 year old manual timers along 7 year old inkbird’s before this one :)

Hell I still have an inkbird in the tent to control the heater :/ hence why I wish I would have went with the +
I was using 15 year old manual timers along 7 year old inkbird’s before this one :)

Hell I still have an inkbird in the tent to control the heater :/ hence why I wish I would have went with the +
...and I just bought it and thought, man you are more than up to date now....🙄
I was using 15 year old manual timers along 7 year old inkbird’s before this one :)

Hell I still have an inkbird in the tent to control the heater :/ hence why I wish I would have went with the +
... at least I'm a step forward now... :ganjamon:
Hello all! I came searching for a thread on defoliation and landed here, which was very serendipitous, because I too SCROG. My grow is in its 5th week of flower, grown in organic soil and consists of (5) GMO x UK Cheese, and
(1) Gelato 66 x Nana. I have read many conflicting opinions as to whether or not to remove most large leaves during the final weeks. I look forward to hearing what you guys think on the subject. Thanks!

From what I understand remove anything that’s under the net.

Leave your fan leaves that are not blocking bud sites.

I think I have that correct???

I’m sure an experienced scoger will chime in :)
Quick Thursday morning update on environment, my tent’s environment that is :)


As you can see there are some big swings here.

Lights off temp goes down and stabilizes at 67° +- .5° so the inkbird/heater combo is a working. Success there.

Lights off humidity spikes which drives the VPD down and thus my in/out fans ran at 6/10 respectively all night, which I’m fine with but the VPD was pretty much nuts on .65 all night. To me it seems cold and wet for overnight?

My thoughts are:

1. Dial up the overnight temp from 67° to 70°. This will engage the heater more often and as a result help dry the air as well. Keeping that VPD closer to my goal of 1.0.

2. I have a feeling I might need to figure out how to run both the humidifier (for lights on usage, until I hit a certain VPD during flower) and the dehumidifier ( for lights off, until I hit that VPD number during flower that I have to use the dehumidifier 24/7). Or am o over thinking/complicating this?

Day 51 - Veg Day 31 of 48ish:

Looking at the state of my plants and that flip day, I’m not so sure I’m going to flip them. I find it hard to believe that these ladies will be recovered by then. But I guess time will tell on that one.

Reservoirs bone dry and the tops of the sips were pretty dry to so I gave them each 1/2 gal of 4.5gr/gal +1gr/gal Epsom and top watered them to continue to mix in that sulfer I added in. I will probably continue to top water 1/2 at a time for the next 1-2weeks or until I feel that sulfur has been thoroughly incorporated.

From an environmental stand point. I feel I went too far in the opposite direction from where I was.

As stated in this mornings update, I think they were cold and wet. Am I off on this thought?

Also daytime temps seemed low as well with the avg for the 24 hours was 73.8 and there was a max of 82. Here is the odd part:

Lights on at 6am: temp is 67.4
There is a fast rise in temp when lights come on as to be expected. Then there is a steady rise to the max temp of 82 which peaks at 11:24am. Then at that time there is a steady decrease until 1:30pm at which point it stabilizes at 76° for the rest of the afternoon.

I noticed the decline in temp I’m guessing around 1pm when I changed my exhaust fan from a setting of 6 to a setting of 4 and that seemed to stop it.

Only thing I can think of is I have a whacky setting on the house thermostat that caused the decline in temp.

Going to leave things where they are for now and continue to monitor.


And now for the ugly pics hahaha kind of embarrassing that this journal won JOTM and this is how it’s turning out :hmmmm:


Day 51 - Veg Day 31 of 48ish:

Looking at the state of my plants and that flip day, I’m not so sure I’m going to flip them. I find it hard to believe that these ladies will be recovered by then. But I guess time will tell on that one.

Reservoirs bone dry and the tops of the sips were pretty dry to so I gave them each 1/2 gal of 4.5gr/gal +1gr/gal Epsom and top watered them to continue to mix in that sulfer I added in. I will probably continue to top water 1/2 at a time for the next 1-2weeks or until I feel that sulfur has been thoroughly incorporated.

From an environmental stand point. I feel I went too far in the opposite direction from where I was.

As stated in this mornings update, I think they were cold and wet. Am I off on this thought?

Also daytime temps seemed low as well with the avg for the 24 hours was 73.8 and there was a max of 82. Here is the odd part:

Lights on at 6am: temp is 67.4
There is a fast rise in temp when lights come on as to be expected. Then there is a steady rise to the max temp of 82 which peaks at 11:24am. Then at that time there is a steady decrease until 1:30pm at which point it stabilizes at 76° for the rest of the afternoon.

I noticed the decline in temp I’m guessing around 1pm when I changed my exhaust fan from a setting of 6 to a setting of 4 and that seemed to stop it.

Only thing I can think of is I have a whacky setting on the house thermostat that caused the decline in temp.

Going to leave things where they are for now and continue to monitor.


And now for the ugly pics hahaha kind of embarrassing that this journal won JOTM and this is how it’s turning out :hmmmm:



I ❤️ the min and max temps. I think as the house warms up, the a/c runs more causing the lower temps?

I ❤️ the feeding schedule.

The Only thing I don't like is the night time humidity. While you are trying to dry them out, so to say, I would keep it on the low side till recovery starts.

How do you feel about keeping the humidity @ 50%, both night and day? ❤️

Edited... cause man!

I also like your earlier thought about setting the heater temp up slightly from the lows to evaporate some moisture!
I ❤️ the min and max temps. I think as the house warms up, the a/c runs more causing the lower temps?
Yeah I think it’s a wrong setting in the thermostat for the house. Need to check that.
I ❤️ the feeding schedule.
Yeah I think that’s the plan for now.
The Only thing I don't like is the night time humidity. While you are trying to dry them out, so to say, I would keep it on the low side till recovery starts.

How do you feel about keeping the humidity @ 50%, both night and day? ❤️
It’s hard for me to really control that without adding in the dehumidifier, which might happen this weekend. 50% during the day is low to get to my target VPD though.
I also like your earlier thought about setting the heater temp up slightly from the lows to evaporate some moisture!
I think I’m going to bump this up tonight and try to keep the air a little dryer.

All good input thanks!
It’s hard for me to really control that without adding in the dehumidifier, which might happen this weekend. 50% during the day is low to get to my target VPD though.

I think I’m going to bump this up tonight and try to keep the air a little dryer.

I thought you had the humidifier on at night. I think the heater is a Great idea then. Just don't have it blow directly at the plants, or into a fan blowing on the plants!

VPD won't matter much if we don't get them healthy? ❤️
Does your tent sit right on the concrete by chance? I believe that low soil temp was a contributing problem in my odd deficiencies with my grow.

My ambient tent with lights out is slightly cooler than yours at 71 and my soil temp was 65° 4" down into the soil. The tent is just on my basement floor and the concrete just sucked the heat out of the pots. I just threw a seedling mat under the pots and set the max soil temp to 72°. The water uptake on them and probably nutrient uptake as well has improved with the warmer soil.

I hope the girls start appreciating your efforts to keep them happy and begin to green up for you. Keep on keepin' on, things will get better, I got the faith.
Does your tent sit right on the concrete by chance? I believe that low soil temp was a contributing problem in my odd deficiencies with my grow.
Well they are in the basement, but not right on concrete. The floor has carpet and padding under the carpet. Tent is right up against 3 interior walls and the SIPs are also sitting in drain trays.

But that’s not a bad idea to toss some heat below them to ensure that the soil temp isnt low. I will have to pull out an old inkbird and test that tonight.

Thanks for the info!
Well they are in the basement, but not right on concrete. The floor has carpet and padding under the carpet. Tent is right up against 3 interior walls and the SIPs are also sitting in drain trays.

But that’s not a bad idea to toss some heat below them to ensure that the soil temp isnt low. I will have to pull out an old inkbird and test that tonight.

Thanks for the info!
Haha yours are in a better spot than mine, hope the heat helps. 🤞 :ganjamon:
Day 52 - Veg Day 32 of 48ish

We’ll still trucking along, looking really fugly they are.

No real improvements or signs that I’ve turned the corner yet, waiting for this sulfur to kick in is killing me!!! And my plants for that matter haha.

Environment numbers today are a repeat of yesterday with the exception of lights off. Raising the temp 70° shaved 2% off of the humidity so that’s not bad. Over night temp avg was 69.5° and rh avg was 59.2 so I think actually shaved 4% off of the rh.

Daytime numbers were exactly the same as yesterday with that rise to 82° by 11:30 ish am and then a steady decline through the rest of the day to stabilize at 74° and 51.8% rh which gives me a VPD of 1.2 so not far off of VPD target but maybe a little cool for temp? I’m thinking I want that at 80° would be my ideal temp?

They are still growing though and don’t need a feeding today or probably tomorrow. Will need to do some tucking by Sunday as well. Hopefully start to see things going in the right direction soon :)


Ohh question.

The really funky stuff. Leave it until the plants drop them naturally is what my plan is. Any reason why I should trim them other than esthetics?
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