I Ain't Afraid Of No Ghost - Seedsman's Purple Ghost Candy Comparative Grow SIP/SCROG

First off, thanks for your input! And great points. Let me see if I can provide any additional details or information.

Understood. I have have often wondered/ thought that I could achieve my target VPD numbers with a wide range of various environments so long as there was the correct temperature to humidity ratios.

Fully get that.

My tent walls are most certainly sucked in but not dramatically so.

This is not a bad idea. Currently the 3 blowing across the canopy are blowing down across it. I can easily move the fans around so that they are blowing up through the canopy. I will probably make that change this afternoon actually.

Here is the current snapshot of what it looks like with lights on. Day time temp I’m 87° night time I’m 76° and the only time the heater comes on is at night.

Humidifier kicks on throughout the day and night.

I can probably ditch the humidifier at this point and soon the dehumidifier will go in.


I let the reservoirs go fully or damn near fully empty before I fill them again to try and avoid that. I wonder if I should go a full 24hrs or more of empty to promote sucking the media dry?

Thanks again for the input! No ego here so you won’t hurt my feelings :)

IMHO... those changes would definitely get things going in the Right direction!

The only other thing, now that you mention 87 deg temps during lights on, would be to try to get that down to about 82 degrees F. Once you redirect the fans, you may see that come down at the canopy. With the lights higher, you will get better coverage across the tent, so maybe turn off the new light for now? And lower your heater to 65 to 70 for night. 78 to 82 is good during lights on, I like 65 to 70 during lights out.

I would also open a couple floor vents to relieve the tent pressure. The smell should still gravitate to your outgoing fan.

Hehehe, I can already see things (in my head) going back toward stasis! ❤️
Well thanks again for the input!!

IMHO... those changes would definitely get things going in the Right direction!
I will make some adjustments this afternoon and report back!
The only other thing, now that you mention 87 deg temps during lights on, would be to try to get that down to about 82 degrees F. Once you redirect the fans, you may see that come down at the canopy. With the lights higher, you will get better coverage across the tent, so maybe turn off the new light for now? And lower your heater to 65 to 70 for night. 78 to 82 is good during lights on, I like 65 to 70 during lights out.
I will make the adjustment to the heater to kick on at 65° or 10° below where I get my average lights on temp to settle at. For now let’s call it 67° for the heater actually.

I can raise the lights but before I do that I’m going to increase both the intake and exhaust fans, and open a vent or 2 and see if I can bring the temp down to that 80° ish range
I would also open a couple floor vents to relieve the tent pressure. The smell should still gravitate to your outgoing fan.
I will also lower the circulating fans in the tent and blow them up through the canopy. This should also help drive the air to the exhaust fan.
Hehehe, I can already see things (in my head) going back toward stasis! ❤️
I will get some pics in today’s update most likely. Though it’s looking like I might have to bring the laptop home for some fun excel work over a glass of wine tonight for work :(

Thanks again!
I can raise the lights but before I do that I’m going to increase both the intake and exhaust fans, and open a vent or 2 and see if I can bring the temp down to that 80° ish rarange.

That should help the temps. I did notice that the negative pressure did spike the heat in my tent ⛺️!

With all those changes, I think it should only take a couple days to see notable improvements! ❤️
Hello all! I came searching for a thread on defoliation and landed here, which was very serendipitous, because I too SCROG. My grow is in its 5th week of flower, grown in organic soil and consists of (5) GMO x UK Cheese, and
(1) Gelato 66 x Nana. I have read many conflicting opinions as to whether or not to remove most large leaves during the final weeks. I look forward to hearing what you guys think on the subject. Thanks!

Day 50 - Veg Day 30 of 48ish:

I want to start of by saying what a great community this is!! Thanks to everyone for all of their input and patience with my rambling posts!! :lot-o-toke:

Ladies are still not showing much change for the better, and have about a 1/3 of their reservoirs left. I know the sulfur I amended.

Todays update is all about change, today specifically environmental change, wait a hot damn second, this was on the morning news….. ahh different environment haha.

Ok below adjustments made today

Lights now at 21” above the canopy and at 43 DLI goal is 45. I’m ok with this

Circulating fans, 2 point up across the bottom/mid section through the canopy as best as they are going to get. 1 fans is still blowing across the top of the sips and another now at the bottom of the sips pointing up.



Intake fan physically moved so that it is drawing air from the AC register that was previously closed, now fully open. Well it’s within 2’ of it so better than before. I left this fan so that its lowest setting is 2 of 10 so that it’s constantly drawing in fresh air. Plenty of head room here if needed.

Exhaust fan is now constantly on at a minimum of 4 to help keep the negative pressure, though I did open one of the air vents at the bottom. Now that I think about it I opened the wrong one, it’s up against a wall and closest to the exhaust. That will need to change.

Please hold.

And I can feel air coming out of them so exhaustive fan going up to 6. And now the open vent is just as close to the AC register as the intake fan is so I should be pulling some cooler dry air into the tent.

Here is what it all looks like as I’ve just made the changes.

Temp: 79.8
Humidity: 54.1
VPD: 1.35 - high for my goal but I’m ignoring that until I see some changes. Like I said before I think VPD can be at the “right” number and still have humidity and temp out of whack, which I think @MedScientist was the point you were trying to make. High temp = high humidity for a VPD of anything below 1.3 I’m guessing.


Now let’s wait an hour for the tent to stabilize and see where we land!
Day 50 - Veg Day 30 of 48ish:

I want to start of by saying what a great community this is!! Thanks to everyone for all of their input and patience with my rambling posts!! :lot-o-toke:

Ladies are still not showing much change for the better, and have about a 1/3 of their reservoirs left. I know the sulfur I amended.

Todays update is all about change, today specifically environmental change, wait a hot damn second, this was on the morning news….. ahh different environment haha.

Ok below adjustments made today

Lights now at 21” above the canopy and at 43 DLI goal is 45. I’m ok with this

Circulating fans, 2 point up across the bottom/mid section through the canopy as best as they are going to get. 1 fans is still blowing across the top of the sips and another now at the bottom of the sips pointing up.



Intake fan physically moved so that it is drawing air from the AC register that was previously closed, now fully open. Well it’s within 2’ of it so better than before. I left this fan so that its lowest setting is 2 of 10 so that it’s constantly drawing in fresh air. Plenty of head room here if needed.

Exhaust fan is now constantly on at a minimum of 4 to help keep the negative pressure, though I did open one of the air vents at the bottom. Now that I think about it I opened the wrong one, it’s up against a wall and closest to the exhaust. That will need to change.

Please hold.

And I can feel air coming out of them so exhaustive fan going up to 6. And now the open vent is just as close to the AC register as the intake fan is so I should be pulling some cooler dry air into the tent.

Here is what it all looks like as I’ve just made the changes.

Temp: 79.8
Humidity: 54.1
VPD: 1.35 - high for my goal but I’m ignoring that until I see some changes. Like I said before I think VPD can be at the “right” number and still have humidity and temp out of whack, which I think @MedScientist was the point you were trying to make. High temp = high humidity for a VPD of anything below 1.3 I’m guessing.


Now let’s wait an hour for the tent to stabilize and see where we land!

... I just noticed same problems at mine! :hmmmm:
Looks like I was to early or to overdosed with the PK 13/14... :bravo::rofl:
... I just noticed same problems at mine! :hmmmm:
Looks like I was to early or to overdosed with the PK 13/14... :bravo::rofl:
hopefully your able to get your sorted out before they look like mine!! Hahaha
ohhh I also forgot to mention I am making the change to RO water to eliminate that fluctuating unknown input. I’m going to fill up 15 gals worth tomorrow.
hopefully your able to get your sorted out before they look like mine!! Hahaha

...actually the little lady did... - but I hope I got it to be carefull with thaat stuff... :ganjamon:
Ok looks like it stabilized pretty quickly.
AVG of 79.5° / 55% / 1.35 over the past hour

Let’s see how it does through the day tomorrow. Then I can dial it in with the humidifier to get back to my VPD goal of 1.0. Humidifier is currently off though this testing period.

So I'm in no way saying that you should do this in any way, just a thought I had. There is always the option to repot in Promix that's pH right. Also the option of abandoning the SIP and repotting in fabric pots or something else and just running it SIP'less. I know it's not the cheapest option but it could be the nuclear one. I honestly have zero experience with Promix but it was a thought I had lol.

The reason I was thinking this is that my current grow has plants that never got accustomed to the SIP, over watered and then got locked into the Screen. So I have SIP buckets that aren't being utilized properly, which makes it hard to see run off and also wasted 1 gallons worth of soil space to an empty reservoir.

No matter what I hope things start turning the corner, you'll get it and these girls will grow. I mean the only other thing I can think of is a seance 😂.
Ok looks like it stabilized pretty quickly.
AVG of 79.5° / 55% / 1.35 over the past hour

Let’s see how it does through the day tomorrow. Then I can dial it in with the humidifier to get back to my VPD goal of 1.0. Humidifier is currently off though this testing period.

WooHoo! Great job! 👏

Those numbers look like Success to me! I can't wait to see how quickly the plants respond! ❤️
Always options isn’t there!

I want to stick with the SIPs. I really like them and don’t think that they are the cause of the problems at all, though through a series of mistakes and inexperience on my part it does appear that they are an ingredient in my disaster pie I am currently baking up in the tent down in the basement LOL.

That said, once I get my media/nute/water/environment a little more aligned then I know these SIPs are going to crush it.

As fugly as these girls are currently I have faith that I’m going to be smoking some sweet sweet PGC come Halloween :)
WooHoo! Great job! 👏

Those numbers look like Success to me! I can't wait to see how quickly the plants respond! ❤️
Thanks for the input! Greatly appreciated and some good stuff learned these last 2 weeks thanks to you and @InTheShed
Thanks for the input! Greatly appreciated and some good stuff learned these last 2 weeks thanks to you and @InTheShed

I DO agree about InTheShed! We are definitely Lucky to have him around! ❤️

I have been reading through alot of old threads and I swear, he was part of ALL of them! A Wealth of Knowledge and Experience!

I dedicate this next bowl to the ShedMeister! ❤️
Always options isn’t there!

I want to stick with the SIPs. I really like them and don’t think that they are the cause of the problems at all, though through a series of mistakes and inexperience on my part it does appear that they are an ingredient in my disaster pie I am currently baking up in the tent down in the basement LOL.

That said, once I get my media/nute/water/environment a little more aligned then I know these SIPs are going to crush it.

As fugly as these girls are currently I have faith that I’m going to be smoking some sweet sweet PGC come Halloween :)
O man do I feel that inexperience right now with my grow. My first grow went freaking awesome (beginner luck), second was umm interesting lol and this current one was heading off the rails. Thankfully there's a ton of knowledge on this site, and honestly I have never seen so many different grow styles by so many people that I'm pretty sure no matter what is going on someone has experienced it and can guide you through it. We may not have a ton of experience yet but there's a whole forum of growers on here that do.
Ok looks like it stabilized pretty quickly.
AVG of 79.5° / 55% / 1.35 over the past hour

Let’s see how it does through the day tomorrow. Then I can dial it in with the humidifier to get back to my VPD goal of 1.0. Humidifier is currently off though this testing period.


pls tell me more about this app Ke0ncp
pls tell me more about this app Ke0ncp

That is the app for my AC Infinity 69pro controller.

Honestly, I can’t speak highly enough of how great this tool is. Highly suggest to anyone looking to have some control over all aspects of environment.

Obviously you can still mess it up even with these fancy items, but I like the data part of the hobby as well so it’s right up my alley.

Shoot me a pm if your interested in learning more about it.
That is the app for my AC Infinity 69pro controller.

Honestly, I can’t speak highly enough of how great this tool is. Highly suggest to anyone looking to have some control over all aspects of environment.

Obviously you can still mess it up even with these fancy items, but I like the data part of the hobby as well so it’s right up my alley.

Shoot me a pm if your interested in learning more about it.

I like that VPD option! Mine doesn't have it....
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