I Ain't Afraid Of No Ghost - Seedsman's Purple Ghost Candy Comparative Grow SIP/SCROG

Day 45 - Veg Day 25 of 48ish:

Well on the positive side they are still growing! Having to continue the tuck under the net daily.

On the flip side they are not getting better and the issue seems to worsen looking at yesterday’s pics to todays there is a noticeable difference in color. I am still optimistic that I can get it turned around with some additional Mg. Going to take a hard look at the numbers this weekend and hopefully have more answers than questions. :rofl:

They both still have a 1/3 left of their reservoirs so that are not drinking much so the initial addition of epsom salt hasn’t fully kicked in. I’m assuming if it was a Mg lockout that a flush and 1 addition of epsom salt is not enough to stop the lockout and reverse it’s progress?

Time will tell :)


Day 48 - Veg Day 28 of 48ish:

Twas a busy weekend so didn’t get a chance to update.

Ladies are looking a bit rough :( no real signs of them turning the corner yet and I am hoping I am actually able to save this grow before the get much worse.

They are still growing though! But lots of damaged leaves on both of them….

I am working on figuring out where my efficiencies and deficiencies are between my water makeup and my nutes as this seems to be the problem. Once I get that worked out it should be easy street!

Until then I am on 4.5gr/gal of MC and 1gr/gal of Epsom Salt to increase the magnesium.

I will however continue to match my weekly DLI and VPD goals to give the best possible environment I can, or at least attempt to haha.




Day 48 - Veg Day 28 of 48ish:

Twas a busy weekend so didn’t get a chance to update.

Ladies are looking a bit rough :( no real signs of them turning the corner yet and I am hoping I am actually able to save this grow before the get much worse.

They are still growing though! But lots of damaged leaves on both of them….

I am working on figuring out where my efficiencies and deficiencies are between my water makeup and my nutes as this seems to be the problem. Once I get that worked out it should be easy street!

Until then I am on 4.5gr/gal of MC and 1gr/gal of Epsom Salt to increase the magnesium.

I will however continue to match my weekly DLI and VPD goals to give the best possible environment I can, or at least attempt to haha.




I think my first instinct would to be hold off on all feeding and stick to rain or RO for water depending on your situation for at least 2 weeks if that’s soil. Don’t know crap about SIP but they definitely appear to be struggling.
It’s Pro-mix and already flushed them on Thursday I think it was with 5-7gal of water each :)

Hopefully I can get them turned around!
Yeah, I’d give it a couple weeks and see with no food or toppings, then let the SIP experts guide on feeding. If new growth improves you should be good, wouldn’t expect much if any improvement for the already damaged leaves.
That’s exactly what I did last time and it came to 6.0. I should have specified that, I haven’t actually slurried the stuff from the bale before it has been used.
I didn’t add sulfur last time I added dolomite lime. And I think it did help but then again I made a bunch of changes at the same time. Though all of those changes minus the like I’ve been doing this entire grow.

It just jumped up to 6.4. Would it be easier to just ph down to like 5.6-5.8 rather than the lime?
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