Hydro tub scrog

on a side note that one plant that just was reaching for the sky is my fav so far
by far the fastest growth that prolly a male little bastards lol cmon fems
the droopy one is looking much better
it has very dark green healthy looking leaves also has the most massive roots of any of them so far....

updates when somethin happens but sugestions comments anything welcome
check out HTG supply.com you can buy a 400W HPS for 85 dollars or a switchable set up MH/HPS for 165.00 dollars check it out there are some great deals
hps from lows will run about 50 dollars or so i beleive
check out HTG supply.com you can buy a 400W HPS for 85 dollars or a switchable set up MH/HPS for 165.00 dollars check it out there are some great deals
hps from lows will run about 50 dollars or so i beleive

A hps bulb from lowes will not do the job nearly as well, i do believe...drop the extra dough and get a light that is meant to grow plants if you are buying...
you can also rig it with a adapter to make it air cooled. easy fix!
when u got to the site there should be a link to the adapters and you can get the corect one, if theres not you can always get a standard one and make the cuts needed to modify the housing
things are goin good 4 now ive got the lights just about as low as they can go and am keeping the temps in the mid 70s
the middle plant has explosive growth
the sensi one bloom and new water did the trick
i am foliar feeding with sensi and distiled water as well but at a low dose
i dont know if it is a fem or not its growing little leaves in the nodes im gonna post some pics asap ... stressin bout sex lol
was i too hasty callin that middle one a fem
now i cannot see any balls or anything a couple of hairs and leaves are growin from the nodes bc there are no balls and there are some hairs does that mean its a female
white hairs = Fem
clubs/bannanas/ nuts = male
sounds like a congrats might be in order?!?!

this is the new growth its blowin up in there im adding more 42 wat cfls today and another friend thats a grower is hookin me up with some sensi ab

and if i should how?
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