Hydro tub scrog

thats what i was thinking
i am going 12/12 this first round mostly learning the indoor thing
your so right though cfls will grow a plant which is why im using them this first time
but for a serious grow like the scrog i wanna do (next time around) your def right hps is the way to go.

im trying to get the vidoes up i already made some kinda big changes but youll see when i post the vid
looking good bro good start.
few suggestions
try to get those lights lower over the plants any you will see alot better growth, 2-3 in is good, also try to lvl out your chandler and craft a hood to go over it to direct the light down attach it to the lights so it can move easily when needed
for air.. you need to vent from the top(outtake) and fresh air from below(intake)
others might have some other ideas for fans but you could get 2 120+ computer fans and two old cell phone chargers to power them.
plants look good havent seen fish stone used before.
if the spaller dont start picking up after the lights have been lowered might think of pulling the week and replacing with the spars you got
great start bro
looking good bro good start.
few suggestions
try to get those lights lower over the plants any you will see alot better growth, 2-3 in is good, also try to lvl out your chandler and craft a hood to go over it to direct the light down attach it to the lights so it can move easily when needed
for air.. you need to vent from the top(outtake) and fresh air from below(intake)
others might have some other ideas for fans but you could get 2 120+ computer fans and two old cell phone chargers to power them.
plants look good havent seen fish stone used before.
if the spaller dont start picking up after the lights have been lowered might think of pulling the week and replacing with the spars you got
great start bro

tks shaggie

your right i need to lower the lights to get the most from my cfl and the hood im on that one ,but when i lower the lights to within about 6 in the temps climb up too high mid 90s

i already did the intake thing in at the bottom out at the top
youll see in the new videos im posting now

now my question is .. in a hydro system can they handle slightly higher temps like 90 bc of the temp of the water???
i also heard about co2 and high temps but i think im a little too low tech of a grow to worry bout that right now.
YouTube - weed

YouTube - windy

what do you think i should do?
what nutes should i get im gonna get some sea tea but something else?
also is co2 water seltser water or however you say it...
tks for all you support

stratlogic good to see you
i was going to replicate your grow but what im doing now just turned out to be easier lol
good to have you on board man...
I would definitely turn down the fan or deflect it so it is not blowing full force on them. Also, I don't think there is any danger with 84 degrees but under 80 would be ideal with lights on and 70 or so with lights off. But they do look pretty good. Good set up and work so far.
what are the temps ourside your grow room? i had to get the room ourside my grow room to about 69* to keep mine in the uper 70s and out of the 80s, they can survive in higher temps they do it all the time out doors 75-79 is just the ideal temp ive heard that hydro can do better at higher temps as long as the roots stay cooler so i think you should be fine just make sure you watch your water temps to.
Again i have never done a hydro, always grown out doors till now nearing the end of "MY " first grow indoors ( helped friends with theirs when needed)

the wind on the seedlings i think is fine its just gona make thoes stems beef up and that is nesecary for a good base to grow on.... unless you want to put in a suport system.....

haveing your temps closer together duringon and off will make for faster growth ie. 78*day and 75* night
you can also buy mini AC units if you got 50+$
Co2 water is seltzer just make sure that there are no salts in it they will create a build up on the leaves no good...
for nutes main question is do you want to go organic or chem?

hope that helped this site is a gold mine for lots of very knowledgeable information

they look good bud nice set up great start i love the blue fish rocks lol
ok well ive changed a couple of things i dont have the hurricane wind right on the plant anymore the tornado fan is blowing on my lights which i lowered to about 12 in from my plants that is as low as i can get it and keep the temps in the 80s

it stays about 70+or- depending on time of day etc its all i can do to keep the temps down in the low 80s if i see 79 or 78 im happy...
this is my first indoor grow as well shaggie but i have done the outdoor scene 4 a while

outdoor is my fave just because when it is grown under the sun outside in some good mountain soil ... well just cant beat the bud
plus ive had 12-13 ft plants started in a green house early with buds as big as your lower leg
indoor def has its advantages and plus i moved to more of a urban area
cant go behind the house and plant anymore >>>>

as for nutes i am unsure on what to go with something that is cheap and unforgiving to a new indoor grower would be my type and im gettin sea tea bc its a miracle lol
can sea tea be a stand alone fertalizer?

also what is a natural ph up? for ph down i have been using fresh limes through a coffee filter did the trick but i havent had to raise it...
citric for ph down and lime (mineral)for up if organic i dont beleive that sea tea will work on its own
for normal veg nutes you want a high N ratio ie. 15-5-10 for bloom a lower N in the NPK ratio is needed ie 5-15-10
as for what brand i dont know enough to recomend go check out you local hydro store or online do some research on this site its got all the info you need.
so lime and lime huh lol cool
sea tea is in the mail
i have sensi one bloom prolly bout 10g
im gonna change out the water in the tub today and mix in a small amount of that and let them rip
i lowered the lights to about 4 in above the plants and am keeping the temps in the mid 80s
if i unzip the room it lowers temp (or course) but its not as stealthy but at the moment im more woried bout healthy....

Yo man, i definately wanna get in on this grow but i cant do the video thing...you got so many of them!! Can you do a few pics at least or do you not have a camera? Ill try to watch them, but im just too impatient. But +reps anyway since you took the time to put up videos instead of pics. What type of video camera are you using? I would like to do a video someday.
yes lowes will sell the home security hps, you can also look at places such as HTG.com and there are good setups for lights in there some complete 400W sets for under 200 $
as for stelth that blue fabric closet has got to glow like a hot air balloon at night as it is lol
ya the video thing was diffrent the vids are mostly short basicly me askin questions
but i sold my vid cam back and bought a camera so im switching to that now
it was a sony handycan bout umm 350 somthing at da wal
thanks alot im gonna go check out lowes then shortly mabye 2 or the 150 w hps to give em some stimulation
ya man looks like im havin a smurf party in the closet (fuck i dont knwo im high lol)
but when its closed it looks alright

i might be in the market for a small ac unit just so i can regualte temps
i also heard that with a higher humidity they like a little higher temps low to mid 80s but
then again theres always mold and shit
thanks again
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