Thew1sest's First Closet Hydro, SCROG, CFL Journal


Cola Shot, about 8" in length, high res pics after their about to go into mason jars for curing, theyre hanging right now in the grow box.
At the risk of sounding repetitive, congrat's on your harvest, bro! :high-five:

We definately need those high res pics, cuz that's an awesome cola you got there but the pic just doesn't do it justice! :popcorn:
At the risk of sounding repetitive, congrat's on your harvest, bro! :high-five:

We definately need those high res pics, cuz that's an awesome cola you got there but the pic just doesn't do it justice! :popcorn:

Literally the hardest part of the grow has been the camera! Geeze got returned to sender from online store. So crappy phone pics it is. Nice part is though longer buds wait, better that smoke gets. Crystally all over though!

:cheer: Thanks everyone for the love. Smoke reports to come soon.
Hi w1sest! Glad to hear they are drying and curing nicely for you. Cool pics are fun, but in the long run who cares - it's all about the meds, ya know? Sure is fun to enjoy your own home-grown stash, huh? :high-five:

P.S. -- Just curious: How did the GDP that you gave (your brother?) turn out? Did it overcome the injury?
Journal Complete I'm going to start a new one, with some Skywalker hopefully next few weeks!! Yeah the GDP was stunted for a bit, low yield but still frosty nugs, was finished under a 600 hps. Yes, the home grown stash is the best, curing right now, I'm going to let a few weeks pass than re try the meds.

Thanks for the journal bro! Looking forward to your new one, and don't be a stranger until then :tokin:

Ahh I try not to be a stranger at all! I thought I got around these forums pretty well, you guys move like the wind haha ;)

I'll be addin in my input all over now though :Rasta:

Bout to close this journal up, and get ready for a new one. Exciting! I was also thinking, I saw the idea on another forum year or two back, they did a contest with the growers, on who could yield the most off a plant, the catch is the plant container was limited to a 3" x 3" container. What'd you think?
NUGS look good:yummy:

Smoke report should be great. Great way to show the capabilities of CFLs, can't wait for the next round :thumb:

It's a very uplifting high I love it, the edibles that came from the trimmings were absolutely killer. I was impressed. I think I might go 400w hps cooltube on this next round ;)
Ahh I try not to be a stranger at all! I thought I got around these forums pretty well, you guys move like the wind haha ;)

I'll be addin in my input all over now though :Rasta:

Bout to close this journal up, and get ready for a new one. Exciting! I was also thinking, I saw the idea on another forum year or two back, they did a contest with the growers, on who could yield the most off a plant, the catch is the plant container was limited to a 3" x 3" container. What'd you think?

I saw something like that too only even crazier - best plant grown in a shot glass! Wish I could remember which forum, but I don't spend much time anywhere but here anymore.

Nice nugs, w1sest :thumb: Oh, and the 400w will really be a boost if you go that way.
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