How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

Couldn't agree more my friend. :)
I finally found out what is in the syringe, It's oil from White Widow buds. So that's a Sativa, daytime use. :)

I'm way ahead of you on the grow, I have auto seeds popped and a journal started. LOL


Someone was looking out for you Cannafan. You were truly blessed considering everything! Mo and I are so happy for you Canna! In our positions we really appreciate when things go our way once in awhile in life. Bet your frame of mind from 30 days ago sure has changed. Its takes 'happy' to a whole new level. All we need now is to hit the 'lotto' and share with those who need a break in life. Although being alive is a biggie, lol. God knows you deserve the good things happening in your life. Good daytime, good night time=good times :)

Group hug :)
This would be a guess HighHope; About 26-27 grams if it's really clean hashish. If not I still would think about 24 grams. We never know until you get it decarbed and see how much debri is in it. It should be mostly all cannabinoids and a little debris if the method is the same or close to the way the Moroccans do theirs in centuries old techniques. You have researched those. It will be easy Brother.

Cheers Buddy

Thanks again Motoco.
Thanks a heap Motoco! Phew! That's a relief I gotta say.....
I did throw some of the worst affected buds out, but kept all the borderline ones, at least an ounce each of CBD and Indica. So I'll get stuck in next week and make some oil.
Your solution makes perfect sense to me, but I guess we'll know when I get the oil done. I intend to make 3 batches - sativa, CBD, and Indica and then blend them further down the track when I know the yields.
I've also got a Pineapple Chunk Indica dom as a backup and that looks fine i.e. no mold.
OK, thank you so much again Motoco for your time and expertise, and I'll check in again when I've got some oil.
I feel so blessed to have found you folks at this wonderful site!
Cheers, Nobby
If I may Motoco, there is a journal here on 420 Magazine that teaches how to wash your flowers. Using H202 during this wash will help get rid of the mold. Here's a link Bud Washing Most people think the same way when they here this "You want me to put my fresh flowers into a bucket of water"!!!! :laughtwo: :thedoubletake: But as you can read, once somebody has seen how much crap comes off of their flowers they will never go back. :cheesygrinsmiley:
If I may Motoco, there is a journal here on 420 Magazine that teaches how to wash your flowers. Using H202 during this wash will help get rid of the mold. Here's a link Bud Washing Most people think the same way when they here this "You want me to put my fresh flowers into a bucket of water"!!!! :laughtwo: :thedoubletake: But as you can read, once somebody has seen how much crap comes off of their flowers they will never go back. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Thanks buddy, I think Hiker has the blog about washing the buds, right? Forgot all about it because I never had to wash my buds yet? That sounds funny :). Good call Bro!
Yes Sir, it is Hikers journal. Here's the link to his journal. Bud Washing
A special "Thank You" Brother Cajuncelt" for calling me out and reminding me what our mission was and is on 420 Magazine! It takes a 'friend' to do this! You know what I mean; only a friend can tell another friend they have a bugger on their lips. lol. Thank you Brother! By the way, you brought tears to my eyes yesterday! You know, the 'gift' you sent me, the words! Beautiful Brother! Pretty sure it's a keeper now :)
Thanx Canna.
I'm the permanent dark horse over there apparently now.

Third time's a charm Brother! Still nauseous/throwing up Bro? Pain settling down? Thanks!
Third time's a charm Brother! Still nauseous/throwing up Bro? Pain settling down? Thanks!

Yeah bro. Not having lots of fun. Apparently, my liver is all swole up. They don't know why & I certainly don't.
I'm ignoring it for now, but the pain is giving me goose bumps. Has the fountain of youth Bern discovered yet? Lol.
How are you 2 doing on this awesome Sunday?
Thanks Cajun for the very useful information.
Does anyone here know how to make oil from the "seeds" extracted from the female plants?
Thanks Cajun for the very useful information.
Does anyone here know how to make oil from the "seeds" extracted from the female plants?

Yes, plant them.
Sorry, I couldn't resist...
Yes, plant them.
Sorry, I couldn't resist...

Wow cajun, another gut buster Brother! This has been a 'great' Sunday and you started it all :). No worries HighHope you're squared away, enjoy your flight back home, give your Mother our best and God Bless you for everything you are doing for your Mother. The world needs more like you Brother! Hugs to the Wife and Kids and have a safe flight home!

Cheers Brother!
Thanks Motoco. Things are ok here. I have finally gotten all of the bits and pieces together that I need to make the oil and hope to do this in the next few days. Getting +90% alcohol was difficult and I didn't really want to use iso, which was easy to find.

But it's all here now and I feel confident about my first run. Will let you know how it goes.

In the meantime, we have been trying to does with the lowest setting on the vaporizer, but it can still be too euphoric for my GF. If she does get stoned, she can feel all of her symptoms more... we think it may be a herximer reaction. Made an alcohol tincture as well but have the same problem with her getting stoned.

Looking forward to trying out the tacking.

Thanks again.
RE #1656 - Yes, sleep has been really difficult for me. I've struggled with insomnia for better then twenty years, the last ten or so have probably been the worst. Running on a average of a few hours nightly sleep for that long, yes it physically/mentally brings you down. I've mentioned to you these past few weeks I have been sleeping better with at least 6 hours, sometimes better. I genuinely think I have had more sleep in these few weeks then potentially a few months. I feel so much better in the morning when I sleep through. I am properly placed to tackle what stupids are thrown at me through the day. I do need to lay off the concentrates again though and I have been really banking on them for night. I still tack night time boosters before dinner (sometimes during the day) and from there on out my night time is my main dose. One thing I wanted to ask you and I guess I will just ask here now, should I still maintain a 2:1 blend on my Indica or start cutting out those extra CBD's? I know you said leave the daytime blend alone.

I didn't realize I was being difficult in any form. I know my passiveness and possibly the RSO digesting protocol let me get to a really bad place before I even reached out to you (I don't think I could reach then), but again that's just me. I try to do everything by myself to the best of my extent, often this means I suffer as a result. LOL, it makes me think of a shirt my wife bought me, it says "I'm not trying to be difficult, It just comes naturally."! :) Also just as a fair warning, I tend to pull in the full picture in situations rather then blinding myself, sometimes this can be mistaken for negative thinking but I assure you it is not. I keep a positive mindset for the most part, I slip but always regain traction. Thanks for being there for me to reach out too as well as for all the others that have or will reach out!

News reporter, lol too much drama for me! I see drama I change the channel, even here on the threads, no thank you! I was subtly throwing a thought fsc's way as she has for me prior, that was all. Have a great day Brother!

Cajun, all the best man! :Namaste:
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