How to grow in Coco: Feed schedule

It's 0.2, water here is soft.
ok normally id say run calmag at 0.3ec on top of that.

if you are in a position to change your base nutes then do so. canna base nutes are terrible in my opinion. only product worth using from canna is cannazym.

switch to ionic bloom for flower and grow for veg if you want a simple base nute that works well. i swear by ionic bloom for coco.

if changing isnt an option then back off base and run at 1.4ec all in.
I use Canna Coco with Canna nutes, it is expensive but works. I do not use there feed calc. so I can extend it's use. I don't use the amt of A&B per calc. but you must remember the Cal/Magic, or what every mag product your using, I prefer Cal/Magic by General Hydro.
There are cheaper alternatives, Jack's is very good once you figure out the needs of your plants.
I do like Cultivators feeding program, have not used it personally, but there are a number of his followers that agree with his protocol.
ok normally id say run calmag at 0.3ec on top of that.

if you are in a position to change your base nutes then do so. canna base nutes are terrible in my opinion. only product worth using from canna is cannazym.

switch to ionic bloom for flower and grow for veg if you want a simple base nute that works well. i swear by ionic bloom for coco.

if changing isnt an option then back off base and run at 1.4ec all in.

Hey cultivator the ionic nutes dark in color like the gh 2 part or clear ? Iam looking to get away from gh 2 part but would like a clearer nute
Cause Iam going to be trying my hand st full blown hydro with a ebb n flo but as it will be my first time trying to grow this way Iam looking for a nute line up that's not going to stain my root system. This way I'll be able to tell if I start getting problems down below lll
My Auto flower, coco, advanced nutrients feeding schedule.

I start by adding 200 ppm of sensi cal/mg grow/bloom to supplement coco coir with the necessary micro elements locked out by coco.

Up to the point where they have developed 3 or 4 sets of leaves (about day 10) feed them water with 1/4 strength B-52 (1 mL/liter) and 1/4 strength voodoo juice (1 mL/litre)

Day 14

Once 3 or 4 sets of new leaves have developed mix nutrient solution at 300 ppm
Micro, Grow, Bloom, B52, Voodoo Juice at the correct ratios of each other.

Day 21

Mix nutrient solution at 450 ppm
Micro, Grow, Bloom, B52, Voodoo Juice at the correct ratios of each other. It will be this week or next week that the plant will start to flower.

Day 28

mix nutrient solution at 600ppm. Micro, Grow, Bloom, Big Bud at the correct ratios of each other.

Day 35

mix nutrient solution at 900ppm. Micro, Grow, Bloom, Big Bud at the correct ratios of each other.

Day 42

mix nutrient solution at 1200ppm. Micro, Grow, Bloom, Overdrive at the correct ratios of each other.

Day 49

mix nutrient solution at 1400ppm. Micro, Grow, Bloom, Overdrive at the correct ratios of each other.

Day 56

mix nutrient solution at 1200 ppm. Micro, Grow, Bloom, Overdrive at the correct ratios of each other.

Day 63

Flush. I use Flawless Finish 2ml/L
Awsome ty :) my plan is to do all gsc 1/2 in hydroton an 1/2 in coco an see if there is a difference in growth an flower production. Iam cheering for the coco cause I really like the results so far

I would not use ebb&flow with coco, just as you do not reuse the DTW water/nutes.
Early on in my coco growing I tried that same thing, reusing the w/n, big mistake.

you can use ebb and flo with coco but you must adjust the feed times accordingly. id go straight pebbles in that set up though because its optimal for more feeds.

salt build up has never been a problem for me in coco. i do get a little but nothing thats a worry. i dont feed to run off ever, only time any run off is when i flush.
you can use ebb and flo with coco but you must adjust the feed times accordingly. id go straight pebbles in that set up though because its optimal for more feeds.

salt build up has never been a problem for me in coco. i do get a little but nothing thats a worry. i dont feed to run off ever, only time any run off is when i flush.

Can you please explain how you can use E&F or any hydro setup that recirculates the solution? Doesn't recirculating through coco cause issues?

I, to, would go straight pebbles if he plans to do this.

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