How not to be a salt farmer or a wasteful grower tips

Weekend update, buddage coming along for momma and clones:





They're coming along great!
Call to action, if you’re following along please add your feedback and ideas. If you see something say something as the tsa would say. I’m at a point that I’m proud of where I’m at but more than happy to improve. I’m going to continue on with this grow using my own current level of knowledge but religiously take notes on ideas for improvement. Even if it’s just a silly test idea for next season. I have the time and space to accommodate a fair amount of testing for organic and more than happy to do what I can to help the greater community. Don’t be shy please! Thanks :)
Try growing in one of those upside down tomato buckets I always wanted to see what would happen.
I’ll add to the list if you clarify for me :)
Also, I already know I need to do some soil and compost tests from a lab. Been planning on it for quite some time but always left on side burner. Why, I’d love to be able to leverage the knowledge from our OTC and synthetic friends and the only way to do that is to understand the soil and compost makeup in detail. Hence you can scratch that recommendation off the list with the exception of recommending a lab and reminding me to get off my butt to finally actually do it :)
That seems like an entirely bad idea with very little upside and lots of chances to mess things up. :(
It would fix calcium issues, the calcium would fall into the pot lol.

All I can see here is runoff dripping into a light on the floor.

I could be wrong tho, someone not named Gee64 should try this😎
First day of soccer. I mean futbol for most of the world….

Call to action, if you’re following along please add your feedback and ideas. If you see something say something as the tsa would say. I’m at a point that I’m proud of where I’m at but more than happy to improve. I’m going to continue on with this grow using my own current level of knowledge but religiously take notes on ideas for improvement. Even if it’s just a silly test idea for next season. I have the time and space to accommodate a fair amount of testing for organic and more than happy to do what I can to help the greater community. Don’t be shy please! Thanks :)
I'd like to see you do a side by side using ethylene gas exposure to seeds vs normal seeds. I've read a study talking about how exposing seeds to ethylene gas will increase their vigor exponentially. I was trying to do this experiment with some auto seeds but the weather put a stop to that.

The experiment I did was to take the seeds and put them in a plastic bag along with some banana peels. I would change out the peels every few days. I exposed the seeds for two week just like they did. I sprouted them but a heat wave, consistent 110°+ days, killed them off.

Imagine what this will do for your grows if you can fortify your seeds to be more vigorous and hardy to stress.

I'd like to see you do a side by side using ethylene gas exposure to seeds vs normal seeds. I've read a study talking about how exposing seeds to ethylene gas will increase their vigor exponentially. I was trying to do this experiment with some auto seeds but the weather put a stop to that.

The experiment I did was to take the seeds and put them in a plastic bag along with some banana peels. I would change out the peels every few days. I exposed the seeds for two week just like they did. I sprouted them but a heat wave, consistent 110°+ days, killed them off.

Imagine what this will do for your grows if you can fortify your seeds to be more vigorous and hardy to stress.

Sounds like a very worthwhile test to me; it’s at top of list so far :) 📗
I'd like to see you do a side by side using ethylene gas exposure to seeds vs normal seeds. I've read a study talking about how exposing seeds to ethylene gas will increase their vigor exponentially. I was trying to do this experiment with some auto seeds but the weather put a stop to that.

The experiment I did was to take the seeds and put them in a plastic bag along with some banana peels. I would change out the peels every few days. I exposed the seeds for two week just like they did. I sprouted them but a heat wave, consistent 110°+ days, killed them off.

Imagine what this will do for your grows if you can fortify your seeds to be more vigorous and hardy to stress.

This is quite funny that they just now discovers that letting fruit ripen until it drops, which is when it produces maximum ethylene gas-off, produces better seeds than picking the seeds before they are naturally ripened🤣🤣. Funniest part is that someone got paid to prove ripe fruit makes better seeds.🤣
This is quite funny that they just now discovers that letting fruit ripen until it drops, which is when it produces maximum ethylene gas-off, produces better seeds than picking the seeds before they are naturally ripened🤣🤣. Funniest part is that someone got paid to prove ripe fruit makes better seeds.🤣
But why would the gas affect stored seeds?
Because it's supposed to, it's natures way.
So you’re saying this test has no value unless you’re using premature seeds in a nutshell?
To me that’s not necessarily a wasted test because I do produce seeds on occasion and if I could get a strong viable response from them before full maturity I could shave off a few weeks minimum or so from using them, thoughts?
Sorry bud no, that sort of came out wrong I guess. I highly recommend you try it. If you want to see if you can get some seeds with a low probability of germinating to germinate, thats pretty cool stuff. It will work for sure.

Thats the part that I found funny. We already know it works.

Fruit seeds can be ripe and viable in a green fruit, but a sister fruit left to ripen will produce better seeds with a much higher germination rate and mathematically speaking, a huge advantage of being a much better plant that produces better offspring, and we know that ethylene gas that increases in both volume and exposure time on the seed regulates hormones in the seed to basically prime it and get it ready for germination, and the ethylene comes from the fruit as it ripens.

We also know that once viable, a seed isn't feeding from the fruit anymore, it's now dormant until activated, which is what ethylene does, but it is thru exposure to the ripening fruit, not from consuming it.

It's a hormonal reaction thru exposure. So we know it works. It's been used forever simply by wrapping fruit in paper before seeding and planting. It finishes the ripening process of the fruit and brings the fresh seed to peak fertility.

Some plant species reverse the process to slow germination and need a freeze or a flood, or a fire, or whatever other trigger to break dormancy.

So biohacking a seed with ethylene will work. You may not get the best offspring, but it will be better than it would have been in a less viable seed that may have germinated without help from ethylene, because the ethylene is signalling it to wake up and get ready to grow.

Just remember, it's hormonal so you can really screw a plant or seed up too, but for home science heck yeah, I love that stuff.

Got any really old seeds? Hit them all and you might get lucky on a few. Try different exposure times and different volumes of ripening fruit so exposure volume and duration are looked at. If you have lots of seeds try different fruits too.
Sorry bud no, that sort of came out wrong I guess. I highly recommend you try it. If you want to see if you can get some seeds with a low probability of germinating to germinate, thats pretty cool stuff. It will work for sure.

Thats the part that I found funny. We already know it works.

Fruit seeds can be ripe and viable in a green fruit, but a sister fruit left to ripen will produce better seeds with a much higher germination rate and mathematically speaking, a huge advantage of being a much better plant that produces better offspring, and we know that ethylene gas that increases in both volume and exposure time on the seed regulates hormones in the seed to basically prime it and get it ready for germination, and the ethylene comes from the fruit as it ripens.

We also know that once viable, a seed isn't feeding from the fruit anymore, it's now dormant until activated, which is what ethylene does, but it is thru exposure to the ripening fruit, not from consuming it.

It's a hormonal reaction thru exposure. So we know it works. It's been used forever simply by wrapping fruit in paper before seeding and planting. It finishes the ripening process of the fruit and brings the fresh seed to peak fertility.

Some plant species reverse the process to slow germination and need a freeze or a flood, or a fire, or whatever other trigger to break dormancy.

So biohacking a seed with ethylene will work. You may not get the best offspring, but it will be better than it would have been in a less viable seed that may have germinated without help from ethylene, because the ethylene is signalling it to wake up and get ready to grow.

Just remember, it's hormonal so you can really screw a plant or seed up too, but for home science heck yeah, I love that stuff.

Got any really old seeds? Hit them all and you might get lucky on a few. Try different exposure times and different volumes of ripening fruit so exposure volume and duration are looked at. If you have lots of seeds try different fruits too.
Can’t give a love and thank you so here’s both!
But I would think most commercial canna seeds are harvested when properly ripe, no? Would the gas improve even them?
My thoughts exactly, so now I want to do at least a double side by side, couple commercial vs a couple premature using same strategy. Might help answer whether mature still benefit as well. Better yet, couple of my mature, couple of mine premie, couple comm. then we may learn even more about commercial vs private as well!
Oh and do I have seeds lol, nothing more than 5 yrs but yes, hundreds at least still labeled, and in the 50s or so still like featured in bean bonanza surprise :)
Not to mention all the family and friends inventory
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