How not to be a salt farmer or a wasteful grower tips

i defoliate twice during the grow and get rid of all the small stuff and excess branching.

some energy gets redirected but it's mostly for easier processing at harvest. i can't say it's affected total weights either way as the average has been the same.
It’s not just weight but quality that suffers as well. If you make concentrate it’s easy to see the difference in qty oil produced from same weight. I’ve proven this to myself on more than 1 occasion….
You won't see any missing fan leaves on my girls.
But nobody listens to me. :Namaste:
I gave up trying to explain it after a while.
Dam Utube videos are causing unforced errors.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
We don't listen because the results speak for themselves. There doesn't seem to be any logical reason not to.
I’d love just one of these YouTubers to show me a single gardener that is successful growing tomatoes, peppers, melons or anything that would recommend chopping off your leaves to produce bigger juicier tomatoes. Just one!
To me it shouldn’t even be an argument, common sense should dictate how absurd it is.
Learn how to prune tomatoes and you'll change your mind. It's done, and yield is greatly increased.
It’s not just weight but quality that suffers as well. If you make concentrate it’s easy to see the difference in qty oil produced from same weight. I’ve proven this to myself on more than 1 occasion….

not a big fan of the stuff really. we called it weed oil, it was the lowest form you could buy in the black market. the bigger growers sold their trim to the guys who made it.

you' re making it out of a better cut.

used to get a lot of cherry and honey which was a hard extract to do requiring crap like ether and a vac chamber. no one does shit that anymore lol.
none of it was med focus though.
Learn how to prune tomatoes and you'll change your mind. It's done, and yield is greatly increased.

yeah i had to do my moms a ways back this summer. she can't get to the garden anymore.
Pruning and defoliating are two completely different things but I digress, it’s an exercise in futility with many folks…
Pruning and defoliating are two completely different things but I digress, it’s an exercise in futility with many folks…

how are you on pruning weed .. ?

edit : we never got a decent alcohol to make weed oil here either. it's still hard.
As for pruning, I’m a huge fan and encourage it for most plants, trees, hedges, flowers and so on! I take many clones which is equivalent to pruning all the way from about week 5 up until about 2 weeks before pistils should form for outdoors or 2 weeks before flipping lights for indoor. Like em to have a couple weeks recovery before going into flower….
how are you on pruning weed .. ?

edit : we never got a decent alcohol to make weed oil here either. it's still hard.
I'm in Canada. I use Everclear. It makes top notch oil.





4 different strains.


Every strain makes a different color and with a Source Turbo you get all your Everclear back. It's too potent for me but my friends love it.
I use Everclear too. Works great.
I wait until it's at least -20 for the daytime highs and -30 overnight, then I chill the weed and Everclear outdoors for a couple days and do my wash outdoors. It makes for a really clean wash. Once a year I do up all my excess cured weed.

It's good for coating papers to roll cannagars too. Once it's poured out on the mat you lay papers in it with just the glue line outside of the oil, and then peel them up once they cool.

You can lay parchment paper between the oiled papers and store a stack of them in a ziplock bag for later use.

Just don't get any your wife's counters, apparently that's not cool🤣
I'm in Canada. I use Everclear. It makes top notch oil.

everything over 70% is restricted in this province and a few others. you need a license to get it, and they don't issue them to growers.

4 different strains

Every strain makes a different color and with a Source Turbo you get all your Everclear back. It's too potent for me but my friends love it.

nice machine. doubt it could be used here with the extract alcohol issues.

I wait until it's at least -20 for the daytime highs and -30 overnight, then I chill the weed and Everclear outdoors for a couple days and do my wash outdoors. It makes for a really clean wash. Once a year I do up all my excess cured weed.

we used to do a cold extract called ice oil

I use spyrytus primarily and everclear if not available.

we'd never see anything like that here.
everything over 70% is restricted in this province and a few others. you need a license to get it, and they don't issue them to growers.
I had to take a drive to Alberta and grab a case for "Personal Consumption"
nice machine. doubt it could be used here with the extract alcohol issues.
Start drivin'!🤣
we used to do a cold extract called ice oil
The cold is the key. Anything cinstantly below -20 until it's in the still comes out like a greeny, goldy, cherry, or dark walnutty colored taffy that is beautiful.
we'd never see anything like that here.
Me either, what proof is it?
I usually only do a hard defoliation at flip and remove whatever leaves I can't tuck for light penetration or air flow during the flowering period.

This year I've dry yielded 7 lbs and spent, excluding costs you outlined in your post, around $220. I use what many would classify as salt fertilizers due to their already being chelated for immediate uptake. I don't use a lot of boosters or amendments other than Voodoo Juice the first few weeks to bump the bacterial colony and some mycorrhizae when I transplant into the plants final home. Other than that, it's base and cal/mag only.
I usually only do a hard defoliation at flip and remove whatever leaves I can't tuck for light penetration or air flow during the flowering period.

This year I've dry yielded 7 lbs and spent, excluding costs you outlined in your post, around $220. I use what many would classify as salt fertilizers due to their already being chelated for immediate uptake. I don't use a lot of boosters or amendments other than Voodoo Juice the first few weeks to bump the bacterial colony and some mycorrhizae when I transplant into the plants final home. Other than that, it's base and cal/mag only.
Precisely, air flow, light pen, size mgmt. all of that is valid to me!
I'm in Canada. I use Everclear. It makes top notch oil.





4 different strains.


Every strain makes a different color and with a Source Turbo you get all your Everclear back. It's too potent for me but my friends love it.

not a big fan of the stuff really. we called it weed oil, it was the lowest form you could buy in the black market. the bigger growers sold their trim to the guys who made it.

you' re making it out of a better cut.

used to get a lot of cherry and honey which was a hard extract to do requiring crap like ether and a vac chamber. no one does shit that anymore lol.
none of it was med focus though.
I can make honey oil with basics just need the everclear
Just like @Gee64 in the winter
Works great in my Artrix vapes

You can get some free trial products hereArtrix Summer Celebration: Show Off Your Favorites & Win Free Vapes!
Ok, now it’s time to be a $ick again. How do you know you’re a salt farmer. No, it’s not because you don’t follow or agree with my methods. No, it’s not because you buy over the counter nutes organic or otherwise, and no it’s not because you do hydro, aero or whatever method you choose. So wtf, how am I a salt farmer you ask? It’s because you don’t respect the soil and fall for every gimmick out there that leads you down a path of overfeeding and depleting soil to the point it has no benefit for recycling and being reused without a full 2 year cycle of being recharged in a compost pile. That’s right, even if you beat the hell out of that soil it can recovered over an extended period if treated properly but my personal goal is to avoid that. The only new soil I want to add every year are the root ball space I’ve delegated to worm bins, compost or expansion of the garden. All organisms need salt as well, it’s just a matter of balance which I believe is achieved best with less is more strategy. By not overfeeding I can reuse everything year to year just adding a little new. If you’re just tossing your soil every run because nothing grows well after one cycle you can safely assume you’re now what I consider a salt farmer. Just because you’re using over the counter doesn’t mean you can’t grow responsibly and recycle. My .02, cheers :)
I can make honey oil with basics just need the everclear

i've had something similar. the honey oil i referred to was a different process.

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