How not to be a salt farmer or a wasteful grower tips

They get rain water every day now, as much as they can drink without drowning worms out :)


Another tip from a friends place. Rain collection disguised as kiddy pools. Kids are grown, nice surface area for collecting more rain. Transfer to barrels as needed :)


Another tip on rain water, if you have city drinking water it’s also very beneficial to collect rain in clean glass or stainless steel containers for drinking. It helps the beneficial microbes in our bodies as well as the garden. Why pollute yourself with unneeded flouride and chlorine if you can avoid it….
For those following along that haven’t been convinced yet that organic is the way to go based upon some of the benefits covered and still hung up on yield, space concerns etc. Let’s talk about costs. Add up everything you’ve spent on your grow this year alone, don’t include your tents, lights and gadgets because we all share those costs. Just add up nutrients, amendments and stuff you pay for consistently to keep your grow going. Now cut that in half, because my yields being organic might only be half of what you can achieve with other methods. Now compare that to what I’ve spent this year. I’ve spent $200 roughly this year. The past 3 years before that I’ve spent $100 or less per year and so on. Everyone can do the same or even less than that. Oh, btw that includes my entire garden, not just 420. Get the picture? How many of us sacrificed some yield to convert to LED for fire safety and cost benefits for indoor? It’s not rocket science folks. Peace :)
50lbs of prilled dolomite for $20 will literally give you a lifetime of CalMag, so my calcium bill this year was kind of high. I'm up to over a dollar now🤣👊

Kelp is the killer but I found a really good supply. It turns out that high grade organic kelp is a food additive for race horses and you can get large 3.5 gallon pails of it for $20 at farm feed stores. Whooda Thunk!
50lbs of prilled dolomite for $20 will literally give you a lifetime of CalMag, so my calcium bill this year was kind of high. I'm up to over a dollar now🤣👊

Kelp is the killer but I found a really good supply. It turns out that high grade organic kelp is a food additive for race horses and you can get large 3.5 gallon pails of it for $20 at farm feed stores. Whooda Thunk!
I have been fortunate enough not to have to add anything other than what’s in compost or in the ocean for seaweed. We’re 30 min from all the seaweed we want and a little goes a long way. I literally use 2 5ga buckets of seaweed to feed garden for entire season. Granted compost is almost 6 years old now and it would take a newby at least 2 years to achieve a level that’s desirable unless they have a good source willing to help them get going. But it’s absolutely worth the effort.
I have been fortunate enough not to have to add anything other than what’s in compost or in the ocean for seaweed. We’re 30 min from all the seaweed we want and a little goes a long way. I literally use 2 5ga buckets of seaweed to feed garden for entire season. Granted compost is almost 6 years old now and it would take a newby at least 2 years to achieve a level that’s desirable unless they have a good source willing to help them get going. But it’s absolutely worth the effort.
I grew up on Vancouver Island and had free seaweed my whole life, but now I'm 150 miles inland unfortunately, so I have to buy it.
Ok, on a serious note I’m worried about KingJohnC

If anyone out there is close to him that can do a wellness check it would be greatly appreciated!
Ok, sorry up front for sounding like a $ick but I can’t help myself sometimes. I’ve seen several statements online about people defoliating to transfer energy to buds. Am I insane thinking this is absurd? Get rid of little buds towards bottom to transfer energy makes sense to me, chopping off your fans absolutely makes zero sense to me unless it’s to help manage airflow and light penetration. Where do you suppose the energy comes from to build those flowers? Do you imagine they photosynthesize themselves? Where is the logic in this strategy? Please enlighten me.
Ok, sorry up front for sounding like a $ick but I can’t help myself sometimes. I’ve seen several statements online about people defoliating to transfer energy to buds. Am I insane thinking this is absurd? Get rid of little buds towards bottom to transfer energy makes sense to me, chopping off your fans absolutely makes zero sense to me unless it’s to help manage airflow and light penetration. Where do you suppose the energy comes from to build those flowers? Do you imagine they photosynthesize themselves? Where is the logic in this strategy? Please enlighten me.
You won't see any missing fan leaves on my girls.
But nobody listens to me. :Namaste:
I gave up trying to explain it after a while.
Dam Utube videos are causing unforced errors.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
You won't see any missing fan leaves on my girls.
But nobody listens to me. :Namaste:
I gave up trying to explain it after a while.
Dam Utube videos are causing unforced errors.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I’d love just one of these YouTubers to show me a single gardener that is successful growing tomatoes, peppers, melons or anything that would recommend chopping off your leaves to produce bigger juicier tomatoes. Just one!
To me it shouldn’t even be an argument, common sense should dictate how absurd it is.
I’d love just one of these YouTubers to show me a single gardener that is successful growing tomatoes, peppers, melons or anything that would recommend chopping off your leaves to produce bigger juicier tomatoes. Just one!
That's an excellent way to make your point. ;)
Can I use that?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
There are some valid use cases for extreme tying and defoliation that have nothing to do with encouraging bud growth. Those are primarily space concerns and for stealth growing. Going in you know the goal is to maintain a certain size limit and those methods can work great to do that. Just don’t tell me your chopping leaves to promote bud growth. I’ll gladly tell you anyone with at least a fourth grade education should know better :) sorry, not sorry really
i defoliate twice during the grow and get rid of all the small stuff and excess branching.

some energy gets redirected but it's mostly for easier processing at harvest. i can't say it's affected total weights either way as the average has been the same.
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