How I Pass My DTs in 24h or Less

I have to take a DT on Monday for a job I really want. I was a daily smoker for a year or so, but I quit smoking on December 31 because I had a feeling I was going to get this job offer. ANYWAY, I went out last night and purchased ALL of the supplements as well as a couple of home drug tests. I took a test yesterday without flushing or taking any supplements, and I failed it. So last night I dosed up on these supplements exactly as outlined in the original post. I dosed up again this morning and started chugging some water. 2.5 hours later, I took another home drug test. FAINT LINE, YEAH! Anyway, I'm going to keep up this routine through Monday, take another test tomorrow to be sure I have my timing right, and BUY A BIG FAT BAG MONDAY NIGHT!! YEEEAH!

If it helps anyone, I am a 5'1" female who could stand to lose around 40 pounds. So I don't have the fastest metabolism in the world either.
I have a test I need to do "Within 48hrs", and time is ticking down. I'm not sure if I'm going to a 24hr clinic or one that closes at 5pm, so if it's the latter, then I need to be clear by tomorrow at 5pm, otherwise saturday at 1pm.

Going to pick up the goods tonight hopefully, and a home test to see how it works out.

I swear I owe someone a blowjob if this goes down right.
I actually had both a urine and blood test done, the urine was sent to the "supper accurate" machine in the labs that takes a while to get back
Hello, guys.

Yes, I'm a person that is affiliated with one of marijuana detox drinks retailer. So I'm a little bit more educated in drug test passing details than any casual smoker :) And I want to tell you how Borune method works and why sometimes it does not. And I'll try to not sell here :)

There is an old scientific research named: "In vivo adulteration: excess fluid ingestion causes false negative marijuana and cocaine urine test results". Google it and read it yourself. This research had shown that marijuana metabolite (THC) levels decreased significantly, and results frequently switched from positive to negative after a volunteer consumed 1 gallon of water. It happens just because urine in the bladder becomes diluted. So you able to fool dip strip or one-step rapid drug test just with one gallon of water.

It is a fact that Acai and Omega-3 (Flaxseed Oil and DHA) are speeding your fat burning process up. But THC are fat-soluble so believe burning your fat cells is the last thing you want while drug testing. Vitamin B does nothing but gives your urine neon yellow color.


The same research had shown that the creatinine level of urine specimen dropped below the cutoff after intake of just 2 quarters of water. And usage of very cheap Drug Adulteration Test Strips will show that your specimen is adulterated because of very low creatinine level. Be sure that every laboratory test starts with the integrity check of the sample. They will check your specimen for pH, specific gravity (that may drop below cutoff too), creatinine level and presence of oxidizing reagents.

So it is impossible to pass a lab urinalysis just with water, Omega-3 and Vitamin-B/ You will fail because of a "diluted result" :rasta:
I'm curious if this works for probation as well? I have a test in almost exactly 24 hours and the last time I smoked was monday. I have been drinking gallons of water since then and I have taken 2, 1000mcg B12 vitamin pills. One today and one on tuesday. I weigh 185lbs and I am 6'4". I'm fairly skinny because of my height.

I started smoking again after two years sober late last november. I started slowly then eventually I was buying a dub every 2-3 days. I've had several sober days as well, and a couple 3-5 days breaks. I've also had a few days where I smoked around 1-2grams.

What would you recommend I do for the next 24 hrs? Should I risk a diluted test in order to extend time? I have never been in trouble while on probation and if I pass this UA, I get put on unsupervised probation. It is a urine test and I'm thinking they send it to a lab.
Substitution is best option for you. Try your friend' urine or premixed synthetic one. If you prefer dilution, drink gallon of water 2 hours prior test time and eat a lot of creatine monohydrate during the day.
Just coming back to say that I chickened out and did not go to the clinic for my test. I did buy a home test, and the negative line showed up, but it was really faint, so I didn't trust that I was going to pass a clinic test.

Well, something else came up, my husband got an interview and he had to take a test today. So I already had everything we needed, yesterday morning he took the round of vitamins and flushed with water all day long, took another round of pills around midnight, then at 6am he took ANOTHER round of all the vitamins and started flushing it all out. The interview was at 2pm and was just an in-office drug test. Around noon he took a couple of the B-comblex, and about 1pm he took a couple more. He said that the cup he pissed in had a rainbow detector on it, but he wasn't sure what it detected, but shortly after they told him he passed and it was done.

So, Idk what exactly it was that worked, BUT MUTHA FUCKA IT WORKED!! Sorry, got excited there. But HELL YEAH.

EDIT: Also, because he was drinking so much, we had to stop two times before we even got to the place, and he had to piss right away when he got there. So the juices were definitely flowing fast. Three large pisses within an hours time.
I just wana say I was skeptical n worried this wouldn't work, but I took a drug test last Friday after just six days of not smoking, n three days before test repeating this regimine daily, except drink gatorade to raise my specific gravity, n tums. Itmusta worked cuz home depot called me today to come in for orientation! Btw I couldn't find the dha, bt it still worked! Ohn I took four advils a hr before too. I've been a reg smoker for a whle, almost everyday w a moderate metabolism
I know these get posted alot but I guess I am looking for reassurance. I have been a long time smoker and I guess I would title myself a "heavy smoker" if I had to. A week ago I quit smoking for my drug test that is coming on May 22nd, I weight aroufn 135 and am 5'11. I have zero body fat and regrettably a fast metabolism. Do you think 58 days is long enough to clear my system out? What tips can anyone offer to help speed the process along? Thanks for the feedback.
I actually had both a urine and blood test done, the urine was sent to the "supper accurate" machine in the labs that takes a while to get back. I was really freaking out about the blood test, those are alot more accurate than the urine ones...[/QUOTE]

So you didn't have any problem with this method for blood tests?
Just wanted to say thanks to this thread that has given me back my peace of mind. I had an interview coming up and have been smoking daily since christmas. Found out I got the interview and knew within two weeks I would probably have to give a drug test if I got the job. So right away increased my workouts and eating healthy routine (I believe this helped the most). But I am about a week and a half clean and decided to order some thc test strips at the 50 ng/ml cut off level to test myself (part number #WDTH-114). I am currently using the super B complex, flaxseed, fish oil, and acai extract daily (6 days of this so far). I am taking recommended doses though. I am not going to reck my kidneys so trying to be as healthy as possible. I have tested myself twice. Once during the day just taking the vitamins and drinking a normal amount of water. And then this morning, with my FIRST piss of the day. Tested negative both times. Now I am a pretty healthy person. Body fat around 12-14%. Exercise daily and have been doing this for about a year and a half straight. The other thing I have been doing is taking my multivitamin for about 2 years straight. I believe these two aspects are what have helped me the most in getting the thc out of my body and doing it quickly. I smoked about 2-3 times daily (smaller amounts). Making sure you stop yourself from smoking and getting yourself in a workout routine will help you get the thc out the quickest. I know some people don't have choices (random tests) but if you know you are searching for a job quit smoking and get your ass in the gym. I believe this vitamin routine also helped with increasing my energy at the gym and helping me lose some unwanted belly fat. There's my story though and hope it helps people who were scared shit less like me.
ok so i've been taking the vitamins like the forum has said FOR THE PAST 2 DAYS and i've been drinking water about a gallon a day, but my drug test still comes up positive for THC. anyone have any advice for me?

i even worked out yesterday for about an hour and a half. and hit the sauna for 20 mins (that's all i could handle)

i need HELP!!! please!!! because I have a drug test tomorrow.

and i'm pretty sure interns get drug tested here because my acceptance letter said it was contingent upon "pre employment physical and drug screening..."

So I have used this method three times- two for probation and one for pre-employment. I will go into further detail for each. I no longer smoke due to my job- we are only allowed 15-30 minutes to report to the drug testing facility when a "random" drug test is popped on us. Prior to this, I smoked what a considered a heavy amount for about 6-7 years- typically, AT LEAST once a day, normally several times throughout the day.

#1 The first time I used this method was for my probation "baseline" test. I had not smoked for about 14-17 days prior. I took the vitamins about three hours before my test with approximately 112 oz of water (four 16 oz glasses immediately and about three more over the next hour or two). After peeing 4-5 times, it was still slightly cloudy-definitely not clear, but I figured everything had been flushed. At this time I took the second dose of B-vitamins followed by about three more 16 oz glasses of water. After the test, they said I would be contacted within 2-3 business days if anything came back negative.

After about a week, I thought I was in the clear so I began smoking again (only a couple hits per day). At my next probation meeting my PO informed me that my test results came back diluted and had to submit another urine sample. Luckily, I didn't have to take it on the spot, I was allowed to leave as long as retuned before the testing facility closed at 6pm which gave me roughly 4 hours.

#2 It had only been about 3-4 days since the last time I smoked. I repeated the same steps as the first time, except only chasing the vitamins with about 80 oz of water. When I took my second dose of B-vitamins, I only consumed a few mouthfuls of water. The urine sample was sent to the lab and the results came back negative!

#3 This test was for a pre-employment career type job, so this test worried me the most. I had stopped smoking as soon as I was called for my initial interview which was only about 6-7 days prior to my test. When I was called in to sign the employment papers, I only had 48 hours to take the pre-employment drug test. Even though this method had worked the last time I tried it, I was absolutely freaking out. Using someone else's clean urine was not an option. I went to a local smoke shop and purchased a bottle of synthetic urine. I called the testing facility and told them I was "potty shy" so I wanted to know if anyone would be watching me pee. He replied- "No, but if you are planning on using fake urine, don't waste your time because it can be detected." I was terrified beyond belief, so I took the vitamins in the same method as my previous test. The next few days following the test were beyond nerve wrecking, but the bottom line is it worked again.

I feel the most important things are giving yourself as much time as possible without smoking prior to the test (sometimes, however, this is not an option), and consuming the right amount of water- enough to flush your system but not too much to where it comes back diluted. I also forgot to mention, I am prescribed alprazolam (Xanax) and amphetamine (Adderall) and did not test positive for either, so I believe this method works for most drugs, not only thc.

I know drug testing is very stressful so feel free to respond with any questions and I will try to answer them as best as I possibly can.
Okay, in a few days, I am gonna have my first wiz-quiz. It has been exactly two weeks since I have smoked. I am thinking of doing your "Spring Valley Detox." Before I quite, I was a regular, everyday, smoker. I have been flushing my system with water and cranberry juice and I have a few questions for ya...
1.) If I complete your detox, do you think I will be able to pass the test?
2.) Should I go through the steps of the detox more than once since I have a couple days before the actual test?
well now I feel kinda dumb spending money on Vale but that has worked for me as well so I can't knock it. I'd much rather try this route as Vale is like drinking syrup and I have trouble holding it down at times. Thanks for the input I plan to try this next time I need it!
Hey man, I had known for about a month that I had a looming drug test on sep 3. I irresponsibly decided to wait until a week before the test to quit smoking and cleanse my body. This forum was one of the first I came across, and it looked fairly reliable. I decided I would take this route, rather than relying on a detox kit that I bought anyways but felt iffy on. All of these vitamins cost me around $40, but it IS worth it. My test was for an oilfield job. I had NO idea what kind of test I would have to take. Luckily it was a urine exam (non DOT) for specifics. Throughout the week, I took the daily reccomeneded dosage for each, drank stupid amounts of water, and did a lot of cardio. It sucked but its easy when its dire. I had smoked at least an eighth a day for around 3 years. The day before the test, I tested myself and easily passed, easing my nervousness. The morning of, I followed the steps originally posted on the forum and headed to my test. I had to pee right in front of the doctor (don't ever try using synthetic urine). The pee came out neon yellow, which isn't something they question about, as many vitamins do this. The doctor swabbed the urine, then put the swab in a fancy machine that scared me half to death. About a minute later, the information had already been processed and on the screen were numerous amounts of the word "negative." It absolutely worked. I now have a very well paying job and can feel comfortable toking it up daily. Just remember to stay calm and act completely casual during the entire testing process. It does matter. Good luck.
Thats impossible! If you are active theres no way THC will stay in your system for 90 days! The ONLY way it will stay in your system that long is if you were smoking a quarter a day while using, sitting on your ass the entire time your trying to quit, and severely overweight with a high body fat ratio. You should also keep in mind that if you have friends that smoke and you are in the same room while they are blazing, you can still pick up trace amounts of THC (not enough to fail a DT) but definitely enough to hinder your "cleansing process". Make sure when ever you are getting your research, that it is from someone within the medical testing field or someone with substantial medical knowledge. I've recieved all of my information from a medical examiner who was willing to help me with my "detox" process and teach me a few tricks they use when examining a urine sample. oh it is very possible!!! after smoking for 25+ years your liver fails to metabolize THC properly and it can easily stay in your system and you will continue to drop dirty for 100+ days
I would like to share my experiment on how i passed my drug test is 36 hours by dilution with no drinks. just water and vitamines.
i am 5'7" 150lbs with a fast metabolism.

THC drug test dilution.
Experiment- To Dilute my urine sample to a maximun of 20ng/L in 36 hours.
Heavy user aprox 2-3g pr/day
Prior 62 hours no smoking.
Sept 21, 7:10 pm
Smoke 3/4 of a 0.8g joint.
Sept 21, 7:30pm
Drank 20 oz of water.
4oz pure canberry juice.
Life multivitamine (per capsul)
1000mg milk thistle
Vitamine B1-10mg,B2-10mg,B6-12.5,B12-30mcgBiotin 50mcg,

September 22, 2013

I urinated about 3 times during the night.
Woke up with a headache.

8:30 am
Breakfast. 2 organic eggs, and 2 pieces silver hills 16 grain organic bread.
9:15 am
Smoke 0.3- 0.5g of fresh green vaporized at 388F.
9:45 am
Finished vaprizing.
10:00 am
Drink 16 0z or water.
1000mg Milk thistle.
He shou Wu 500mg.
10:10 am
16oz of water.
2 Life multivitamins.
ginseng complex with royal jelly.
Urinated 80% clear.
10:40 am
Snack. blueberry mang smoothie 1 cups organic blueberries, 1 cup mango, banana, 4 oz cranberrry juice, 8 oz water,5 tbs hemp seeds.
10:43 am
urine 90% clear.
10:50 am
head ache is gone.
smoothie fishished.
11:00 am
Urine 96% clear.
12:32 pm
1000mg He shou wu.
16 oz water.
3:00 pm
Ate sushi.
1000mg Milk thistle
500mg he shou wu
500mg blueberry tablet
500mg cranberry tablet
500mg ginseng root extract royal jelly complex
16 oz water
September 23 2013
500mg cranberry
500mg blueberry
500mg ginseng root royal jelly complex
1300mg Flax oil omega 3,6,9
500mg he shou wu
Vitamine B complex 1 tablets ( B1-100mg, b2-100mg,niacinamide-100mg, b6-100mg, b12-100mcg, pantothenic acid-100mcg, boitin-100mcg, folic acid-1mg, choline biatrate-100mg, insitol-100mg)
16oz water
500mg cranberry
500mg blueberry
500mg ginseng root royal jelly complex
1300mg Flax oil omega 3,6,9
500mg he shou wu
Vitamine B complex 2 tablets ( B1-200mg, b2-200mg,niacinamide-200mg, b6-200mg, b12-200mcg, pantothenic acid-200mcg, boitin-200mcg, folic acid-2mg, choline biatrate-200mg, insitol-200mg)
48oz water
6:30pm- 8:15
Urinated 4 times.
8:15 pm
Negative THC test
Utest 20ng/ML
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