How I Pass My DTs in 24h or Less

Thank you for the post. I notice it is from 2010. Does this still work, or has testing caught up with it? Brand new to this, and need to take a DT in a couple of weeks. Clean for a month and still testing positive. Any help would be huge. Thank you
Hi thanks for tip, on step 4 do you take the whole B complex or just B1 B2 B3B6 B12? My friend has too take test tomorrow with 2 days nervous for him, fingers crossed
I have an interview and i know they will drug test. I need to find a way to pass witout having to buy an expensive detox kit that may or may not work. Ive been reading on here and id love to try these ways. Im a heavy smoker and i need to find a way to pass in short notice. Please any help or advice is greatly appreciated.
So, here's my deal... I haven't smoked since last Sunday, a week from today and have a DT (urinalysis) for a job I want BAD on Wednesday. Prior to that I smoked all day everyday for God knows how long. In the past 7 days of not smoking I did a Carbo16, have been taking a multivitamin everyday, sweat a few times in the sauna, walk at least 5 miles a day, have been eating healthy, have been drinking a shit ton of water, 100 percent pure cranberry juice, and have added a creatine supplement to my diet. I just did an at home DT and surprise, surprise I failed. In the morning I'll be getting the vitamins you listed and am going to follow your plan, testing it with another at home DT. My question is after step 2 when I'm supposed to drink a lot of water could I also do the "fruit pectin" method putting it into all the water I need to drink in addition to your method or is that just another one of the million myths and false hopes that are out there? I guess I have enough time before my DT to try the pectin method on its own tomorrow, do an at home, and see what happens. Then on Tuesday I could try your method, do an at home DT, and see what happens. In my 29 years of life I HAVE NEVER had to take a DT for a job since I work in the restaurant industry. However, this job I want is Union so I guess I can kind of understand why they test. I'm 5' 8" 120 lb "smaller" guy with what I would consider a pretty quick metabolism. I'm also four months sober from opioids with the help of a clinical trial drug which is essentially a shot of Buphenorphine I get in my lower abdomen every 4 weeks. On Tuesday, the day before my DT I have an appointment with the clinical trial office where I also plan on asking the doctor to write me a letter with which I can present to the DT lab letting them know that I will test positive for it, (I'm assuming it's a 5 panel) but, that it is being controlled, prescribed, and is under Doctor supervision. Never in my life have I ever been so stressed about anything. It's the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about before I go to bed. This is also the first time I have ever participated in any such forum. After hours and hours and hours of Internet research your method seems to have the most success followed by the "fruit pectin" method. Any and all advice I can get from anyone, I will gladly take. Please and thank you. #thisblows #ineedablunt
UPDATE! (I'm not sure how to upload a photo to show you all) Today after hitting up 4 stores and spending about $100 (I'll blame inflation since Bourne posted the original "trick") I finally had everything I needed to test this method out including yet another at home drug test this time from my local pharmacy, not my local head shop only because I wanted he most accurate results, I followed the directions to a T, took the vitamins and drank about a gallon of liquid (both h20 and Gatorade), I took the at home drug test and what do you know, I came up NEGATIVE FOR THC!!! Talk about a load of stress off my shoulders. On Wednesday, the date of my urinalysis, I'm going to do it again, testing myself one last time at home before heading to the lab. I'd like to give a HUGE thanks and shout out to the original poster, Bourne. I'd thank you personally but, I'm not sure how. It worked! It worked! It worked! Fingers crossed that on Wednesday things go smoothly and it works at the lab and the job I want (NEED) is mine!!!
When you only have 24 hours (and you know you aren't clean) and it's a pre-employment test your taking, synthetic urine is without a doubt the most consistent method around. Check out our Sub Solution at for one of the very best fake pees on the market. If you know you may end up in a situation like this where you got less than 24 hours, it can be good to make sure you have some reliable synthetic urine in stock at home already. We do offer overnight shipping, but with 24 hours that's not always going to cut it. You could always look for some fake pee at your local head shop but often times they only stack cheap lower quality formulas which sometimes can be detected as fake in a lab (our premium urine has never had that problem).
I used to be in the military, and would get random DTs. I was in the reserve, so I only had the chance of being tested one weekend a month. However, my first DT, I was not prepared, and here is my story.

I came into work on a Saturday morning, probably still drunk from the night before. My Sergeant handed me a letter in the morning, saying I had a DT after lunch. I kept my cool, accepted the DT letter and started pounding water. I drank and drank and drank until my piss was clear.

I forgot to mention, I'm an everyday smoker, going through an 1/8th per week and had only quit 7 days prior to my pop wiz. Anyway, during my lunch break I drove to a head shop and got a bottle of Detoxify XXtraClean and followed the instructions. Went back to work, pissed in the cup, it was brighter yellow than the other samples, but I passed.

Since then, I have always had a drink on reserve, but have talked to other guys in the military, and they don't even use the drinks, just dilution then vitamin B.

I have also experimented with just time and water, testing my first piss in the morning vs a piss in the afternoon, and what you hear is true. I was failing my at home DTs every morning for 2 weeks, but passed them in the afternoon.

Also, people said they get headaches after trying the method in this thread...I think it's the onset of water poisoning. I feel it too, but it's one of those things you go through to pass.

Sorry it's long, but speaking from experience, hoping to help others since it's a BS law that a plant is outlawed.
For those of you out there that are skeptical, I have used this method on numerous occasions and have always passed. Actually, using this cocktail (that's what it is) has made my life easier. I always have the vitamins and if I think/know that I am being tested the first thing I do is put this method to work. Also, not only have I passed rapid tests, I have also passed lab urine screens. As a matter of fact, I just finished going this route because I might be getting tested tomorrow (every Wednesday holds that possibility) so I smoke Wednesday night through Sunday morning, then flush Sunday and Monday, let my color come back on Tuesday, and that's how much confidence I have in this. I've done it, I've had some friends do it. If you pay attention to his words, and heed them well, then smoke away my 420 loving brothers/sisters because here is your super cheap and easy system flush.
hello, does this method work for other drugs other than weed? like cocaine opaides benzos???? and do i take ALL those vitamins at once? and do i start drinking water immediately after i take the vitamins? i have a drug test today at 1:15 hoping you can respond to me asap! thank you!!!
How many have tried this method and had success? I've been not smoking for a little over a week and only drinking water with lemon, and it's still in my system. My drug test is either this week or next and I HAVE to pass.
Wouldn't be the same theory as PPM or EC!! Flush out what's there, then pump with a borrocca equals ppm borrocca!!!!

Sent from my iPhone using 420 Magazine Mobile App
I don't want to be the voice of reason here but what is the science behind all this? I mean, it is quite a complicated (and questionable health-wise) plan and I believe that it may worked in your case but his is that a guarantee that it wil work for everybody?

As far as passing a drug test on short notice, I believe the golden standard is still synthetic urine and does the job quite fine. You can the article about how to pass a urine drug test in 24 hours and see how synthetic urine consistently works.

A bunch on B vitamins and Acai seems like an 'organic green healthy' thing that just doesn't do the real trick in just a day.
I have found a method that works for me (and plenty of my friends) in less than 24 hours and wanted to share it with the 420 community! Tell me how my homebrewed method works for you!

[SIZE="+1"]My story:[/SIZE]

I was called in for a drug test around 10:00 am and they told me that the test was going to be the next day at about 2:30. I had smoked THE NIGHT BEFORE. Needless to say, I was a bit frantic. I'd never had to take a drug test before and I had no idea where to start and only 28 and a half hours to find out how to clean myself out and to do it. I consulted my friends first, asking about their methods and if they had any resources that I could use. Alot of what my friends said was stupid, things like drinking a whole glass of pickle juice... stuff I didn't feel like trying unless I had no other options. Some of it, however, made sense. One of my friends told me to 'flush' my body, in other words just drink as much as possible in the HOPES that I'd get a false negative (you were supposed to test positive but the test didn't recognize it). Sounded reasonable, but I wanted something with a little more certainty. Another one of my friends told me about 'cloaking' which was just a more extreme version of flushing (where you would not only flush but there was a something you had to do along with the flushing, usually a tablet a day that was accompanied by a food regimen). He said to buy a 'pass the test' kit online. He said that they were a bit EXPENSIVE but they'd never failed him. He gave me a few sites to look at and after seeing some expensive products, (and reading how long the cheaper ones took) I was urged to find another way... and so came a few hours of research.

After doing a lot of research on methods to pass marijuana tests (many of them were ridiculous) I found that many either took a while to work, were not consistently effective, or were crazy expensive. After looking at all the methods together (literally I had all of them up on a white board together) I came up with an idea. The cloaking kits you could buy online were expensive because the companies were trying to make money and knew some people would pay that much to pass the test. They were expensive, but they worked. The simple flushing method, drinking enough water to make you urine clear was free, but not only didn't always work, your urine was clear... giving it away that you had flushed your body. I decided to combine these two methods and ended up with a cheap and extremely consistent system that you can use every time. It has worked 100% of the time fore me and my friends.

[SIZE="+1"]My method:[/SIZE]

My method uses the flushing method but expands on it a bit. I researched some naturals that are good at detoxifying your body and found that most of them are available even at your grocery store, sold as vitamins and minerals. After doing a bit of research on each of them, I think I have found a team of elites: they are inexpensive and work very well.

STEP 1: Buy the Goods.
Here is a list of the detox agents that I buy: (either capsules or tablets)
Flax Oil
(Wild Harvested) Acai
(Plant Pure Omega-3) DHA
(Super) B-Complex

I picked all of them up at Walmart for less than $20 (and I still have plenty left in each bottle from a good year ago with tests regularly). The brand I use is Spring Valley. Hasn't failed me, doubt it will. If you buy another brand, be sure that it is quality stuff.​

STEP 2: Get you body ready to...
Consume the following amount of each:
Flax Oil - 1,200mg (I take 2 softgels at 600mg each)
Acai - 1,000mg (I take 2 softgels at 500mg each)
DHA - 200mg (I take 1 softgel)

The B-Complex is tricky (but essential). I will put up the stats of the B-Complex I use so If you use a different one, you at least have an idea of what you need.

Serving Size: 1 Tablet (but I take 5)
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) - 150mg (So I take 750mg)
Vitamin B1 (as thiamin mononitrate) - 100mg (So I take 500mg)
Vitamin B2 (as riboflavin) - 20mg (So I take 100mg)
Vitamin B3 (as niacinamide) - 25mg (So I take 125mg)
Vitamin B6 (as pyroxine hydrochloride) - 2mg (So I take 10mg)
Floic Acid - 400mcg (So I take 2,000mcg)
Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) - 15mcg (So I take 75mcg)
Biotin - 3.8mcg (So I take 17mcg)
Pantothenic Acid (as calcium pantothenate) - 5mg (So I take 25mg)​

STEP 3: ...start flushing!
This is the most important part! Drink enough water so that after taking all those supplements, your urine is clear... then you have been completely flushed. But wait... didn't you just tell us that clear urine gives away tests and flushes? Yes, yes I did. But there's still step 4!​

STEP 4: Then cover your arse.
After your urine has become completely clear take some more B-Complex to make your urine appear normal. I usually take another five. After your urine is clear, STOP DRINKING SO MUCH WATER or you will just flush your cover out as well. Do not stop drinking entirely, just drink very lightly. (VERY LIGHTLY. Just had to emphasize.)​

[SIZE="+1"]Thanks For Reading![/SIZE]
Follow my steps, and you should pass your test. One of my friends passed the test with only 2 hours notice! Thanks for reading my thread and method, hopefully you all get the same great (and cheap) results my friends and I have. I'd love to hear back from anyone who tries it! I'd also love to hear other homebrew methods or any improvements on mine!

Never give your first urination of the day for a drug test!

Height 5' 9" weight 198, age 35.

I purchased everything on the list and have been clean for 6 weeks leading up to a pre work screening drug test. After 6 weeks I was still testing positive on home THC test kits. Here is my experience with this method after two test runs.

Day 1) Took all the supplements in the exact order you mentioned, filled up a gallon jug of water and proceeded to drink until it was gone. I did not time anything just started drinking and hanging til gone. Eating normally. Not a controlled experiment. Peed a few times until it was clear and tested clean. The strip that notifies you of being clean on the test was a little faded, but clearly visible. Over the next few hours tested a few more times. Clean. Did not take anymore vitamin B urine remained a yellow tint. Did not drink anymore water. Still light yellow throughout day. Roughly about 6 to 8 hours later when the effects of the supplements and the ungodly amount of water I drank wore off, tested again. Positive.

Day 2:

More controlled experiment:

1PM: Woke about noon, no food. Empty stomach. Took all the supplements as written out, Acai, Flax, DHA, and 5 B complex (NOT TIME RELEASED) set reminders and drank 1 gallon of water over an hour. Felt gnarly but did it no issues.

2PM: light pee no test.

2:30PM Peed, light yellow already dilluted, tested. Completely negative. Still faded strip but visible without a doubt.

3PM: Peed once or twice more, no tests, and still no food, Drank a cup or two of coffee black. Still filled with water, took B2 100 mg instead of 5 more complex. Holding it in to test again hopefully with yellow pee and good results. Gonna do another quarter gallon of water or at least try.

3:40PM: Drank about a cup of water. Tested. Still clean but light on the strip. Pee is light yellow.

So there you go. Within an hour and a half I peed negative. At 2 hours and 45 minutes still clean. I will report back and let you know if my job screen accepts the results. Hope this helped.
Quick question! So I have a test coming up in the next 2 days, and was wondering if coffee would be a decent substitute to the last 5 Super-B complex? I know coffee always returns the color to my urine. However, it is much darker than the neon yellow that Super-B leaves me with.

I'm counting on this method, though I am scared shit-less!! Thanks for the help :)
Re: How I Pass My DTs in 24h or Less -- PLEASE HELP ME ASAP IF YOU CAN

Hi there! I am so happy I found your detailed story. I am a 5'4" female and weigh probably 100-115lbs., and was wondering if based on the doses you take, would you recommend I do the same or cut them in half? I don't know if I am asking too much of you to help me, but I basically am in a situation where I will now have random DT'ing starting today (didn't have to today) and I have to call 7 days a week and pass a urine DT. I would imagine your method would assist in passing for everything since it works for MJ and MJ lasts in the system longer, would you agree?

If there's any help or advice you can provide, I would sincerely appreciate it. I saw that you had a friend beat a test with only 2 hours notice -- that's insane and incredible! I guess I am curious as to if I would have to take the dosage amounts you took or should cut them in half, and what I would like to do for my own peace of mind is PRAY that I don't have to take it tomorrow, purchase your recommended list, and attempt to test myself. Is there a recommended amount of time that I need to do all of this? For example, if I call at 8:30am and I have to arrive between 8:30-4:30 to take the test, if I was to take everything between 9-9:15, how much water would I have to drink, and when would you recommend I actually go in to take the test? I am sorry if my lengthy question is hard to follow, but I am definitely panicked, estatic that I found your post, and am praying that you can somewhat assist me in creating my own regimen to pass. The first test I take would be considered a baseline, so I would really like to pass 100%. I know somebody who took expell-it pills and they were on a similar system which is referred to as the color system actually where I am from, and he passed all the time, but I know there's been advancements in urine testing. The DT company is a third party utilized by the courts around here. I can let you know the name if that would be helpful, I just was not entirely sure if it is a good idea to post it here. I hope to hear from you soon, thank you so much in advance!
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