How I Pass My DTs in 24h or Less

i took the vitamans and DT'd myself about 6 times in 24 hours and never pissed clean. did not work for me using this method exactly as stated. and i was not smoking for 2 months previous.
How long it takes to leave your system depends on how much you smoke. But the time maxes out at around 45 days. One smoking session for someone with a clean system takes about 3-4 days to be clean. Smoke 2 days later and then have to wait about a week, and so on. The time it will take roughly doubles every time you smoke until it maxes at about 45 days to be clean. So if you are maxed out and you wait about 2 weeks and then smoke again, you're basically back to 45 days.

This also depends on the test. Most job drug tests only test down to about 100 nanograms, which isn't dead accurate but will pick up if you are a smoker obviously. Court-appointed tests can test anywhere down to 10-20 nanograms, which is very accurate, and can also detect high levels of water, and any other drug test liquids. You can not fool those tests, and drinking water and tea does nothing for getting weed out of your system at all. The ONLY way to get it out is time, because it is in your blood.
Captain this method is just suposed to mask the THC in your system there is no getting it out overnight method this i am sure of because THC is fat soluble. so your body style and what you do during the day will help to figure into how long THC will remain the in your system. most drug tests actually go by the FDA standard of 50ng/ml in the US. the tests i was using were testing to 50ng/ml. and i'm a fairly active person. always getting stuff done. and i eat healthy on top of that and it was still in my system after 2 months of cronic smoking. i knew it was going to be in my system for a ~60-90 days. i have been trying various methods to speed it up and mask it but i have found nothing to help with that and i'm not going to pay ~$100+ for a "detox" system which basically flushes your body with diuretics or just masks the THC in your system. they are not fool proof i do not care how much they say it is. your best bet is to take the B Vitamin super complex as it has Niacin(Vitamin B3) and Pantothenic acid(Vitamin B5) which help synthesize and metabolize proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Whereas the Niacin in a small small dose will help the blood vessels open up to take the fats and metabolites from your body and excrete then through urine the "flushing" effect. you don't want to high dose Niacin as it will block the process of fat being removed from the body. giving the THC metabolites more of a time to stay in the body. just my 2 cents from the research i have done.
My first-ever DT (urine) is on Monday! Eek! I haven't smoked since this past wednesday morning, then before that it had been a week, and then a week before that i had been smoking just about every day for a couple years. im going to try this method... hope it works! ill let y'all know...

I've been freaking out about drug testing for weeks now. I had an interview for a temp job (seriously? They're testing temps now? Geez!) and at the end of a very good interview, I was told I'd need to take a drug test.

I'd already bought some Protox from my dispensary, so I held off until I got the call. It didn't come on Friday, so I figured I could text it over the weekend. I did as instructed on the bottle and by the end of the day I had a headache and felt kinda crappy. But it worked! It was a weak negative, but negative.

I went back to the dispensary and bought another bottle of Protox. The owner threw in a bottle of Mega Clean (or something like that) for free. I continued to search on the internet for something I could do on a daily basis to keep myself safe from random drug tests and I found Borune's method.

I got the vitamins and supplements exactly as he instructed. I decided to take them every morning along with my usual meds. The second day, I pretty much just did all my normal routine. I don't smoke up during the day, so I tested in the late afternoon with a test I'd bought off the internet. Those First Check tests that you can get at Walmart & Target are expensive at about $13 a pop. The drug tests I bought mail order are more like a pregnancy test, but come in a sealed pouch with an instruction sticker on them. But basically they work exactly the same. There's a control line and a test line underneath that. If you get two lines, no matter how faint, it's a negative. You tested clean.

I did the test and tested completely clean. The negative line wasn't even faint - it looked exactly like the control line.

Yay! It worked and I hadn't even had to change anything significantly. I'd smoked the night before and didn't even bother taking the extra B. If I'd done that, my urine would be NEON yellow. I take a diuretic in my blood pressure med, so light colored urine is to be expected from me.

This is just a perfect method. I now take this formula every morning and no one's the wiser. No one would question why I take these vitamins & supplements.

So a big THANK YOU :thanks: to Borune!

Drink 4 quarts of water then gatorade, the big bottle. 3 quarts is recommended daily, you are flushing more salts out your body which is good, but to replace some of them drink a bottle of gatorade. add vitamins to it or whatever you do, maybe even one more quart of water for good measures.
I am a little confused with the B-Vitamin part of the flush method....

Do I take 5 of each of them? Or just one?

I am a chronic smoker but will not have smoked in 6 days before the test and am afraid of failing. Hopefully someone can quickly clarify for me. Thanks!
I dont know if Borune is still on the forums but dood thank you! This method has worked and I am truly in your debt, you saved me a crap load of money and even more your method gave me peace of mind (which was great since i havent toked in since 1/24/12.

I decided to stop smoking on 1/24/12 for persnal reasons, was going a couple months strong. Im not a heavy smoker but would smoke a J a day. I have been smoking on and off for about 11 years Im 26 now. I've taken multiple drug tests in my life some for work, some court ordered and only ever failed 2. One urine, the other hair (Good Year hair tested me can you believe that ish?) Over the past few months ive traveled cali and had some amazing greenery and been getting some killer buds up until about a month ago. DIRT DIRT DIRT and it made me want to quit so I did. Im an independent contractor in the medical field now and hardly ever have to get drug tested. Thank god i stopped because i was informed last friday 1/27 i was going to have to take a drug test this week for an upcoming contract that I could really use.

Imeediately i panicked because i knew it was not out of my system yet. More about me im 6'1 175 lbs very high metabolism... If you count sex as excercise i work out 3-4 times a week with the occasional jog around the block. I ran out to wal-mart and got a couple FirstCheck dt's and took one saturday night, hard positive that line was redder then my eyes after killin some Sour Diesel. I immediatley started downing water and cranberry juice. I hit the Gym sunday morning 1/29 foran hour to sweat then i read you shouldnt work out the week of your test, kicked myself in the arse. Checked out google again and found a link to this post.

So i went out at about 6:30pm and grabbed my new vitamin regimen for the week. I took all of the vitamins a little after 7:30pm and had been consuming 16oz of water every hour or so from about 2pm on. Shortly after the pills i started pissing like crazy. My Piss was coming out a faint neon yellow(awesome!) Your post said your concocktion worked between 24 hours and as little as 2. So i took my second dose of SuperB complex. Took a piss AROUND around 10:30, TEST CAME UP NEGATIVE!!! bADA bING!!!!

The only concern i have is creatine being correct in the real test. This shit WORKSSSSSSSSS give it a try!
Finally someone took the time to find something that will be more reliable than masking/detox kits! I just took a urine test with the detoxify xxtra clean masking agent and have not yet recieved my results (lab based), am almost certain i will be positive for THC. I am going to try this method of yours and am praying that it will work for me as well. Thanks for posting your method and I will post later if I am successful with your method, cheers.

I dont know if Borune is still on the forums but dood thank you! This method has worked and I am truly in your debt, you saved me a crap load of money and even more your method gave me peace of mind (which was great since i havent toked in since 1/24/12.

I decided to stop smoking on 1/24/12 for persnal reasons, was going a couple months strong. Im not a heavy smoker but would smoke a J a day. I have been smoking on and off for about 11 years Im 26 now. I've taken multiple drug tests in my life some for work, some court ordered and only ever failed 2. One urine, the other hair (Good Year hair tested me can you believe that ish?) Over the past few months ive traveled cali and had some amazing greenery and been getting some killer buds up until about a month ago. DIRT DIRT DIRT and it made me want to quit so I did. Im an independent contractor in the medical field now and hardly ever have to get drug tested. Thank god i stopped because i was informed last friday 1/27 i was going to have to take a drug test this week for an upcoming contract that I could really use.

Imeediately i panicked because i knew it was not out of my system yet. More about me im 6'1 175 lbs very high metabolism... If you count sex as excercise i work out 3-4 times a week with the occasional jog around the block. I ran out to wal-mart and got a couple FirstCheck dt's and took one saturday night, hard positive that line was redder then my eyes after killin some Sour Diesel. I immediatley started downing water and cranberry juice. I hit the Gym sunday morning 1/29 foran hour to sweat then i read you shouldnt work out the week of your test, kicked myself in the arse. Checked out google again and found a link to this post.

So i went out at about 6:30pm and grabbed my new vitamin regimen for the week. I took all of the vitamins a little after 7:30pm and had been consuming 16oz of water every hour or so from about 2pm on. Shortly after the pills i started pissing like crazy. My Piss was coming out a faint neon yellow(awesome!) Your post said your concocktion worked between 24 hours and as little as 2. So i took my second dose of SuperB complex. Took a piss AROUND around 10:30, TEST CAME UP NEGATIVE!!! bADA bING!!!!

The only concern i have is creatine being correct in the real test. This shit WORKSSSSSSSSS give it a try!

I was just reading your post and was wondering if you purchased the spring valley products or used alternatives. I'm in B.C. Canada and they dont sell spring valley stuff here, hope youre still watching this thread cuz i got a test comin up in three days and im sweatin bullets.
Captain this method is just suposed to mask the THC in your system there is no getting it out overnight method this i am sure of because THC is fat soluble. so your body style and what you do during the day will help to figure into how long THC will remain the in your system. most drug tests actually go by the FDA standard of 50ng/ml in the US. the tests i was using were testing to 50ng/ml. and i'm a fairly active person. always getting stuff done. and i eat healthy on top of that and it was still in my system after 2 months of cronic smoking. i knew it was going to be in my system for a ~60-90 days. i have been trying various methods to speed it up and mask it but i have found nothing to help with that and i'm not going to pay ~$100+ for a "detox" system which basically flushes your body with diuretics or just masks the THC in your system. they are not fool proof i do not care how much they say it is. your best bet is to take the B Vitamin super complex as it has Niacin(Vitamin B3) and Pantothenic acid(Vitamin B5) which help synthesize and metabolize proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Whereas the Niacin in a small small dose will help the blood vessels open up to take the fats and metabolites from your body and excrete then through urine the "flushing" effect. you don't want to high dose Niacin as it will block the process of fat being removed from the body. giving the THC metabolites more of a time to stay in the body. just my 2 cents from the research i have done.

Thats impossible! If you are active theres no way THC will stay in your system for 90 days! The ONLY way it will stay in your system that long is if you were smoking a quarter a day while using, sitting on your ass the entire time your trying to quit, and severely overweight with a high body fat ratio. You should also keep in mind that if you have friends that smoke and you are in the same room while they are blazing, you can still pick up trace amounts of THC (not enough to fail a DT) but definitely enough to hinder your "cleansing process". Make sure when ever you are getting your research, that it is from someone within the medical testing field or someone with substantial medical knowledge. I've recieved all of my information from a medical examiner who was willing to help me with my "detox" process and teach me a few tricks they use when examining a urine sample.
Please I need help !

How long should the flushing take??? its been 3 hours that I took all the vitamins and Im still peeing yellow. I took a test anyway and came out positive !!

Are the last 5 super B essential for the result or just for color??

I am a 150 pound female that smokes everyday, however I havent for 10 days.

I am freaking out ! I really want this job Im applying for.

Thank you!!!!
I dont know if Borune is still on the forums but dood thank you! This method has worked and I am truly in your debt, you saved me a crap load of money and even more your method gave me peace of mind (which was great since i havent toked in since 1/24/12.

I decided to stop smoking on 1/24/12 for persnal reasons, was going a couple months strong. Im not a heavy smoker but would smoke a J a day. I have been smoking on and off for about 11 years Im 26 now. I've taken multiple drug tests in my life some for work, some court ordered and only ever failed 2. One urine, the other hair (Good Year hair tested me can you believe that ish?) Over the past few months ive traveled cali and had some amazing greenery and been getting some killer buds up until about a month ago. DIRT DIRT DIRT and it made me want to quit so I did. Im an independent contractor in the medical field now and hardly ever have to get drug tested. Thank god i stopped because i was informed last friday 1/27 i was going to have to take a drug test this week for an upcoming contract that I could really use.

Imeediately i panicked because i knew it was not out of my system yet. More about me im 6'1 175 lbs very high metabolism... If you count sex as excercise i work out 3-4 times a week with the occasional jog around the block. I ran out to wal-mart and got a couple FirstCheck dt's and took one saturday night, hard positive that line was redder then my eyes after killin some Sour Diesel. I immediatley started downing water and cranberry juice. I hit the Gym sunday morning 1/29 foran hour to sweat then i read you shouldnt work out the week of your test, kicked myself in the arse. Checked out google again and found a link to this post.

So i went out at about 6:30pm and grabbed my new vitamin regimen for the week. I took all of the vitamins a little after 7:30pm and had been consuming 16oz of water every hour or so from about 2pm on. Shortly after the pills i started pissing like crazy. My Piss was coming out a faint neon yellow(awesome!) Your post said your concocktion worked between 24 hours and as little as 2. So i took my second dose of SuperB complex. Took a piss AROUND around 10:30, TEST CAME UP NEGATIVE!!! bADA bING!!!!

The only concern i have is creatine being correct in the real test. This shit WORKSSSSSSSSS give it a try!

Hi Did you wait for your pee to go clear to take the second dose of Super B???

It worked for you after 3 hours of taking the first vitamins???

You didnt smoke for a week before you tested?
Please Im freaking out I need somebody to help me with this method...
Hi Did you wait for your pee to go clear to take the second dose of Super B???

It worked for you after 3 hours of taking the first vitamins???

You didnt smoke for a week before you tested?
Please Im freaking out I need somebody to help me with this method...

Hi there i've been experimenting with this method and i've found that i had the exact same result the first time i tried it as well. The second time I tried, after taking the first dose of supplements i drank twice as much water. Once your urine is a neon yellow color from the first round of supplements you need to hammer down the water, at least 64oz's THEN wait for your urine to be clear. Don't waste your DT's on yellow urine because i will tell you that it will not be diluted and it will most definitely give you a positive result. after your urine is clear THEN take your DT, if this method works for your body type then you should be negative on that DT. After reading all of the comments i've realized that this method may not work for everyone just like any "detox" or "cleansing" product it all depends on many factors like body fat ratio, how much you smoke and how often, habits like smoking cigaretts, wether you live an active lifestyle, will all determine what type of product you should use. I hope this helps and if you have anymore questions please quote me and ill respond asap as i'll recieve an instant notification once you have. Cheers and good luck.

Hi there i've been experimenting with this method and i've found that i had the exact same result the first time i tried it as well. The second time I tried, after taking the first dose of supplements i drank twice as much water. Once your urine is a neon yellow color from the first round of supplements you need to hammer down the water, at least 64oz's THEN wait for your urine to be clear. Don't waste your DT's on yellow urine because i will tell you that it will not be diluted and it will most definitely give you a positive result. after your urine is clear THEN take your DT, if this method works for your body type then you should be negative on that DT. After reading all of the comments i've realized that this method may not work for everyone just like any "detox" or "cleansing" product it all depends on many factors like body fat ratio, how much you smoke and how often, habits like smoking cigaretts, wether you live an active lifestyle, will all determine what type of product you should use. I hope this helps and if you have anymore questions please quote me and ill respond asap as i'll recieve an instant notification once you have. Cheers and good luck.


First THANK YOU so much for replying so fast !!

Can you tell me how many of the super B do you take?? I wanted to know if the extra 5, to get the pee back to yellow that the original post mentions, is essential to the result?? I usually dont take any type of medicines or vitamins so I was a little skeptical to take so much at once. I still decided to try the method, but since I am testing for myself right now, I didnt take 10 Super B. I only took 5 !!
You say I should wait for my pee to get clear after pounding lots of water, how long should this process take??? Im still peeing yellow after 5 hours.. but Im not pounding lots of water either.
I will try the way you said tomorrow again.
I still dont know which day Ill be getting the DT done. Next week for sure though.
Right now I have around 150 pounds, I lost some weight after stopping (about 6 pounds)! And I do smoke everyday, in fact many times during the day If Im off. and that has been going one for a long time... about 10 years. I do not go to the gym but at work Im very active and like you, if I consider sex as an exercise, I could say I exercise 3-4 times a week. I do smoke cigarettes, about 2-3 a day, but I smoke American Spirit if that makes any difference !!
This DT is very important to me. I bought the SUPER CLEAN P, have you heard of it?? from Pass Your Test - visit us before you buy pass drug test products. I dont know if I should rely on this Super Clean P or keep trying with this method that you have been trying. Any thoughts on that?? There is no way for me to test the Super Clean P unless its on the day of.

I feel better by sharing all this with somebody that has been through the same situation. Its eating my mind and affecting my life right now...

Once again thank you for listening to me and replying. Any thoughts are very appreciated.
First THANK YOU so much for replying so fast !!

Can you tell me how many of the super B do you take?? I wanted to know if the extra 5, to get the pee back to yellow that the original post mentions, is essential to the result?? I usually dont take any type of medicines or vitamins so I was a little skeptical to take so much at once. I still decided to try the method, but since I am testing for myself right now, I didnt take 10 Super B. I only took 5 !!
You say I should wait for my pee to get clear after pounding lots of water, how long should this process take??? Im still peeing yellow after 5 hours.. but Im not pounding lots of water either.
I will try the way you said tomorrow again.
I still dont know which day Ill be getting the DT done. Next week for sure though.
Right now I have around 150 pounds, I lost some weight after stopping (about 6 pounds)! And I do smoke everyday, in fact many times during the day If Im off. and that has been going one for a long time... about 10 years. I do not go to the gym but at work Im very active and like you, if I consider sex as an exercise, I could say I exercise 3-4 times a week. I do smoke cigarettes, about 2-3 a day, but I smoke American Spirit if that makes any difference !!
This DT is very important to me. I bought the SUPER CLEAN P, have you heard of it?? from Pass Your Test - visit us before you buy pass drug test products. I dont know if I should rely on this Super Clean P or keep trying with this method that you have been trying. Any thoughts on that?? There is no way for me to test the Super Clean P unless its on the day of.

I feel better by sharing all this with somebody that has been through the same situation. Its eating my mind and affecting my life right now...

Once again thank you for listening to me and replying. Any thoughts are very appreciated.

Ok well first off the second dose of super-b has no effect on your DT result, it is only to make your sample yellow again once the dilution proccess is completed. When I was trying this method out I never took the second dosage(5 super-b complex) until the day of my test which was a little risky but it did turn my urine back to it's original color as intended(don't worry about the excess vitamins in your system as anything your body doesn't absorb will be secreted via urine). Second, consuming a large amount of water is essential to this proccess as thats the whole reasoning behind dilution, it basically dilutes your urine to the point where your THC metabolites aren't at a high enough concentration to be detected by the DT. If you have any say in the matter of when or what time of day your test will be, make it in the late afternoon if possible(make up some kind of excuse as to why it had has to be at that time) this will give you ample time in the morning to ensure the dilution and supplement proccess is going as planned ;) After I take the supplements as described, allow my urine to become almost a neon yellow color and consuming the large amount of water it usually takes me about two hours tops to get clear urine. Then I use the DT,:thumb::thumb which has given me a negative reading, then proceed to take the extra 5 suber-b complex to return my urine back to its original color. THIS IS IMPORTANT, once you take the second dosage of 5 super-b STOP consuming so much water or you will flush out your cover, don't stop drinking completely but reduce your consumption of water durastically. Third, I am also a smoker of 10+ years and as hard as it may seem try to cut down a bit(as much as possible) AT LEAST for the day of your DT.

As for this super clean p I can't say i've heard of it before but no matter what it is and what it does I wouldn't rely on it! I've tried a few different "head shop" detox and masking agents and they do not work for me but everyone is different. All I can say on that matter is never go into your DT blind, always test the product out before you use it on an actual test or it may cost you a potential job.

I'm happy to help someone that's in the same situation I was in and I know it can be very stressful, just keep your mind on passing the test and remember this will all be over soon :)

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