Man, I could easily settle for a little bit of somethings!
This morning was a good example. It was a dark and stormy morning... ha, not really, it was 80° at 6:30 with about the same humidity, but that dark and stormy always sounds good for a drama
The scrog just came out of their 36 hr dark period.
Everything was chartreuse, new leaves, old leaves, every friggin' leaf. Daughters of a bitch! I freaked. Then I hit the search button. Iron and manganese deficiency.
Aw man, that danged pH was biting me again. I have so much iron and manganese in our water that our clothes turn brown. H20 softener takes care of that for the house, but the girls get it straight from the well. It's gotta be some kinda lockout.
Hmmm, life goes on, and besides, I had to brush my teeth. The sonicare must have vibrated something. My thoughts turned to not wanting DocBud to come kick my ass... which led to something he said about chlorotic... which made me wonder what the hell that was... which led to a minor hopeful epiphany... they've been in the freakin' dark for 36 hrs, whadda you expect, dumass???
So, the end of this act is, they look much greener tonight, I'm celebrating with a Sierra Nevada and White Widow, I didn't have to go buy any emergency plant resuscitation stuff, my brain got a little scratching, and 420 paid off the price of it's free subscription once again.
It's unbelievable how those little things do add up, even when we're not paying attention.
Thanks for reminding me, doode. And, if it sounds like I'm baked and rambling, it's because I am