sticking my 2 cents in dark is the only way to fly....
green bulb at home depot, yes, works great if you have to go in...
I finally got all the light sources taped, removed, or blocked. The scrog just went into a 36hr dark period. I'm going to try to stay out of the crawl... it's going to be tough, it's part of my routine, and I am so nosy
azamax, works miracles....neve
r hurt a leaf on any plant i had, i sprayed every other day for 6 wks until the borg bugs were gone, also put in the soil, and it is absorbed by plants and bugs dont llike it....use it in greenhouse ect, and outside....and i quit when done....must be used with enough light to dry the plant out before darkness, BUT not hot light....otherwise will burn, if not dried will help cause mildew and mold, which is where my first crop tried to go
Good tip, thanks. I usually drag the pots out side, but the whole scrog? Ha. I gave them an azamax feeding about a week ago, Hope that holds them through the flowering. i pay attention to the plants...and by hanging a no pest strip in the rooms and renewing it every 6 wks or so, i havent seen a borg, spider mite in a yr.....knock wood....but i do have a new list of rules i follow, wash self, change clothes if new clones without 3 wk isolation and spray...i dont care how good they look....also add all the goodies for the roots, the beneficials, costs a little, but worth a lot...that helps fight the mildew and mold systemically...
I read enough about the NPS for that to sink in, but sounds like I should change them out.
sounds like alot, but no one said it was ez to raise these girls or everyone would do it....
most peeps wont listen when you try to help tho....
you do know what you're're LEARNING, and that is great...llike going up stairs, one step at a time....its uphill but worth the climb...
The bitch is, I've got a serious case of CRS... can't remember shit
anyway, the above is my take on the situation and it works for me....when it stops if it does, then i have an alternative plan in place....things do become immune to stuff after a while, so always plan the next step....just in case...
good lluck, you'll do great....L